1801 THE CORPOFtA'['ION OF THE CüUNTY OF ELQ..1N BY-LAW NO. 1801 A By-La1of to Consolidate and Revise the By-La1of Adopting a Plan of County Road Improvement and Establishing a County Itoad System in the County of Elgin under 'rhe High10fay Improvement Act as amended by subsequent amending By-La1ofs. WHEREAS the By-La1of adopting a plan of County Road Improvement and establishing a County Road System in the County of lUgin, has been amended from time to time by adding roads to and removing roads from the County H.oad System; AND vñ!EH.EAS certain rQads faumerly included in the County !load System have been assumed by the Province of Ontario as part; of The Kihg's Highway and certain roads so assumed or parts thereof have been reverted to the municipality previously liable for their maintenance and repair or transferred to the municipality 10fithin VITlich the sæne are situate; AND ~\)}!E¡U~AS the descriptions of certain roads included in the County Hoad System and the recorded mileage thereof as established by By-Laws heretofore passed have been affected by alterations or diversions of the said roads or by alterations in the boundaries of certain local municipalities. AND WHEREAS in order to attain greater efficiency in the administration of the County Road System it is deemed expedie!lt t,o redesignate and redescribe the .roads comprising the said System in one Consolidated Schedule making such revisions or correctiom, in the existing descriptions and recorded mileages as are necessary to make them conform with the present situation. '\" ;\ THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, enacts as By-La~~Number~~2~__as follows: \ ''''~'.' l. The Schedule of By-La1of Number 897 being the original By- "'~.. La10f e~;tablishing a, County Itoad Sxstem in "=,11e County of Elgin as amended by By-La¡.¡ Number 1052 being the last consolidating By-La1of re-establishing the said system and further amended by subsequent amending By-Laws is hereby x'epealed and Schedule !TAl! of this By-La1of annexed hereto is substituted therefor. 2. The roads as designated and described in Schedule 'At! BY-I,A\v NO. 1$01 Page 2 hereto annexed shall constitute the County Road System of the County of Elgin., 30 The numbers by which the several roads comprÜ,ing the County !toad System are designated in ;3chedule "All hereto annexed shall be used for all purposes of admiJ:Üstration and accounting. 4. This By-Law shall come into force upon the approval thereof by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council. FINJŒLY PASSED at the City of St. Th~ in the County of Elgin, this 22nd day of November 1961. ~~ ~- VJ'ardeJ ~ Clerk ONTARIO EXECUTIVE COUNCIL OFFICE OC - 918/62 Copy of an Order-in-Council aPproved by His Honol;lr the Lieutenant-Governor, dated the 22nd day of March, A.D. 1962. Upon the recommendation of the Honourable the Minister of Highways, the Committee of Council advise that pursuant to Subsection 6 of Section 45 of The Highway Improvement Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 171, approval be given to the following by-laws which were passed to amend the County Road Systems of the Counties named: v No. 1801 of the County of Elgin No. 1961-)4 of the County of Halton No. 2667 of the County of Simcoe No. ¡570 of the County Of Waterloo Certified, r -- \, .\ Clerk, Executive Council. \tÙ " 2 DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the Tovmships of Aldborough and Dun1ofich, and the Village of West Lorne; CO¡~ŒNCING in the Tovmship of Aldborough on the road bet10feen Concessions VIII and IX at; the 10festern limit of the road bet10feen Lots 6 and 7 hereinafter desçribed as County Road Number 3; 'rHENCE easterly along the said road bet,,¡een Concessions VIII and IX to the 10festern limit of the Village of West Lorne; THENCE in the Village of West Lorne easterly on the continuation of the road bet10feen Concessions VIII and IX, in the Township of Aldborough~ known as ~ßin Street to the 10festern limit of Graham Street being the King's High10fay Number 7 6 AND CO~~lliNCING again in the Village of West Lorne on Main Street at the eastern limit of Graham Street, being the King's High10fay Number 76; THENCE