1766 DESIGNATED COUNTY ROAD NO.3 BEING a portion of the road in the township of Aldborough, being a road through the east Corner of Lot 14, Concession 2, in the township of Ald. boroughi the centre line of which may be more particu arly described as follows: COMMENCING at the East corner of Lot 14, Concessj.on 2Î THENCE proce~qing in a westerly direction, A D STANCE of apprd~mately270t, to a road through the east corner of Lot 14, Concessìon 2, known as the Furnival Road, .or County Road No.3, (as shown on the attached plah as ,Parcel No.4, and coloured in yellow.) '"_._..~-_.~~.,- ----- ------- .. DESIGNATED COUNTY ROAD NO.3 BEING that portion of the Road, in the township of Aldborough, being a road through the east corner of Lot 14, Concession 2, in the township of Aldborough, the centre line of which may be more particularly described as fqllows: COMMENCING in the centre line of the road allow- ance between Concessions 2 and ), A DISTANCE of 838.23 ft. south westerly from the intersections of the centre line bet1rleen the Road Allowance between Concessions 2 and 31 and the road through Lots 14 and 15 Concession t: as shown on a plan registered as b 542, in the ðounty Registry Office THENCE on a seven degree regular curve to the left through the east Corner of Lot 14, Concession 2, the radius of which is 819.02 ft. to a point in the centre line of the said road through Lots 14 and 15, Concession 2, which point is a distant of 83$.23 ft. north westerly from the said inter- section of centre lines between road allowance between Concessions 2 and 3,'and the road through Lots 14 and 15, Concession 2, (as shown on attached plan as Parcel No. 3 and coloured in green. ) BY-LAW: NO. 1766 A By-La1of to Amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan of County Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in the County of Elgin under the Highway Improvement Act. The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as By-Law Number 1766 as follows: 1. The Schedule of By-La1of Number ~ being the original By-La1of aSbaDi~shing a County RoaSystem in the County of Elgin as amended by By-Law Number 1052 being the last consolidating By-La1of re-establishing the said system and further amended by subsequent amending By-Laws is hereby amended by adding thereto the roaœdesignated and described as follows: DESCRIPTION FINALLY PASSED at the City of StLTh~, in the County of Elgin, this 23rd day of March, 1960. Jlf-æf;r· , , " arde: _¡~' C\- T--Cleri This By-Law shall come into force upon the approval of the Lieutenant~Governor in Council. ' 30 The roads as designated and described in paragraph 1, are hereby added to, and included in the County Road System of the, County of Elgin. 20 DESIGNATED COUNTY ROAD NO.8 BEING a portion of the road in the township of Dunwich, being a road through the north 10fest corner of Lot 13, Concession 1, in the township of Dunwich, the centre line of which may be more particularly described as foll01ofs: COMMENCING at the north west corner of Lot 13, Concession 1, THENCE in an easterly direction, A DISTANCE of approximately 230. tO,a road through the north west COrner of Lot 13, Concession 1" known as the new Currie Road as divertedo, (Also designated as County Road No.8), (as shown on the attached plan as Parcel No.4, andcoloured, in yellow.) DESIGNATED COUNTY ROAD NO.8 BEING that Road intheto~~ship of Dunmch, ,hrough the north west corner of Lot, ,on 1, in the township of Dunwichr the centre line of which may be more particular y described as