1797 1. DESIGNA'rION A B 2. The roads as designàted and described in paragraph 1, are hereby removed from the County Road System of the County of Elgin. COJY!IvJENCING in 1;he township of Yarmouth ondthe established Road kn010fn as the Captain Shore Road, in Park Lot "J" in Lot 1, Concession U:, as sholN'll on Registered Plan Number 17l, registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division for the Count){ of Elgin, at the eastern limit of the Road compr:Lsing the boundary bet10feen the Townships of Yarmouth and South1ofold, 225 feet more or less northerly from the south-1ofest angle of the said Park Lot IiJII, THENCE south-easterly, southerly and south-1ofesterly following the windings and turnings of the sa,id established Road known as the Captain Shore Road through Park Lot IiJIi, R. P.174, in Lot 1, Concession IX, in the T010fnship of Yarmouth, the Road comprising 'l;he boundary bet10feen the Townships of Yarmouth and South1ofold, THENCE in the T010fnships of Yarmouth and Southwold, continuing southerly along the said Roadcompris¡jmg the boundary between 'l;he said Townships to the established Road in Lot liB" Or 44 in the Gore bet10feen Lots 45 and 46 north, Talbot Road East, and THENCE in the Township of Southwold, continuing southerly following the 10findings and turnings of the established Road known as the Capi¡,a.,in Shore Road through Lots "BIi (or 44) and "A" Co} 43) in the Gore bet10feen Lots 45 and 46 north?, Talbot Road East, to the established Road in Lot 'A" (or 43) known as Woodla1ofn Avenue. A TOTAL DISTANCE o${~pproximately 0.5 miles. ,..' BEING THAT PORTION of Road or the deviations thereof in the Township of Bayham; COMMENCING, in the hamlet of Richmond (also known as Bayham) on the Plank Road, as shown on a Plan registered as Number 22 in 'the County Registry Office, at the North-easterly limit of the Talbot Road east; THENCE Norlth-easterlv on the Plank Road to Richmond Street; THEÑCE Easterly AND THENCE Southerly on Richmond Street to the North-easterly limit of the Talbo'l; Road East. A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 0.45 miles. DESCRIPTION The Schedule A of BysLaw Number ~ being the original By-La1of establishing a County Road System in the County of Elgin as amended by By;,;La1of Number 1052 being the last consolidating By-La1of re~establishing 'the said system and further amended by subsequent amending By-La1ofs is hereby amended by removing there- from the roads designated and described as follows: BY-LAW NO. l797 A By-Law to Amend the By-La1of Adopting a Plan of County Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in t,he County of Elgi!:!. under the High10fay Improvement Act. The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as By-La1of Ntunber 1797 as foll01ofS: Ii I: II ii 4. That By-La1of No. l79Z be, and is hereby repealed. FINALLY PASSED at the City of St. Thomas, in the County of Elgin, this ll,th day of June, 1961. ? ~ , , Warde -4 ... , Clerk 'Ii, , ~l ~ " lî Copy of an Order-in-Council approved by His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor, dated the 28th day of September, A.D. 1961- Upon the recommendation of the Honourable the Minister of Highways, the Committee of Council advise that ,pursuant to subsection 6 of section 45 of The Highway Improvement Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 171, approval be given to the following by-laws which were passed to amend the County Road Systems of the Counties named No. 1673 of the County of Carleton plNo. 1797 of the County of Elgin Nos. 1731 and 1732 of the County of Lanark. Certified, , L.-J" (j'-"-' . "'\ Y \ \ Clerk, Executive Council. ? "ii"'" ~c--"_'_-,""'--"""'_'~,'__',',"c,',"".-,--" "!_'''~~'/0:7:.:~:¢.~_":,:-;c,,,,-'-cc:.~~,' - ".".,' .....,.,'....- :;'~:;"~::'::':g,i':~'::~:;:;'+, --'"""'~"':'."'_-",""",,' ~,}>\il;X:;;;~':_;/:ý;¡,) ONTARIO EXECUTIVE COUNCIL OFFICE OC-3987/61 F.' - '""'''V,i!'~CIfJ'0é~~'''';'''' "-' " .. i (;' <!'I "ii, ';'f ,-x:\({ '~X','~t:. ',B:; ¡, ':~;: ,;; ,