1752 ,-._.. THEi.._CORPORATION.-º.F_tHE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 1752 A By-I,aw to restrict and regulate the destructj.on of trees by cutting, burning or other means. Ì'mEREAS it has become expedient for the general welfare of the County of Elgin to maintain and improve the forest, Boil, game and fish resources of the County by preserving and improving the woodlands of the County; and WHEREAS, under Section 3 of The Trees Act, the Council of a county is empowered to pass by-laws. (a) restricting and regulating the destruction of trees by cutting, burning or other means; and (b) Providing for the appointment of officers to enforce the provisions of a~y by-law passed under this secti,on; THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. (1) Except as hereinafter provided, no living tree of the species listed below that shall not have attained to the measurements spectfied below shall be destroyed by cutt;ing, burning or other means: lit inches).n diameter or.J±JJ., inches in circurnfereJ.l£!!~ PINE - ~fuite, Red SPRUCE - Norway, Colorado, White OAK - White, Swamp, Burr, Chestnut, Red, Black MAPLE - Hard, Red, SiJ:'rer, Black POPLAR - Cottonwood WAI.NUT - Black, White HICKORY - Shagbarkk Pignut, Mockernut ELM - White, Red, ock ASH - White, Black Tulip-tree BASSWOOD - American CHESTNUT - Sweet Kentucky coffee - 'tree Cucumber - tree GUM - Black: Hackberry Sycamore Hemlock BEECH - Americán ALDER - European 8 inehes in diame.tlJr._pr 22-.inches..Jn_.9ircumferer!ceO PINE - ,Jack, Scotch I,ARCH - Eastern (Tamarack), European 6 inches trL.cl.1-ªme~e:r:'_(J.L12_ illches i!L...circumfereJ.lce~ BIRCH - White, Gray, Black CEDAR - White, Red CHERRY - Black, I,OCUST - Black, Honey POPLAR - Balsam, 'l1(embling Aspen (2) Measurements referred to :i.I} subsection (1) above shall :i.nclude the bark and be taken at a point on the tree eighteen inches above the highest point of the ground at the base of the tree. 2. This by-law shall not apply to (a) trees that are to be, cut for use or sale as Christmas trees; (b) diseased or insect j.nfested trees that should be cut or removed to prevent disease or insects from spreading to other trees; (c) trees that have been damaged by disease, insects, wind, ice, fire, lightning, or other cause to an extent that the content of merchantable timèer in such trees is not likely to increase; (d) trees of poor form and quality that should be cut to improve the health and development of the remaining trees in the stand; (e) trees growing on locations for fireguards, skid-ways, or logging trails; (f) trees that should be cut or removed to provide access for cutting other trees that are to be cut. 3. Th:i.s By-law shall not: (a) interfere with the right of a person who has been the registered owner of land for at least two years to cut t;rees thereon for his own use; (b) interfere with any rights or powers conferred upon a mun:i.cipality by The Mun:i.cipal Act; (c) in'terfere with the rights or powers of the Hydro Electr:i.c Power Commission of Ontario or any other Board or Commission which is performing its functions for or on behalf of The Government of Ontario; (ct) apply to trees growing upon any highvray or upon any operned road allowance; (e) apply to trees growing in a woodlot having an area not exceeding two acres. 