1768 I, I !:¡ !I 'I! Ii " III ,it To ConfiMn By-La1of No. 1411 of the Townshi ~ -ª- ßv-Law to Stop Up Part of Second Street in the Village of Straffordville, in the Township of Bavham.tI WHEREAS the council of the Township of Bayham on the 15th day of December, 1959, A. D., did pass By-La1of No. 1411 to stop up part of Second Street in the Village of Straffordville, in the Township of Bayham, more particularly described in the said By-Law, true copies hereof are hereunto annexed. AND WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act, the said Township By-Law shall not have any force until confirmed by a By-Law of the Council of the County in which the township is situate passed at an ordinary meeting of the council held not sooner than three months, nor later than one year, after the passing of the By-Law of the Council of the Township. AND WHEREAS; application has been made to the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin for a By-Law confirming the said township by-law. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT By-Law No. 1411, of the Township of Bayham, being a by-law to stop up part of Second Street in the Village of Straffordville, in the Township of Bayham, be, and the same is hereby confirmed. READ a first time this 23rd day of March, 1960. READ a second time this 23rd day of March, 1960. READ. a third time, and finally passed this 23rd day of March, 1960. il[, ~ .- \~ Clerk ;Ii Ii :1 I II Iii II I Clerk and Treasurer Phone 46 STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO Dec. 30th. 1959. Mr. J. D. Thomson, Clerk of Elgin County, St. Thomas, Onto Dear S:Lr;- I enclose here10fith a c€rtified copy of our By-Law No. 1411, closing a portion of Second Street in the Village of Straffordville. After the expiration of the necessary time, I would appreciate having the Cou~ty Council give consideration to the passing of a confirming by-law. Thanking you, I remain Yours ,very tr y f;td¿ß. Clerk of Bayham. ", to $tøp ùpp.u.·t ør SøcQ'lid in theV!UqG of St:rEtttørd.. 1n the 'loWilahip ot :ßAyhntl1. WHJ1ì8J¡;Aß by v:l.rtu~ Qf $act1øtl 46~ (1) (C) of the Mu.n:i.ei,þ$l $\et.. Rlilv:1$ad: 8t.atut~'u~ ¡;,t Qntario, 19SØ. Chäpt$r~4'th1s (j}o:ry.¡orat1øn :t.~ fillllpø_rfád to I'Itø~ UPl:Ial"t of a hi~wa.1 wltbin'tbi,j '1'o'llml'lñ1p. AND lIn!JJ:a.ítÞ.S, itl<J d$(¡ lIIiiMl \ixp~d1ent to !\It~p up pw,¡rt Qr 8eØ~nd, a,t:t'~~t acoo.rd1n&;: tora¡:¡¡1stffJr<ad 'lan~mìlbftr, 20; 0,£ th3 VUl~g~ Of $trattord.v:1.;L1El. AiliD WUßIUtAS thi\} raqu:b:"elll¡¡nt4> ~¡t S¢ction 41~(1} of the, ~n1cip.è.1Mt¡. QIî)¡d.1Ii1gmth 11.4<1'1 publtcat10n ot~ot4(!~$ øttbe prøþ<llS9d 'Uy..li\w h.vi\II bll)Or'A 41\11'1 cømþl:ted wi. tin ~~d no pe1"l'Jon whQßß lantb'l 1tI!~t. 1)jit &ttected ther'iilby bas appU.¡¡,d 'to b$, h\1lIIU."<i or 1'-.18$d _1 objeet1øn in ~$peqt ttl~reot. ¡\!O'ft 'tn~tit()niì) BI IT EîiM'ì'ln as a By",la.w ó1: tb~ "ow¡u~hipøt !3ayh/MII* 1. 