easterly on Main Street to the eastern limit of the Village of West Lorne; THENCE in the To"mship of Aldborough easterly on 'che road bet10feen Concessions VIII and IX and its deviations to the road comprising the boundary " ;:\ bet10feen the T010fnships ,of Aldborough and Dun1rich; THENCE in the""i';QvmshiP of Dumvich northerly and easterly along a""curve through the north-west corner of Lot'l, Concession "A" to the road between Concession A" and Concession V North of 'A"; 2 continued) DESCRIPTION 'fHENCE easterly along the said road bet10feen Concession "A" and Concession V North of "A to the eastern limit of the established road running southerly through Lot 11 in Concession "A" kn010fn as the Old Currie Road; A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 11.20 miles. \, ;:\ '\~'.. ' " 3 DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the T010fnship of Aldborough and the Village of Rodney kn010fn as the Furnival Road; CO~~ŒNCING in the T010fnship of Aldborough on the road bet10feen Lots 6 and 7 at the entrance to the Port Glasg010f Memorial Park in Concession XIV near Lake Erie; TrŒNCE northerly along the said road bet10feen Lots 6 and 7 through Concessions XIV and XIII to the southern limit of the road bet10feen Concessions XIII and XII, being the King's High10fay Number 3; AND CO~~ŒNCING again on the road bet10feen Lots 6 and 7 at the northern limit of the road bet10feen Concessions XIII and XII; THENCE northerly along the said road betvveen Lots 6 and 7 and its deviations to the southern limit of the Village of Rodney; THENCE in the Village of Rodney northerly on the continuation of the road bet10feen Lots 6 and 7 in the Township of Aldborough knovm as the Furnival Road to the northern limit of the Village of Rodney; TrŒNCE, in the Township of Aldborough, northerly along the road bet,,¡een Lots 6 and 7 and its "c. ~\ deviations to the road betvveen Concession VI Western Division and the Gore Concession; \~iA THENCE northerlY' along the said road betvreen Lots 8 and 9 ,and its deviations through Concessions VI, V, IV and III, Western Division, to a curve running north-easterly through the north-1ofestern 3 continued COUNTY ¡WAD NUJlffiER DESCRIPTION corner of Lot 9 in Concession III , Western Division; THENCE along the said curve through Lot 9, Concession III, Western Division, to a road bet10feen Concessions II and III, Western Division; THENCE along said road bet10feen Concessions II and III, Western Division, to a curve running north- easterly through the south-eastern corner of Lot 14 in Concession II, Western Division; THENCE along the said curve through Lot 14 in Concession II, Western Division, to the established road in Lots 14 and 15; THENCE along said established road in Lots 14 and 15 through Concessions II, I and Broken Front Concession, Western Division, to the boundary bet10feen the County of Elgin and the County of Middlesex; A r£OTAL DISTANCE of approximately 14.00 miles. 1",., ~\ t;A , BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the T010fnships of Aldborough and Orford and the Village of Rodney; CO~~NCING in the T010fnships of Aldborough and Orford on the road comprising the boundary bet10feen the said To¡.¡nships at the northern limit of the road bet10feen Concessions IV and V in the T010fnship of Orford; THENCE southerly along the said Boundary Road bet10feen the To¡.¡nship of Aldborough and the To¡.¡nship of Orford/to a diversion constructed across the south-eastern portion of Lot "A" in Concession VII; THENCE in the T010fnship of Aldborough south- easterly along the said diversion through Lot "A" in Concession VII to the road bet10feen Concessions VII and VIII; THENCE easterly along the road bet10feen Concessions VII and VIII and its deviations to the 10festern limit of the Village of Rodney; THENCE in the Village of Hodney easterly along the extension of the road bet10feen Concessions VII and VIII in the T010fnship of Aldborough kno¡.¡n as Queen Street to the 10festern limit of the Furnival Road, herein described as County Road Number 3; \t~1 , <.\~,' , A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 6.6 miles. -. 4 BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof bet10feen the To¡.