NO. :3
Al.L AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tr~ct of
landr situate, lying, and being in the tovinship
of A dborough, County of Elgin, in the Provlnce
of Ontario, being a portion of the road through
Lots 14 and 15, in the second Concession of the
said township of Aldborough as shown on a plan
registered as No. D 51.2, in the County of Elgin
Regis'try Officer which may be more particularly
described as fa lows: COMMENCING at a point in
the northerly limit Cf/f! t..hGl road allo,¡arlce bet,¡aen
Concessions 2lJ.nd ~~, distant 33 f't. easterly from the
westerly llm:!.t"'bf Lot 15, Concession 2, THENCE north
42 degrees ~, west along the easterly limit of thG
road througW'Lots 14 and 15 t Concession 91. as I:Jho~m
on Plan D 542 A DISTANCE of 425 ft. THÉNðE South
lâ degrees ,5$1 west, to the westerly limH of ,the
road thr()ughLotsl~~ and 15» Concession 2, A DISTANCE
of 66 ft. THENCE South 42degreea 021 east along,th@
westey'ly limit of the Road through Lot 14 and 15,
Concession 29 to the Northerly lin¡j,t of the Road
Allowance between Cmnc0ssions 2 and 34 A DISTANCE
of 425 fb, THENCE North 47 degrees 58 east to a
distance of 66' to the point of. beginning» CONTAINING
BY ADMEASURE~mNT .64 acres be the sams mora or lass»
(as shown on the attached plan as P~rcel No.2,
and co10ured red.)
A101. AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of
landl situate, lying, and being in the township
of Aldborough, in the County of ¡ngin in the Province
of OntaY'io, and being part of the road allowance
between Concessions 2 and 3, "fhich may be more
particularly described as follows: COMMENCING
a1~ a point. in the north limit. of the road 111110\11'-
ancs between Concessions 2 and 3, thi~ty-three
ft. easterly from the westerly limit of Lot 15.
Concession 2, THENCE south 49 degrees 21' ~8t
alon¡¡¡ the northerly limit of the road allowance,
A DISTANCE of 491 f't. THENCE south lfO degrees
39' East to the southerly limit of the roa~øallow=
ance A DISTANCE of 66 ft. THENCE North W'degrees
21' tast along the southerly limit of the road
allowance between Concessions 2 and 3, A DISTANCE
of lf91 ft. THENCE North 40 degrees 39 west. 11.
DISTANCE of 66 ft. to the point of beginning.
CONTAINING BY AmÆEASUREMENT .75 acres to the same
more or less, (as shown on 'the attached plan as
Parcel No.1, and co10ured red.)
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'L "'.1:., P ~tì.. .L lJ:F' ~.' " 1 C l-'L~}IN
BY·~LA1tj NC" .767
A By-Lavl to Amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan of County Road
Improvement. ani Estè,blishing a County Road Sy,;tem in the
County of El¡>.2£l under the Highway Improvement Act.
'fhe Council of / the Corporat. ion of thé~ County of )Ugin enacts
as By-La1of Number 17ö7 as follows:
1, The Scheudle of By,·Law Number ~tF being the
orig:i.nal By-Law establishing a County oad System in
the Count,y of E;1ß.lli as amended by By-.La1of Number 1°52
being the last consolidating By-Law re-østablishing
the saId system and further amended by subsequent
amending By-Laws is hereby amended by removing there-
from the roads designated and described as follo\'Js:
NO. 8
ALL AND SINGULAR "Ghat certain parcel or tract, of land
situate lying and being in the'Township of Dumrich,
in the County of Elgin, and in the Province of Ont;¡¡rrioD
BEING part of the road allowance between Lots 12 and
13, Concession 1, y¡J:d,ch may be more partj,cu1arly
desCribf;d as fo1101ofs: PREMISING that t.lle south westerly
limit of said Lot 13, Coijcession 1, Las a bead,ng of
North 45 degrees west, COIJvIENCING at a point in the
inter"ection of the south easterly limit of the road
allowanc(, between Concession 1 and Concession Broken
J<'ront with the north easterly limit of Lot 12, 'i.'HENCE
along the nortt easterly limit of Lot l2~ South 45
degrees East, A DIS'rANCE of .~,OO ft. THENCE North 45
degrees East , A'<P¡ST ANCE of 66' t,o 'the south viesterly
limit of Lot ~ THENCE north 45 degrees west along the
south westerly limit of Lot 13 to the south easterly
limit of the rr)ad allowance between Concession 1 and
Concession B¡;-oken Front, THENCE south If5 degrees west
A DISTANCE ofp6' to the po,int of beginning, CONTAINING
BY ADlJJEASUR,F.;MENT ,6l'';äcres be the same more or less.