4. Any person who violates the provisions of this By-Law shall be guilt¡ of an offence and liable to a penalty of not exceeding 500.00 or to a term of imprisonment not exceeding three months. 5. That officers to enforce the provisions of this By-Law may be appoin'ted by resolution of council and an officer so appointed shall (a) not be a member of council for the County of Elgin; (b) hold office for such term as may: be specified by resolution of the Council and ,. ,': ,;.. , .3 (c) be paid an allowance for salary a~ ~he ra~e of $1.00 per hour when engaged in the enforcement of this By_ Law and an allowance fòr,travelling expenses at the rate of ten cants per mile travelled in the enforce- ment of this By-Law. 6. By-Laws Nos. 1499 and 1730 of the County of Elgin are hereby repealed. 7. This By-.La"" shall come into force, and take effect immediately upon the passing thereof. PASSED on open Council 1st reading the 15th day of September , 1959. 2nd reading the 15th day of September , 1959. 3rd reading the 15th day of September , 1959. ~ ~ Clerk' Warden Mr. J. D. Thomson, County of Elgin ST. THOMAS, Ontario ~ Enclosures C>lerk Iv þ~J . A. Brod' Timber Br 1e, Chief anch Yours very truly, We regret that we have been unable to locate your letter of May 6, 1960 but trust that the above information will enable you to proceed with the actions under the by-law which are now pending before the court. It is our opinion that the above-mentioned letter from Honourable J. W. Spooner provides the approval required for the passing of your by-law under Section 3 of The Trees Act and that no further approval of the by-law is required as the copies of the by-law passed and forwarded to us for our files appear to be identical with the approved draft. We believe that your by-law has been properly passed under Section3~fThe Trees Act and that it is in full force and effect from the date of the final passing thereof as pro- vided in Item 7 of the by-law. We are enclosing herewith photostat copy of our letter ~p you dated June 24, 1959 and certified copy of letter from Honourable J. W. Spooner dated June 15th whièh was enclosed with our letter dated June 24th. We trust that this will enable you to locate the originals in your files. Reference is made to your letter of June 14th addressed to Honourable J. W. Spooner regarding the above- mentioned by-law and to telephone conversation with Mr. Hummel yesterday. I1j2 Re . . By-law No. Dear Sir . . Toronto , June 17, 1960 DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND FORESTS Reforestation a.1'.....t.at1oa Draaok TOl'Onto, Juu 24.,19'9 D.lu· Sir: A. "1u"'414 ciurlq Þbphoae oon"."8&Uoa bet-de. you u toM.. ottic. "!!Ie tl.. as;o, .. baye prtlpal"eet th. ."acbuet dran by-taw \0 ....rlot. ami ,.O&\&lA,. tb. d..t.lNoUoa or t.re.. bJ cut.UAj¡., \lura1a6 or oth.r ..ana, and 0"&1..4 \b. Mln1øtort. appl'O\'ü ~r.to 18 ord'r tbat. )'Ou _, FOpnt it. to your uxt ..t.1ng for p...alng by tho Ceuncll. Tbh draft 11 auba1Ja.uUa11y th. oaru .. by- law No. 17)0 with 80$0 r.Y1.1~. 