¡nship of Aldborough and the Tmmship of Dumvichj CO~rr~NCING in the T010fnship of Aldborough and the T010fnship of Dun10fich on the road comprising the boundary bet10feen the said To¡.¡nships at the northern limit of the road betvveen Concessions VIII and IX in the T010fnship of Aldborough, herein described as County Road Number 2; THENCE northerly along the said Boundary Road between the Townships of Aldborough and Dun10fich to an established road in Lot 1 in Concession tlCtI Broken Front in the Tovmship of Dun1ofich; THENCE in the Tovvnship of Dun10fich easterly along the said established road through Lot 1 in Concession tlCtI Broken Front to the boundary bet10feen the County of Elgin and the County of Þliddlesex; A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 7015 miles_/ \, ;\ "\:1 ,i< " 5 6 DESCRIPTION BEING a portion of the road of the deviations thereof in the T010fnship of Aldborough; COY~ŒNCINGon the road bet10feen Concessions II and III, Western Division, at the eastern limit of the road comprising the boundary between the T010filShips of Orford and Aldborough; THENCE easterly along the said road bet10feen ConcessiQns II and III, Western Division, to the road bet10feen Lots $ and 9; THENCE south-easterly across the north-1ofestern corner of Lot 9 in Concession III, Western Division, to the north-western limit of County Road Number 3; AND COMVlliNCING again on the road bet10feen Lots $ and 9 at the southern limit of the road between Concessions II and III; THENCE southerly along the said road bet10feen Lot.s $ and 9 to the 10festern limit of County Road Number 3; AND CO~vlliNCING again on the road between Concessions II and III at the eastern limit of the road bet10feen Lots 8 and 9; THENCE easterly along the said road bet10feen Concessions II and III to the northern limit of County Road ,Uµmber 3; A DISTANCE of,approximately 4.10 miles. ¡~ ., BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the T010fnship of Aldborough and the T010filShip of Orford; CO~~ŒNCING in the T010fnships of Aldborough and Orford on the road comprising the boundary bet10feen the said T010filShips at the boundary bet10feen the County of Elgin and the County of Middlesex; THENCE southerly along the said Boundary Road between the Tovmships of Aldborough and Orford through Concessions Broken Front, I, II and part of III, Western Division, in the Township of Aldborough, to the beginning of a diversion across the south-eastern portion of Lot 26 in Concession XI, Township of Orford, in the County of Kent; A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 3.0 miles. \, ,\ 'Iii " 7 8 DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the T010fnship of Dun10fich and the Village of Dutton kn010fn as the Ne10f Currie Road; CO¡vnvJENCING in the Tow'nship of Dunwich on the established road in Lot 14 in Concession "A" of the Broken Front at the boundary bet10feen the County of Elgin and the County of Middlesex; THENCE southerly along the said established road through Lots 14 and 13, Concession "A" of the Broken Front to a diversion constructed across the south-eastern portion of Lot 13 in Concession "A" of the Broken Front; THENCE along the said diversion across the south-western portion of Lot 13 in Concession "A" of the Broken Front to the road bet10feen Concession "A" of the Broken Front and Concession I; THENCE along the road bet10feen Concession "A" of the Broken Front and Concession I to the diversion across the north-1ofes'tern portion of Lot 13 in Concession Ij THENCE along the said diversion across the north- 10festern portion of Lot 13 in Concession I to the road bet10feen Lots 12 and 13 in Concession Ij THENCE southerly along the said road bet10feen \, ;\ Lots 12 and 13 and its deviations through Concessions I~'II, III, IV, the Gore¡ V North of .''-:<,'' "A" and "A" to the northern limit of the Village -, of Dut ton j NUJV1BER 8 ( continued) THENCE in the Village of Dutton southerly along the extension of the road bet10feen Lots 12 and 13 in the Tovmship of Dun10fich kn010fn as Currie Street to the northern limit of John Street; 'rHBNCE south-1ofesterly along John Street to the eastern limit of Main Street hereinafter described as County Road Number 15; A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 6.35 miles. "v" .