By-Law No. 1755
t A _IlY_':hª-'^!:_t.Q__Q.Q.111Jrm .fuI:...1.ª-"!.ê-N 0 ..!_15 0 5 and .12.9h_'2.L..!he..1.Q..wn s h iLoJ:..)!Iª-lª-l1J de
for StOPJ1_ing,_Qlosinr-; uP,.. and.Q..onv~ing_Used Port..iOIlfJ..,..9_:Llto!,d.u
WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Malahide on the 21st day
of September, 1959, A. D., did pass By-La1' No. 1505, for stopping, closing up
and conveying the streets in the Village of Port Bruce, known as J EJfferson
Street and Mackenzie Street, according to Registered Plan No. 55, and for
fixing and declaring the terms upon which the same shall be disposed of and
conveyed; and By-La,,¡ No. 1506, for stopping, closing up and conveying the
road in the Township of Malahide between Lots 15 and 16, in the second
Concession of the said township, excepting the southerly 1,550 feet of the
same, and for fixing and declaring the terms upon which the same shall be
disposed of and conveyed, more particularly described in the said By-Laws,
true copies hereof are hereunto annexed.
AND WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act, the
! said Township By-Laws shall not have any force until confirmed by a By-Law
of the Council of the County in which the Township is situate passed at an
ordinary meeting of the Council held not sooner than three months, nor later
than one year, after the passing of the By-Lavv of the Council of the Township
AND W1iEREAS application has been made to the Council of the
Corporation of the County of Elgin for a By-Lavv confimring said Township
I NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin
I , enacts as follovvs:
THAT By-Lavv No. 1505 of the Township of Malahide, being a by-lavvfo:
I stopping, closing up, and conveying,the streets in the Village of Port Bruce,
known as Jefferson Street and Mackenzie'Street, according to Registered Plan
No. 55, and for fixing and declaring. ,the terms upon vvhich the same shall be
disposed of and conveyed, and B~-Law No. 1506 of the Township of Malahide,
being a by..law for stopping, closing up, and conveying the road in the
Township of Malahide bet10feen Lots 15 and 16, in the second concession of the
said township, excepting the southerly 1,550 feet of the same, and for
fixing and declaring the terms upon 10fhich the same shall be disposed of and
conveyed, be and the same are hereby confirmed.
READ a first time this 21st day of January, 1960.
READ a second time this 21st day of January, 1960.
READ a third time, and finally passed this 21st day of January,
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Read a 'J:'Mrd tiroo
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an4 :f1.rt$1,;J.y p'å.$$t!d thb
Rlilad a 1"11"13'1:. and
Sr¡¡cortd, Urnø th:l.$ .,1./
d,aY o£.4~
~'HAT ,th16 By-Law come into fuU j;'o;roe and ef'feét ;l.ntm.ødiately
¡:¡,ttier hav:l,ng been conf:11"med by a By-Law of the Council 01' the
O'ounty of E1.gin~
AND be it furthe;r enaoted,' 'tha:t:. ,thè Reeve and Cle;rk of the
Mù.l1ioipality be and. they,àt'e hereb¥" authol"i1iGed nlid instr\1éted
for and on behalf of thiø CorporatJ.on to exeoute' and attáoh
th$ Seal of the Oorporatll.on tò saW Deeds of ConVeya.nce of
the above desoribed lands to the adjoining owners.
Íie and the same are heve!;)y stoppecl up and closed, and the land
given t,o the ~('Pe:rty owners, whose lands adjoin add st~eet;
said p1'ope:t'ty owners to ps.y áll cos'ts of' 'this By-Law and ot aU
ðø£ferso!:\ Street and Maclçentie Street as ,shown
on Reg:Lliltered Plan No. 55 toY: the nl1age ot
Port Bruce t
TH¡¡¡REFORE the CóuncU ot the
Mala-bide enaCts aatollóWs:
OOrporat:i.on 01' the Township ót
AND WaER1iJ48. r.ô cómplaint ox- <;>bji;!Q't1on tò th, p);'óposed By-Law
ha.$ biðèn rece1V$d by the Oounc,.;J. ;£')róm a.ny p~:rSQf;I. OY:' persønà.
whose land might be prejudicially a.lfected ~hneby~
WHEJ;U!!AS~ PUBLIC NOnCE has ìH'Ién given 413 required by the .
~[uni(:Lpal Act, b¡ haVing said NO'J,'XC~1 pubJ.1sl:u'Id 1n the AYlfAer
ExI>i'e$S Ne;\lSpape~ tot: tour conseQutive. ttmes and alaI.) by. a
Pr:o<!lamation posted :In conap~cuouå plaçes ne~ the propepty,
ot the 1ntent1on of' the Council to pa:S$ ø. By-La;-, i'or $toþp:!,.lig,
cløs:l,.ng up and dispøs1ng Qt the s~d streets.
Being a By..Law tor stQpplng. C:losing up and conveying the
streets in '!the. V111~e of Port Bruce, known as Jefferso'1
13tl'eøt and Þ'!ackenzie Strß¡¡)t. aocording to Røg1st~red Plan
No. ,5, and tor f1:dl'lg and'declliWlng tM terms upon which
the saine shall be d1aposed of and· conveyed.