1786 .~ READ a third time , and finally passed this 22nd day of March, 1961. READ a second time this 22nd day of ~~rch, 1961. READ a first time this 22nd daY6~ March, 1961. Aldborough Dumdch Southwold Yarmouth Ma1ahide Bayham South Dorchester Aylmer Port Stanley Dutt;on Rodney West I.orne Port BUrw~l1 Springfield Vienna Belmont ~~. ;.\ $599,632.00 $62,155.00 58,952.00 73, 231~. 00 102,705.00 66,955.00 53,181.00 24,0$5.00 68,918.00 35,629.00 9,229.00 11,071. 00 11,651.00 8,591.00 4,532.00 2,964.00 80.00 forth for the year, 1961 . . property in the several municipalities in the County of Elgin as above set THAT a rate of 13 mills on the dollar be levied on all rateable of Elgin enacts: THEREFORE the Councim of the Municipal Corporation of the County Aldborough Dun10fich Sou'{jh1ofold Yarmout¡h Malahide Bayham South Dorchester Aylmer Port Stanley Dutton Rodney West Lorne Port BUr1ofe11 Springfield Vienna Belmont ~~46,125 $4,781,111.00 4,534,768.00 5,633,389.00 7,900,401+.00 5,150,405.00 4,090,$30.00 1,852,708.00 5,301,373.00 2,7l~0,670.00 709,950.00 851,617.00 896,205.00 660,882.00 348,602.00 22$,010.00 I 63Q.OQ , 554.00 Munici Total ualized V!,lue E as determined in 1960 of the County during the year, 1961 , on the basis of the equalized assessment required to be raised in the several municipalities for the la10fful purpose Hundred and Ninety-Nine Thousand, Six Hundred and Thirty-T1ofo Dollars is WHEREAS an estimate has been made sh010fing that the sum of Five