\ '%! , NUMBEH 9 DESCHIPTION BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the Townships of Aldborough and DunvJÌch; CO~\lliNCING in the Tovmship of Aldborough on the road bet10feen Concessions V and VI, Western Division, at the eastern limit of the road betvveen Lots 8 and 9 kn010fn as the Furnival Road, herein described as County Road Number 3; THENCE easterly along the said road bet10feen Concessions V and VI to the western limit of the road bet10feen the Eastern and Western Division of the T010fllship of Aldborough kno,vn as the Division Line; TtŒNCE northerly along the Division Line Road to the southern limit of the road bet10feen Concessions II and III, Eastern Division; TtŒNCE easterly along the said road bet10feen Concessions II and III, Eastern Divisio~to the western limit of the road bet10feen Lots 21 and 22 in Concession III being the King1s High10fay Number 76; AND CO~~ENCING on the road between Concessions II and III, Eastern Division, at the eastern limit of the road bet10feen Lots 21 and 22 in Concession 11':1; TtŒNCE easter*ý along the said road between J.,~,.. . Concessions II a~d III, Eastern Division, to the 10festern limit"of the road comprising the boundary bet10feen the T010fnships of Aldborough and Dun1ofich, herein described as County Road Number 5; 9 continued ) A~~ COT~NCING again in the T010fnship of Dunwich on the road bet10feen Concessions II and III at the eastern limit of the road compsising the boundary bet10feen the T010fnShips of Aldborough and Dun10fich herein described as County Road Number 5; THENCE easterly along the road between Concessions II and III to the 10festern limit of the road bet10feen Lots 12 and 13 kn010fn as the Ne10f Currie Road herein described as County Road Number 8; A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 11.95 miles ~ ~ " - 12 DESIGNATED COUNTY ROAD NUMBER dDESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the T010filShip of Dun1ofich; COYwŒNCING on the road bet10feen Concession IV and the Gore at the eastern limit of the road between Lots 12 and 13 kno>ofn as the Ne10f Currie Road, herein described as County Road Number 8; THENCE easterly along the said road bet10feen Concession IV and the Gore to the western limit of the road comprising the boundary bet10feen the T010fnShips of DumÜch and South1ofold, hereinafter described as County Road Number 14; A DISTANCE of approximately 5.70 miles. \, ;\ ~i "', 13 DESIGNATED COUNTY ROAD NUMBER DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the T010fnship of Dun10fich and the Village of Dutton kn010fn as Shackelton Street; COlvlivJF~NCING in the Village of Dutton on the road kn010fn as Shackelton Street at the eastern limit of Main Street, hereinafter described as County Road Number 15; THENCE easterly on Shackelton Street to a diversion constructed across the south-eastern portion of Lot 14 in Concession "A", formerly in the Tovmship of Dun10fich n010f in the Village of Dutton; THENCE South-easterly along the said diversion to the road bet10feen Concession "A" and Concession V south of "A" in the Township of Dun1ofich; THENCE in the To¡.¡nship of Dun10fich easterly on the road betv¡een Concession "A" and Concession V south of "A" to the western limit of the road comprising the boundary bet10feen the To¡.¡nships of Dun10fich and South1ofold hereinafter described as County Road Number 14; A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 5.75 miles. "" ,\ \~ . 14 DESIGNATED COUNTY ROAD NUlVJBER DESCIUPTION BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the To¡.¡nships of Dunwich and South1ofoldj COlVj]1IIENCING in the T01¡mships of Dun10fich and Southwold on the road comprising the boundary between the said To"mships at the northern limit of the Talbot Road East Branch; THENCE northerly along the said Boundary Road and its deviations to the southern limit of the Talbot Road North Branch, being the King's High10fay Number 3; CO~WIENCING again in the To¡.