1799 COUNTY OF ELGIN --- BY-LAW NO lZ22 A By-La'Ñ to Amend the By-La1of Adopting a Plan of County Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in the County of ELGIN under t;he Highway Improvement Act, ~ The Council of the Corporation of the County of ELGIN enacts as By-Law Number lZ22 as fo1101ofs: 1. The Schedule "At! of By-La1of Number 897 being the original By-Lmv rstab1ishing a County Road System in the County of EI,GIN as amended by By-Law Numbel^ 1052 being the last consolidating By-Law re-establishing the said system and further amended by subsequent amending By-La1ofs is hereby amended by adding :thereto the Roads designated and described as follows: DESCRIPTION DESIGNATED BEING that porUon of the road or the COUNTY £lOAD ---11.lliIŒEH. "_ deviations thereof in the Village of 8 Dutton and being an extension of the existing County Road NUluber Ii; CŒ!lMENGING on John Street at the western limit of the extension southerly of the Hoad between Lots 12 and 13, Concessi.on f!AII, 'Ii ,,' Township of'D'unwich known as Currie Street, THENCE: south-WE¡,sterly along the said \'d , .John Street; to 'tihe eastern limit of Main Streetj "'1:~ "" J\. DISTANCE of approximately 0.20 miles. , 15 DESIGNATED COUNTY lWAD NUMBER._ DEßIGNATED COUNTY ROAD NUMBER ._-- 37 A BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the Township of Dumrich; COUOOENCING on the established road in Lot 11, Concession X, known as the lake goad at the eastern limit of the established road between Lots 10 and 11; THENCE easterly along the said Lake goad to the easte:c'n limit of St. Peter's Cemetery in I,ot 12, Concession X, in the Township of Dunwich; A DISTANCE of approximately 0.5 miles. DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the TO~1ships of North Dorchester and South Dorchester and the Village of Belmont kn010fn as the ~,'ownline Hoad, and being an extension of the existing County Road Number 37; co~~mNCING in the T010fnships of Nor~h Dorchester and South Dorchester on the Road comprising the boundary between the said T010fnships at the western limit of the King's High10fay Number 73; THENCE westerly along the said Townl:i.ne Road to the established Road in Lot 22, Concession VII, T010fnship of South Dorchester; ~; : jl THENCE in the Township of South Dorchest,er westerly aloµg.the said established road across 'bi . ;',', \ "'0:"" Lots 22, 23 and 24, Concession VII, to the >In eastern limit of the Village of Belmont; THENCE in'the Village of Belmont continuing westerly along the said established road to the eastern Limit of the King's Highway Number 71¡, A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 5.4 miles. lfl DESIGNATED COUNTY ROAD ---1:J(Jj\ŒEH BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the Village of Vienna. COfJITfJENCING ON~"ulton Street at the 1ofeS'Ge:cn limit of Main Street, THENCE westerly along the said Fulton Street to the eastern limit' of Union Street in the Village of Vienna. A DISTANCE of approximately 0.4 miles. \,;'\ '~~, , the Townships of f'~Ð.lahide and Bayham Concession III and IV , THENCE easterly along to the boundary be'(;;veen t,he said road bet10feen 21, Concession':EV of ¡'·oad bet'"een . ~<" I l~mlt easter'n Concessions ,;,:. the road between Lots 20 and III and IV at the COMIV'illNCING"in the To'wnship of Malahide on the County Eoad 45 easterly 45 and Bayham, being an extension of the existing DESIGNATED COUNTY lì.OAD NUl\lIB J!:R. . deviations thereof portion of the road or in the Town ships of j\lIalahide BEING that DESCRIPTION the A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 7.0 miles IV and v, Township of f·~ale.hide the southern limit of 'the road between Concessions Malahide THENCE in northerly tho on TO'tJnships the said boundary road to of Yarmouth and Yarmouth and ¡V¡alahide . , the boundary road between the 'l'o;'mships of in Lots 23, 21+ and 25 to the western limit of bet10feen Concessions V and VI and its THENCE continuing easterly dev:LaU,ons along the said road Concession V . , limit of the road betvveen T.Jot. s 7 and 8, road between COf./I]\fillNCING in Concessions the TO\ofnSh:L'O . V and VI at the eastern of Yarmouth on the the existing County Hoad Number 1+5 10festerly 1}5 Y"U'11l0u'(;h and r~alahide , being an extension of DESIGNATED COUNTY ROAD NUMJ3E1l --...- deviations thereof in the Townships of' BEING that port ion of the roe.d or t;he .j DESCRIPTION 53 DE,SIGNATED COUNTY HOAD _1ß[LViBEIi._ 3 2. . THENCE in tj}-1G TOV1Y1Ship of Bayhctrn, cont,inuiùß east.erly 011 the road betv¡een Concessions III and IV to the established r'oad in l,ot 2, Concession IV; THENCE north-easterly following the windings and tur'ningl'! of the said established road through Lots 2 to 9, Concession IV, to the road between Concessions IV and V; THENCE south-easterly along ·the said road between Concessions IV and V t.o the ",estern limit of 'the King!s Highway Number 19; . A TOTAL DISTÞ~CE of approximately 8.0 miles. DESCHIPTION BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the T01'\r!l of Aylmer; Cm'TI'iJENCING on Elm e;treet at the northern limit of Talbot Street; THENCE northerly along the said Elm Street to the southern limit of Beech Street in the To¡.