(as Sh01'l.tJ on the attached plan as Par'oel No.2. and
C oloured red. )
NO. 8
ALL AND SINGULAH that certatn parcel or tract
of land situate lytng, and being in the township
of Dumri,ch, in the County of Elgin, in the Province
of Ontario, BEING part of the road alló\.¡ance
between Concession 1 and the Broken Front Concession
10fhich may be more pa'rticularly described as follows:
PREMISING that the South westerly limit of Lot 13.
Concession 1, has a bearing of Nor'\;h 45 degrees West,~
Cü]l1];1E:-JCING at. a point on the j,ntersection of the
sour,h easterly ltmit of the Road Allo;tance between
Concøssion 1 and Concøssion Broken F'ront with the
north easterly limit of Lot 12. 'r HEN CI1: along the
south easterly limit of the road allowance betvveen
Concr~ssion 1 and Concession Brokøn Front þ North
44 de¡;¡rees 10' 30'ri East, A DISTANCE of 1.06.0 ft.
THENCE north 45 degrE?ss 49' 30" l'lest t A DISTANCE of
66 ft,. to the north westerly limit or the Road
All010fance between Concession 1 and Concessj,on BrokenFront.,
THENCE South 44 degrees 10' 30" Vlest along the north
westerly limit of the road al101.¡ance -between Concession
1 and Concession Broken Front A DISTANCE of 466.0' ft.
THENCE South 45 degrees 49' 36" East A DIS'l'ANCE of
66 ft. to the point of beginning, CONTAINING B"I{
ADMEASUREMENT .71 acre be the same mare or less. as
shown on the at¡tached plan as Parcel No.1, and
coloured red.)
L \ 1 ~
r:'~ ::~ !T~r..::..();~ ),t' .~Ìle .".;.. '('!Je l,OW:12:;[Á....j
or rilùbor'ou,gtj, being; 'doao tr:rough t:le ûa::ìt
o~' , l' "'" ~ ~, " , t h "
corr.¡r.:~:r Ot .Lot L}j l...OrlCe;3Slon t:" J.n tne OWY1,S lP
of Aldborough, the centre line of which may be
more par~ic~larly described as follows:
COMMENCING at the East corner of Lot 14, Concession
2, THENCE ~roceeding in a westerly direction
A DISTANCE UF APPROXIl--íATELY 270', to a jOoad through
the east corner of Lot 14, Concession 2, known as
the Furnival Road} or CountyRoad No.3, (as shown
on the attached plan as Parcel No. 1;. and coloured
in yellow.)
COl,U1ty Clerk
I, J. D. Thomson, Clerk of the
Corporation of the County of Elgin,
do hereby certify that the foregoing
is a true copy ot By-Law N,o. 1167,
passed by the Council of the said
Corporation on tho 23rd day of March,
3 )
BEING a portion of the road in the to¡.¡nship of
Dun1ofich, being a road through the north west
corner of Lot 13, Concession 1, in the township
of Dun\rlch the centre line of which may be more
DESIGNATED particularÍy descrIbed as follows: COMMENCING
COUNTY ROAD at the north west corner of Lot 13. Concession 1
NO. $ THENCE in an easterly direction, A DISTANCE of
approximately 230' to a road through the north
west corner of Lot 13, Concession 1, known as the
new Currie Road as diverted, (Also designated as
County Road No.8, (as ehown on the attached plan
as Parcel No.4. and coloured in yellow.)
2. The roads as designated and described in paragraph 1,
are hereby removed from the CountyRoad System of th~
County of Elgin.
3. This By-Law shall come into force upon the approval
of the Lieutenant-Governor inCøuneil.
FINALLY PASSED at the ~ ot St. ThQmas, in the Co~ty of Elgin,
this 23rd day of March, 1960.
Jl§.c L ~,
J it. Th~ »