¡nships of Dunwich and South1ofOld on the said Boundary Road at the northern limit of the Talbot Road North Branch; TrlliNCE northerly along the said Boundary Road and its deviations to the boundary betvveen the County of Elgin and the County of Middlesex; A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 8.85 miles. '''- ~\ . 15 DESIGNATED COUNTY ROAD NUMBER DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the T010fnship of Dun10fich and the Village of Dutton; CON~~NCING in the T010fnship of Dun10fich on the established road in Lot 11, Concession ttAtt kno¡.¡n as the Old Currie Road at thênorthern limit of the road bet10feen Concession ttþ." and Concession V North of "Att; THENCE south-easterly along the said Old Currie Road to the northern limit of the Village of Dutton; THENCE in the Village of Dutton south-easterly along the said Old Currie Road knovID as Main Street to the southern limit of the Village of Dutton; THENCE in the To¡.¡nship of Dun10fich southerly along the road bet10feen Lots 12 and 13 and its deviations through Concession V, South of ttA", Concessions VI and VII to the northern limit of the Talbot Road, being the King's High¡.¡ay Number 3; AND CON~ŒNCING again on the road bet10feen Lots 12 and 13, Concession VIII at the southern limit of the Talbot Road; \, -\ THENCE south-easterly along the said road bet1,veen Lots '~~"and 13 to the established road in Lot 12 in Concession VIII; THENCE southerly and south-easterly along the said estab]ßhed road through Lots 12 and 11 in Concession VIII. Lots 11 and 10 in Concession DESIGNATED COUNTY ROAD NUjVJBER 15 (continued) DESC1UPTlON IX and Lot 10 in Concession X to the established road in Lot 10 in Concession X knovv® as the Lake Road; THENCE northerly and westerly following the 10findings and turnings of the said Lake Road as 10fidened and deviated through Lots 10, 9 and 8 in Concession X to the road bet10feen Concessions IX and X; THENCE 10festerly along the road betv,¡een Concessions IX and X and its deviations to the eastern limit of the road betvveen Lots 6 and 7 kn010fn as the Coyne Side Road; AND INCLUDING that portion of the established road kn010fn as the Lake Road; CO~wŒNCING on the said Lake Road at the eastern limit of the established road in Lot 10 in Concession X; THENCE easterly foll01ofing the 10findings and turnings of the said Lake Road through Lots 10 11 and 12 in Concession X to the eastern limit of St. Peter's Cemetery in Lot 12, Concession X; A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 8.35 miles. \, ,\ i!¡i . '['¡:II I.~ w__. I :,í\ .II :Ii: :i:~ " !II 16 COUNTY ROAD NUMBER DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the Townships of Dun10fich and Southwold knovvn as the Talbot Road East Branch; CO~~NCING in the TO\ofnship of Dunvvich on the Talbot Road East Branch in Lot 12, Concession VIII at the south-eastern limit of the established road through Lot 12, Concession VIII; 'rHENCE south-easterly along the said Talbot Road East Branch and its deviations through Concessions VIII, IX, X, XI and X to the road comprising the boundary bet10feen the Townships of Dun10fich and South1ofold; THENCE in the Tovvnship of SouthvJOld easterly along the said Talbot Road East Branch to the 10festern boundary of the City of St. Thomas; A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 18.45 miles \, ~\ 'l! " 17 DESIGNATED COUNTY HOAD NUMBER DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the TOvofllships of South1ofOld, Dela10fare and Westminster; CO~WŒNCING in the T010fnships of South1ofold and Delaware on the road comprising the boundary betvveen the said Townships at the 10festern limit of the road bet10feen Lots 1 and 18, Concession I, in the Township of South1ofOld; THENCE easterly along the said Boundary Road bet10feen the Townships of South1ofold and Delaware and the Townships of South1ofold and Westminster to the 10festern limit of the King's High10fay Number 4; A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 5.50 miles. '\" il \,tJ , 18 DESIGNATED COUNTY ROAD NUl\ŒER DESCRIPTI.llil BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the 'ro¡.