follows: CO~ŒNCING in the centre of the road allowance bet~/een Lots 12 and 13, Concession 1, in the said township, A DISTANCE of 807.31 ft. south easterly from the intersections of the centre between the road allowance bet10feen Lots 12 and 13, Concession 1, and the centre'line bet10feen Concession 1 and Concession Broken Front opposite Lot 13, THENCE on a regular seven degree curve to the right through the north west corner of Lot 13, Concession 1, the radius of which is 819.02 ft. to ,a point in the Curve of the road allowance between Concessions 1, and Broken Front, which .is distant 807.31 ft. north easterly from the intersection of the centre lines between the road all010fance between Concession'l and Broken Front opposite Lot 13 and road allowance bet"reen Lots 12 and 13, Concession 1, (as shown on the attached plan as Parcel No.3, and coloured in green. ) , .' '.. ' ,j'C' ¡4- ,."- f.t/';, . ,/ l 1";:.- ." ,. ? //(,{ ¿{/(/{/C/LF ,!i7'"'' / ,~-<--L(> \, ,/) Clerk, Executi ve (~¿uncil. Acting Certified, No. 2043 of' the County of Ontario. Addington Nos. 1248, 1255, and 1263 of the County of Lennox & No. 1573 of the County of Ha1dimand v Nos. 1766 and 1767 of the County of Elgin Nos. 1611 and 1627 of the County of Carleton amend the County Road Systems of the counties named o , approval be given to the following by-laws which were passed to section 6 of section 40 of The Highway Improvement Act, 1957, of Highways, the Upon the recommendation of the Honourable the Committee of Council advise that pursuant to sub- Minister I"inut enant-Governor, Copy of an Order-in-Council approved by His Honour the 4291/60 dated the 20th day of October, A.D. 1960. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL OFFICE OC ONTARIO tv ~1 / ~/ffi(J ¡ ,[ f~ OFFICE: LOCATION t POSTAL ADDRESS DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS OOWNSVIE'WAVE KEELE ST. - HIGHWAY <iO ONTARIO PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS TORONTO 2. ONTARIO. TORONTO, ONTARIO. November 2 1960. Mr. J.D. Thompson, Clerk, County of Elgin, Court ,House, St. Thomas, Ontario. Dear Sir: Re: Elgin County Attached is a copy of Order in Council No. OC 4291/60 dated 20th October 1960 10fhich was passed to approve By laws No. 1766 and 1767 of your County. Yours very truly, ~¿ i' ~ J.~. Ludgate, JVL/1ofk Municipal Engineer. attach. ,')NTß.0f( --,-,,_.~--' XFCUT COW~Ci OFriCE Gopv of an 0" ,.", j ~,. 1 ~ 'j 1 ';r~ ~ ' " . rdC~r""':Ln""'t;o';l,nG_~t 6\PpJ;')çV'0:C~ by fLU;iJ LQnOUr ,:;'06 T i (""'r't (\"'J 'lnt' .".(""'-'il'l1' ')"""¡'~1 O-~~ dat'8d t 201-}¡ (hV p,t" ",.,1.. ,~)., , ," ..C . ,.' -- ......1.). ò' L4. ¡ '.). i' ..... .y..' ..."J , " ,'", \, :), ..~ ¡S)GÜ " , ! . ~ t '--'-""" ,.\- ",,' UrJon the r··ocomnJendB.t:'i.on of the Hon6U.~¿:;JJ18 the MlnlfJtGr o%:' HLghv~ays:t th(~; C(jTnr.nii~t ';(~ of Council adv'lse t.h¿lt pUX'6uant to f:5ub"" f:îGctJ..O/1 6 of ßectIon 1+0 of The Highway Improvemen,t, Acti, 195vl, approval be given to Uj() follow:lng by=la'lfJB 't'rd.1:lch were pafJsed to amend the Cou.1'ì.t)r H(xJd· E)'J')'3tl;~rn;3 of' the! counties nam::~j,~ N¡)S(I 1611 wHl 1627 of the C oUr:! t y of Carll;t on V' , '76( "\ ,'j ] "7('7 ,<' +), 7 C OD.D. t Y of glg;tn i\¡Oß" ..t i .) Chl., , _. {.' C"'-. '-' d(-;. "'10$ 1. '573 of t.he Goun·ty of fI,] ld im.'Uld '¡O};3lt ] "'} J ,"} ,,"\ (" r:; and 1.?63 of thl~ CouxrLy of I,!:;:nnox Be ,j,tj..()y Á{:'j -' ~ Add. ')0", 2:0lrJ of ~ l; Count, y o:f Ontari.o~ ':,::'~ r't"j / ( ,,' ,/ )~->- , .-'" I--.f¡ Clc cut i v( " i1<, '-Eo''' , \',,' "