¡n of Aylmer; A DISTANCE of approximately 0.5 miles. The roads as designated and described in paragraph 1 are hereby added to and included in the Courl'ty Road System of the County of Elgin. '\;\ '~l, The Schedule nAil of By-Law Ntunber' 897 being the \],1 ~' original By-taw ei3't'e.blishing a County Road System in the COU!l'ty of ELGIR: as amended by By-La1of Number 1052 being the last consolidating By-La1of re-establishing the said system and further amended by subsequent amending By-La'Vi'S is hereby amended by removing ther'e- from the roads designated and described as foll01ofs: DESIGNA'l'ION (it) DESIGNATION (B) DESIGNATION (6) BEING that~ portion of the existing COUNTY ROAD NUlvIBER 1+ or the deviations thereof in the Village of Rodney kn010fil as Queen Street; COVR~NCING on Queen Street at the eastern limit of Furnival Road, being County Iî.oad Number }; THENCE easterly along Queeú- Street to the ea::;tern limit~ of the Village of Rodney; A DISTANCE of approximately 0.5 miles. DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the exif;ting COUNTY IWAD NUJ'J!BER 12 or the deviations thereof in the Township of Dunwich, known as the Goyne Road; CQ}JJMENCING on the road between Lots 6 and 7 at, the northern limit of 'I:;he road bet10feen Concessions II and III, being Gounty Hoad Number 9; THI!;NCE northerly along 'I:;h8 said' road betv-reen Lots 6 and 7 through Concessions II, I and Broken Front to the established road through Lot 7, Broken Front; THENCE easterly along 'Ghe said established r08.cl through Lot 7, Broken lí'ront Concession to the boundary between the Gounty of Elgin and the County of Middlesex; \~ : ~\ A DISTANCE of approximately 2.55 miles. ,t. .¡',!~ '" < DESCItIPTION BEING that pqrtion of the existing COUNTY ROAD NUMBER l4,or the deviations thereof in the Township of Dun1ofich; CO~WŒNCING on the road bet10feen Concessions VII and VIII at the west;ern limit of the road comprising the bOllildary bet10feen the T010filShips ;"f ! DESIGNATION (D) DESIGNATION (E) or Dunwich and Southwold; THENCE 10festerly along the said road bet'Ween Concessions VII and 'VIII and its deviations to the south-eastern limi'G of the diversion constructed across the south-eastern part of Lot liB" in Concession VII, and the southern part of Lot tiC" in Coneession VII by the Ontario Department of Highways, and being the King's Highway Number '3; A DISTfiliCE of approximately 0.5 miles. DESCRIP1'ION BEING that portion of existing COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 1$ or the deviations thereof in the Township of South1ofoldj CO!JJIVJENCING on the road bet10feen Concessions II and III at the eastern limit of the road between Lots 1 and 18, being County Road Number 19; THENCE easterly along the said road bet10feen Concessions II and III to the south-western limit of the road comprising the boundary between the Townships of South1ofold and Dela1ofare, being County Road Number 17; A DIS1'ANCE of approximately 1095 ¡ lUes. DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of existing COUN'rY ROAD \~ . ,~, NUI'1BER 27 or the deviations thereof in the Township of ~~Fmouth; \ ~"<' "'1", COlVJJ!.ŒNCING on the established road in Lot 4, Concession IV; at one time knolli1 as the Old London and Port Stanley Gravel Road and sholli1 on Deposited Plan Number 233, as registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the County of Elgin, at the eas'tern limit of 't;he DESIGNATION (F) DESIGNATION (G) King's Highway Number h in Lo,t h, Conce,ssion IV THENCE sout.h-easterly, southerly and 1ofeE;terly following the 10findings and turnings of the said Old London and Port Stanley Gravel Road , through Lot 4, Concession IV; Lot 4, Concession III and Lots 4 and 3, Concession II to the eastern limit of the King ¡ s Highvlay Numbel" 4 in Lot 3, Concession III; A DISTANqE of approximately 1.6 rniles. DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of existing COUNTY lWAD NUIvIBEH 33 or the deviations thereof in the Township of Yarmouth; CO~ll~NCING on the road bet10feen Concessions XIII and XIV at the 'eastern limit of the road between Lots 8 and 9; THENCE easterly along the said road bet10feen Concessions XIII and XIV to the road between Lots 12 and 13, Concession XIV; THENCE northerly along the said road bet\'leen Lots 12 and 13, Concession XIV to the southern limil; of 't.he Road bet10feen the Townships of Yarmouth and Westminster, being County Hoad Number 34; fA. DISTANCE of appr,oximat.ely 2.35 miles. " II DESCRIPTION BEING tha,t poi!