¡nship of South1ofold; CO~wŒNCIN} on the road bet10feen Concessions II and III at the eastern limit of the road comprising the boundary bet10feen the Townships of Dun10fichand South1ofold, and herein described as County Road Number 14; THENCE easterly along the said road bet10feen Concessions II and III to the 10festern limit of the road between Lots 1 and 18 hereinafter described as County Road Number 19; A DISTANCE of approximately 6.70 miles. \, A ;!¡i . 19 DESIGNATED COUNTY ROAD .--1'!DrIIBER DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the T010fnship of South1ofold knQwn as the Base Line; COMNßNCING on the road between Lots 25 and 26, North Side of Talbot Road North Branch, at the northern limit of the Talbot Road North Branch, being the King's High10fay Number 3; THENCE northerly along the said road bet10feen Lots 25 and 26 North Side of Talbot Road North Branch to the road bet10feen Lots 1 and 18 in Concession IV; THENCE continuing northerly along the said road between Lots 1 and 18 and its deviations through Concessions IV, III, II and I to the southern limit of the road comprising the boundary bet10feen the County of Elgin and the County of Middlesex, herein described as County Road Number 17; A DISTANCE of approximately 3.80 miles. , ~ hi ~ ~ 20 DESIGNATED COUN'l'Y ROAD NUMBER DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the Township of South1ofold and the Village of Port Stanley known as the Union Road; CQivjjVJENCING in the T010fnship of Southwold on the road bet10feen Lots 6 and 7 in Concession III at the southern limit of the road bet10feen Concessions II and III herein described as County Road Number 18; THENCE southerly along said road bet10feen Lots 6 and 7 through Concessions III, IV and V to the road bet10feen Concession V and the North Side of the Talbot Road North Branch Concession; THENCE 10festerly along said road bet10feen Concession V and the North Side of the Talbot Road North Branch Concession to the road bet10feen Lots 15 and 16 in the North Side of the Talbot Road North Branch Concession; THENCE soucherly along said road betvveen Lots 15 and 16 in the North Side of the Talbot Road North Branch Concession to the northern limit of the Talbot Road North Branch, being the King's High10fay Number 3; AND CONjjVJENCING, again on the road between Lots 15 and 16 in the South Side of the Talbot Road North Branc'h"Concession at the southern limit of the Talbot Road North Branch;' IJ,í j~! '!.t~i,' THENCE southerly on the said road bet10feen Lots ., 15 and 16 in the South Side of the Talbot Road North Branch Concession to the Edge10fare Road; THENCE southerly along the road bet10feen Lots DESIGNATED COUNTY ROAD NUlViBER 20 ( continued) Q!,SCRIPTION 18 and 19 in the North Side of Talbot Road East Branch Concession to the nqrthern limit of the Talbot Road East Branch, herein described as County Road Number 16; AND CO~WŒNCING again on the road bet10feen Lots 18 and 19 in the South Side of Talbot Road East Branch Concession at the southern limit of the Talbot Road East Branch; THENCE southerly along the said road bet10feen Lots 18 and 19 in the South Side of the Talbot Road East Branch Concession to the Union, Road; THENCE south-easterly along the said Union Road and its deviations to the established road in Lot 16 in the First Range South of the Union Road kno¡.¡n as the Carl010f Road or Mill Street; THENCE southerly foll01ofing the 10findings and turnings of the said Carlow Road to the northern limit of the Village of Port Stanley; TIffiNCE in the Village of Port Stanley, south- easterly along Carl010f Road to the northern limit of Bridge Street, being the King's High10fay Number 4; A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 13.80 miles. ", '\ :\1 -. 21 DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the Village of Port Stanley kn010fn as Warren Street; GOWWŒNCING on WarreD Street at the 10festern limit of Colborne Street being the King's High10fay Number 4; THENCE 10festerly along the said Warren Street to the eastern limit of Carlow Road, herein described as County Road Number 20; A DISTANCE of approximately 0.25 miles. ", .