1.'hat pl¡\rt ot~\'II'.Himd. 3trø"'t J;yin~ bl'!t~¡fll)øn the ~l~k ~e.d. (Hl~hw4Y Number Nt~atll)én) on the èa$t. e.nd West Stt"$$t on tho W~ßt äc¢()vdtng to r~gbt$Nd f'lan !!t\,!l1Ibe1" ~QS 11)1: tibí) Vill9.g~øf $tral'tQr'4.. '11'111$ in th~ 'rømu~h1p O£~yh,\WI, 11'101"111 pat"'ticUlarly d\j)scritll.ld in {~Ol't(líd\tl¡¡, nA.l~ t.o tab Dy..law is na1"aby atQPPèð, up. æ. '4'bat thø por'tion' of th~ SQid 8'1.>r"$'I,; clO$ed by ttnis ¡¡y",.law b;¡¡ØOI'1VElyðd t.O one orl!lO~ ot thill &d.jo1n1~g 1ud !)wmu!'$ íiÞ.S 'the aØ~neU" lIla}' d1N~t and that the Reø1J;¡¡ anti Clbrl<; bø Mdthe'f ai('Øb$Niby ~Uil1\Qrillled tQ ~Jl:Mu'te .11 MøøS$4\ry <:IOnv'I.IYMcas tOt' ~M,$ pUt'pOSð.. ). 'l'hte.riìy"law ahttll tak$ et"t'iJat; as 8(1(111 as tn$ Sp)'.INVl\l tilnd the con~0nt, ot tha t1;¡¡utf):t\Mt':.:åovemor in c~:t\( n 4U'U. th:e Cotlnty of: !.&lg1n al"@ Qbta:l.ned. ~~ð a first. s\1lt~:t\d ä~ thi~"I.i t111'.10 and £:'Ltuù.ly J¡'I!M!I$ad t>ñ1ø fitti!ii!;'tfith dayot n$( ø¡j' b~r# 1'$1]. (Signed) Basil Nevill I, J.D.Vallée, Clerk of the Township --". I .-'/!I ,_ U . . ¡,èèV$ of Bayham, hereby certify the above to be a true and correct copy of Township of BaYh~y..Law No. 1411. Signed) J. D. Vallee bdt- 13ayhamm t~~'¡f~ ðfi1~:iJ%i1fÆ1;11~~t. , 1iì\Õl~Q~1d ~tìat~~~1V tm¡¡¡:1o ø£ tc~ >,¡$'fJ;5I t'l'mí~'Z" ~rimt!¡)$~) '11í1~1¢'!;: t¡i)} ~~¡ >Qf t~ 'r~~ ~~!:)~¡ ,"-' " -"~"'. no~"thGt:'lV ~t r,<~t èn5f~$ O~~ ŒU'!:\n mo~ œ' :l~~'I$ "i'!infUí!\ eønt:1nui~ ~ø~%}~:>lV elont, t¡h~ ¢.I~!ì$~l1 ltt~tþ of ~t~t.# '\)tiØ ~~~~;$nl$ _1 fl1"t~@n ),mtœ 1ì1Ø" O~ ';l~aø t.61;,t¡O f<'j)~'" Q%\ tbG ~~ ~~Ao of t.b~ "1~ tto~ (~t1&~... '1w ø T!'I;'~£.1dt~mmtS.~t"!nf,~ 1im$~,@¡¡<l'1 al~ ~ no~b$t'11 1fb¡¡1t ot' ~~o!'hd ,~WØit It OM e'win rt'/Jt;~ fr:;li/!t'll lt~ik1t1< ~~'Ø iW l~$ø f.ð iih~ ~œ,b,... ~1'Ø\),t~~~3Ir Q¡¡¡,gl~ <;¡.f' ~~~ hv(!~:¡ Oì~ t.!~ oof'tt'1 ~Jü1f~ o,f,' ~1.:11GM. St~~f, ~l£i . tlh'Q! lIIelí1'b ¡¡¡id~ fJft \1~~t ~$t~l)t ~ 1'!JlîmOI!1 f,W,:Ii>bI.<t;t':1:v Blcm#! f.M $OU~~~1v ~~tiQt'!. at tiw 'ª~ttllìì",y UI'Jlt.tot iliIìt$~:; tJitNiI<t. ,t.mlil· ~1Ä11~,n r~ 0.:11' 10$~ to tlæ $,Q\~t'tWlìì':tY 11uit\ fA: ~aod $tN$t B ~:ìSï~(:E oœtoìì'1y ~$)~ tho ;.tw.tJ$~1¡¡ li~11t< í$t ìbt~1\.1~~1 œ ql\Jjj 1~ tb~~ ~~~~ ,. t1t.N0'1::. ~; ~'I!tlTOI1; w~~~l¡¡ ~lo~ ~h~ oo~Mr'11' ~ ~oo:il;nllìl _ tb:ill"t't,.....¡:¡¡b l~o I!~ ('It' ~ì3i, t:~ :\~~tt. øt hG~d Q!.N6't, M _~1~ in t~~ ~~, A!.t AmJ t~:tI':iQUL\I! l"J1~t " ~~1 01\" t~.Cit of lmð Imt\1\Ì pl'íj%!d~i¡¡~ ~!tU_~1f 11!~:\I ~ bf. . ".- J~ 'fi:U~ of Str'Qttof'd'ít1U~jI! ir:iì th!il 'l~n:u:Jh~:p or ~,~" i~ 'i';¡bt¡ mil 1)£ l~;¡g!ntl oo.1~ ¡;:¡Q~!iI~ of' !-~ ~" ~fJor~ *,~t .~í:)(Wd~~ tl¡¡ ~~~ næ1 t~t' 20' ðt t~'ìG V$11¡¡¡p t¡¡f ~~tHft'.dril~. ~1m'!11 ~1C~1¡¡ dl!H¡¡$'lt't~ M ,t·Q.uO!if~U (:r,1!tlt"!i'o~t$ ttt tbÐ t;œtb ~RtIØ':1¡¡ ~o ~ 1nt SU M · ~ 'tM '1,.!¡~ ~!l:l (tiJ1E$bt¡;$;1 t~ il:b:\i¡ft~~n) ø~ ø~"t,b ot w~t, ì;t!t\1i t~. 'I'lIi¡~Ø~ ~ ..~~.'i_ "JUU_""'- 1fA~' OF _ ~$HxPOF DA.ttJA~iì ¡},v...!af ,~!ö'.~"'¿tfj!