<t~on of the existing COUNTY ROAD NUIv!BER 34 or the"CJ:eviations thereof in the Townships of Y&rmouth and ìvestminster; CGrlfJ:v1ENCING in the Townships of Yarmouth and WESTMINSTER on the road comprising the boundary bet10feen the said T01'mships, at the 10festern limit of the road between Lots 12 and 13, Conces¡;:l.on DESIGNATION (H) DESIGNATION (J) in Designation (F) of this By-Law THENCE north-easterly along the said road comprismng the boundary bet10feen the T010fnships of Yarmouth and Westminster to the southern limit of the road bet10feen Côncessions VII and VIII, Tovrr1ship of Westminster; A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 0.8 miles. DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the existing COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 41 or the deviations thereof in the Village of Vienna; CO)\lJ\!iENCJNG on IVIain Street at the northerly l:tmi.'t of Fulton Street; THENCE northerly along the said IvIain Stree-G and its devia:i:,j,ons to the established road along 'the north bank of the Big Otter Creek known as the Creek Road. THENCE westerly and southerly following the 10findings and turnings of the said Creek Hoad to the western limit of the Village of Vienna; A DIS'rANCE of approximately 0.9 miles. DEScrUPTION BEING that, portion of the existing COUNTY HOAD NUMBER )te~ or the deviations thereof in the , , TOM1ships of Malahide and Bayham; " COjv]MENCING in d\:è Township of IvIalahide on the "'1" road betwGn Concessions IV and V at the , eastern limitòf the road between Lots 20 and 21, being County Road Number 40; THENCE easterly along the said road betvveen Concessions IV and V and its deviation in Lot "I 11 DESIGNATIOli (L) ( DESIGNATION K ) 35 Concessi.on IV, to the western lirrÜt of the road comprising the boundary between the Townships of I"Íalahide and Bayhamj THENCE in the Townships of T-/[alahide and Bayham, southerly along the said road comprising the boundary bet10feen the TO\\InslÜps of Malahide and Bayham to the northern limit of the road betwfJen Concessions III and IV', in the Towllship of I\!alahide; A T01'AL DISTANCE of approximately 4.9 miles. DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the existing COUNTY ROAD NU¡V¡BEH 46 or the deviations 'l;hereof in the T010fnship of Bayhrnn; CO~MENCING on the road bet10feen Concessions VIII and IX at the eastern limit of the road bet10feen Lots 5 and 6, being County Road Number 46; THENCE easterly along the said road bet10feen Concessions VIII and IX to the western limit e of the Talbal:; Hoad being the King's Highway Number 3; A DISTANCE of approximately 0.75 miles. DESCRIPTION \v~ ')\ mnNG that. portion of the existj.ng County Road Numbel' 5~ 'or the deviations thereof in '¡"~<' < the, Town of ilyl!11,ßr; COWI]\ŒNCING on Caverly Road (also knovm as Fii'th Aven~e) at the southern Hmitof King's Highway Number 3 1 ,i ,I " I;i ¡ ill I , I I I I i I 1:1 1'1 I,; " , I I I II I I i :1 I I ¡ I 'I ii lì I II 11: II, II 'I tI'l I (Ii :'1 ,I I I, 'I I, I THENCE southerly along 't;he said Caverly H,oad to South Street; THENCE easterly along the said South Street, to Victoria Street; THENCE southerly on the said xr.ictor:La. Street to Ink Street; 'I'HENCE easterly on the said Elk Street to the ,,¡estern limit of King's High10fay Number 3; A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 1. 70 miles. If. The roads as designated and described in paragraph !3 are hereby removed from the County Road System of the County of Elgin. 5. This By-Law shall come into force upon the approval thereof by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council. FINAU,Y PASSED at the City of St. Thomas, in the County of Elgin, this 19th day of September, 1961. ~/~ VJARDEN 1i~ CLI;;RK 'Ii, ;~, , 11 , !~:~: i: ,~ c_ ! I \ í " ONTARIO EXECUTIVE COUNCIL OFFICE OC- 5107/61 Copy of an Order-in-Council approved by His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor, dated the 21st day of December, A.D. 1961. Upon the recommendation of the Honourable the Minister of Highways, the Committee of Council advise that pursuant to Subsection 6 of Section 45 of The Highway Improvement Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 171, approval be given to the following by-laws vvhich 10fere passed to amend the County Road Systems of the Counties named. No. 1799 of the County of Elgin No. 1609 of the County of Haldimand No. 67, 1961 of the County of Huron No. 2110 of the County of Ontario No. 3190 of the County of WeIland /,NO. 2979 of the County of York Certified, t- ~~ '. ,\ Clerk, Executive Counci . "'1'"