\ ¡,I Ii! -, 22 TED COUNTY ROAD NUlVJBEl1_ DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the T010fnship of Yarmouth; CO~TI~;NCING on the road bet10feen Lots 7 and 8 as diverted and travelled in Lot 8, Concession III, at the northern limit of the road bet10feen Concessions III and II hereinafter described as County 110ad Number 27; THENCE northerly along the said road bet10feen Lots 7 and 8 and its deviations to the southern limit of the City of St. Thomas; A DISTANCE of approximately 3.8 miles. ,,\ ;\ .. Iii. !' 23 DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the Village of Port Stanley and the Township of Yarmouth; CO~~ENCING in the Village of Port Stanley on Joseph Street at the easteFß limit of Colborne Street being the King's High10fay Number 4; THENCE northerly and easterly along the said Joseph Street to the southern limit of East Street; THENCE northerly on East Street being the old Port Stanley to St. Thomas Gravel Road, to the northern limit of the Village of Port Stanley; T}ŒNCE in the T010fnship of Yarmouth northerly along the old Port Stanley to St. Thomas Gravel Road through Lots 1 and 2, Concession I and Lots 2 and 3, Concession II to the eastern limit of the King's Highvvay Number 4 in Lot 3 in Concession II; A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 1.60 miles. \, ;~, '1\1 ., _NU~ER 24 DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the Township of Yarmouth; CO~mNCING on the road bet10feen Concessions I and II at the 10festerly limit of the road bet10feen Lots 21 and 22 hereinafter described as County Road Number 36; THENCE 10festerly on the said road bet10feen Concessions I and II and its deviations thereof in Lots 3 and 2, Concession II to the eastern li~it of the road through Lot 2, Concession II, kno¡.¡n as the old Port Stanley to St. Thomas Gravel Road being County Road Number 23; A DISTANCE of approximately 6.70 miles. '\,; il, ;1\j -, 25 DESCRIPT:£Q!j BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the T010fnShip s of South1ofold and Yarmouth; CO~WŒNCING in the Townships of South1ofold and Yarmouth on the road comprising the boundary between the said Townships at the boundary between the County of Elgin and the County of Middlesex; THENCE southerly along the said Boundary Road to the established road through Lots "C", "B" and "A" in the Gore bet1ofeenLots 45 and 46 in the North Side Talbot Road East Branch Concession, in the T010fnShip of South1ofold; THENCE in the Township of Southwold south- 10festerly on the said established road through Lots "C", "B" and "A" in the Gore bet.veen Lots 45 and 46 in the North Side Talbot Road East Branch Concession to the northern limit of the established road in Lot "A", being the King's Highvvay Number 4; A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 4.7 miles. \, ~~, ., 26 DESIGNATED COUNTY ROAD JUMBER DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the Tovvnship of Yarmouth; COMMENCING on the established road in Lot 47, Concession IX kno¡.¡n as St. George Street, at the northern limit of the City of St. Thomas; THENCE northerly along St. George Street in Lot 47 and north-easterly in Lots 47 and 46 to the eastern limit of the road comprising the boundary between the T010fnships of Yarmouth and South1ofold herein described as County Road Number 25; A DISTANCE of approximately 0.90 miles. '. ~ ~ ~ I I ., i iì ",¡ '¡ 'I :' ¡: , , !: :¡ I i! ::i: ',i I! ¡i: ¡Ii :11 II ,I, l Iii ! I I I i I I I I ¡ ! II " Ii :11 :Ii I, -ill: I:! if' II l:i I', I,¡: " II I !I 27 DESIGNATED COUNTY ROAD NUMBER DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the Township of Yarmouth; CO~~NCING on the road bet10feen Concessions III and IV at the eastern limit of the road bet10feen Lots 21 and 22 in Concession III hereinafter described as County Road Number 36; THENCE 10festerly along the said road bet10feen Concessions III and IV to the eastern limit of the road bet10feen Lots 3and 4, being the King's High10fay Number 4; A DISTANCE of approximately 6.10 miles. ", ;\ i~1 ., 30 DESIGNATED COUNTY IWAD NUIvlliER DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the Township of Yarmouth; CO VIIv]}i:NCING on the road bet10feen Lots 8 and 9 in the Range I North of the Edgeware Road at the northern limit of the City of St. Thomas; THENCE northerly along the said road bet10feen Lots 8 and 9 and its deviations through Ranges I