1ft the aaœee u"é to ca"Crih tbe t.,...s 'tHain, r.,ullàt.e4. d. ngret tba1; we w.... ....01. too kan tbb torwardoG t.o you 1a tll110 tor yemr JUDO ...ting bu' '1"\&" that ao "1'101.18 1.ooo\,.II1.no. hu M.n O"'''led. and that 1t _111 bo found In orGar tor paOßia¡ b,y yen... CO\&Aoll. W. loIOíl1d like too nod.. two o.rtiN.ea oopl.. of the by-law pa."4 by Counol1. ~ Ioure ,..ry truLy. ~M /iI,q/ J. A. P041'f cbI4Ir Divhloa or Il1b.r &..10...... 0.0. Diùr1~ 'or.ster, , AllIM.. Woù 1Ir. J.' D. 'lbcNI... Olorlt..,........... ~;¡ or 11C. IT. OMAJ, tarl. ,---,,-. (.~' t-- 1- ) : ~ :J2 ¿¿Jþ . . j} ';¡Pt)Q~}ø¡, ~ nJ."'f.f.r:'~;~ ~ ~,~/ V4()j~'Y truJ.y 4" ); O\!t' ï:'ut't!Ut\nt'tl) Section ) of th¥1 '1:r,¡~1¡\1 I~ct, 1. h<1!,¡;'~<by, I:\PP¡;-,)\f(l¡ 1'~)r f1na). IH;¡'!3-",;i;n¡¡; b¡r (i;;')µx;u:::tl tl'¡{j 'Ilt.t~ch~d dv"ft f4y..l¡¡¡w b!\1iitì{l; fi¡ I$;y..l¡¡¡,;r 1'.0 t'e¡:¡,t',l':.tct !~~¡;d, rl1lg¡;.l'ftte th,¡, de¡t>t':!I'u(¡;ti,)noff.' 'trfJ!Z!s :In 1:.h;¡¡¡ C,)t¡nty of' hJ,gu. . .' t¡o;~' , I) ,~¡r. J. ¡J. '.i'h0l2If,1on, Gl t,x'tc.. '!'X'{),b!I'iIJ:¡;"'@'" I1¡Hmt" £If' Hl¡>'ln ~r- .~, ,'t 'ii;" H' "]'~" 'w', ."< .£,t~v;':·¡'_dQ', \~~ii.~{~.,,r¡ -A.\'';'''': ~~~r .~~\, 1,~ " '1'!UJilltJi)ß I ¡;i¡j¡¡:u "'~"'''¥I>''¡'¡_ '1'Otltl£ltO . JUfm 1, f 1959 UIaCH .. Whit.e. OEDAH. ..White. t!!!E¡UJ.Y .. Bl"cK LOCUST -alaoK. POPLAR .. Balsam. Honey Trembling A$pan Gray. Red Bbðk 6 1Doftee in (J1~oulllfereno$., _~___._.._._ ...............--.. ... ........_ . ........ _n_ _ ...........___..... ____, PINE .. Jack. Sao1¡.c~ L¡mC!i - ElUltiern (Ta.maraok). EurQpean ß PINE... White. Red SPliUO,E - Norway, GOl()r$dC, 'White OAK - Wbite.Swßmp. Burr. Chestnut, MAPLE - Hard. Red. B11veX'. Black POPLAR .. Cottionwood WALNUT - alack, Wbite HICKORX.- Shagbarkl P1gnut., ELM -White, Red, nook ASH .. White. BlACK 'l'uUp..tX'ee nASSWOOD - Am~ican (UlJ.);STNU'l' .. Sweet Kentucky coffee-tree OÜoumber..tree GUM .. Bla. ok ~hl.(:k'berry Sycalllore lIeml(H:k BEECH .. AmericliIn ALDER ..European $ Mockern\ìt Red. ,t"Eìret~.~~ . Î$lack; d_1¡,µn~te.r__ºr 1. (1) Except as hereinafter provided. no living tree of the species listed b_low that $hall. not havó attair~Eid to the meaaurementøspecif1ad below shall bø destroyed byoutt1ng. 'burning or other means: in ciroumferenoe. __.......__",......_ ...... ._"'n···_··'··____·'n"'___". 1'HEmG1~()RE thE'! (JouncU ot the Oorporation of the County of El¡¡;ln enacts as follows: providin~ for the the provis:l.onaø£ section; appOintment of offioers to enforce anYby..lawpa$seû under tbis (b) restrict.ing and regulating the dElstruotion ot' by cutting, burning or other.means; and ( a) WHEUEAS. under Section;) of Tl'lI~ Trees Act, of iii county h ElH¡¡power¡¡¡ü to pass by-laws. trees ttte council \'JHEXlEA.$ it bas become E'U¡;pedhn~ for the general weli'åt'G of the County of ;rf;lgin t( maintain an.d improve the forut, SQU. rame andfløh resources of the County by pX'Gserving and ilnprov ng the woodlands of t.he County; and A By..Law toreíJtr1ct and regulate the deliltruet10n of treG$ by cutting, burning or Qther IUGlåUS. BY.. flU¡; Cm¡F:OnA'rION {I~ 'J,'i¡iiluQQUN'L'):;Qì!' lí;LGIN