and II North of the Edge10fare Road and Concessions X, XI, XII and XIII to the southern limit of the road bet10feen Concessions XIII and XIV; THENCE 10festerly along the said road bet10feen Concessions XIII and XIV to the south-eastern limit of the road comprising the boundary bet10feen the County of Elgin and the Count;y of Middlesex; A DISTANCE of approximately 4.75 miles. -', ~i. '~I ., 32 DESIGNATED COUNTY H.OAD NUMBER DESCH.IPTION BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the T010fnship of Malahide; CO~MENCING on the road between Concessions VII and VIII at the eastern limit of the road bet10feen Lots 10 and 11, being the King's High10fay Number 73; THENCE easterly along the said road bet10feen Concessions VII and VIII to the diversion constructed across the south-eastern portion of Lot 12 in Concession VIII and the north- 10festern portion of Lot 86 in Concession VII or the Gore Concession; THENCE north-easterly along the said diversion through Lot 12 in Concession VIII and Lot 86 in Concession VII or the Gore Concession to the road bet10feen Concession VIII and Concession VII or the Gore Concession; THENCE easterly along the said road bet10feen Concession VIII and Concession VII or the Gore Concession to a diversion constructed across tr~ south-1ofestern portion of Lot 15 in Concession VIII; THENCE north-easterly along the said diversion through Lot 15 in Concession VIII to the road bet10feen Lots 15 and 16 in Concession VIII; \; :l. T}ŒNCE northerly along the said road betvveen Lots 15 and j¡jD:to the main entrance to the <.\:', R.C.A.F. Statio~, Aylmer. , A DISTANCE of approximately 2.0 miles. 34 DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road or the devi~tions thereof in the T010fnship of Yarmouth, in the County of Elgin, and the Tovvnship of Westminster, in the County of ~~ddlesex, and the Village of Belmont; CO~~NCING in the T010fnships of Yarmoµth and Westminster on the road forming the boundary bet10feen the said T010fnships at the Bridge over Kettle Creek opposite Lot 15, Concession XV, in the T010fnship of Yarmouth; THENCE north-easterly along the said road to the 10festern limit of the Village of Belmont; THENCE in the Village of Belmont continuing north-easterly along the Street to the 10festern limit of the Street, being King's High10fay Number 74; CO~~ŒNCING in the Townships of Yarmouth and Westminster on the road forming the boundary bet10feen the County of Elgin and the County of Middlesex at the vvestern limit of the road bet10feen Lots 10 and 11 in Concession VIII, T010fnship of Westminster; THENCE north-easterly along the said Boundary Road to the road bet10feen Concessions XIII and "', ~\ XIV, herein described as County Road Number 30; A TOTAL DI~~µCE of approximately 0.15 miles. ., Ii ;, III "J' j':, '" Ii ~ :'," ~ òj ~ ~ ~ {J :# ~r :; II ¡p ¡.f; " 35 DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the T010filships of Yarmouth and r*,lahide; CO~il~NCING in the T010fnShips of Yarmouth and Malahide on the road forming the boundary bet10feen the said T010fnships at the southern limit of the King's High10fay Number 3; THENCE southerly along the said Boundary Road to the northern limit of the road bet10feen Concessions IV and V, in the T010fnship of Malahide hereinafter described as County Road Number 45; A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 3.15 miles. '.;,'¡l '~I -, BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the TOvffiShips of Yarmouth and Malahide; COlVJlvJENCING in the Tiwnship bf Yarmouth on the road bet10feen Lots '63 and 64, Concession VIII on the South Talbot Road at the southern limit of the Talbot Road, being the King's High10fay Number 3; THENCE southerly along the said road bet10feen Lots 63 and 64, Concession VIII to the diversion across the south-1ofestern portion of Lot 64 in Concession VIII; THENCE along the said diversion through the south-1ofestern portion of Lot 64 to the road bet10feen Concessions VII and VIII; THENCE easterly along the said road between Concessions VII and VIII to the established road through Lots 20 and 21 in Concession VII; THENCE southerly and easterly along the said established road through Lots 20 and 21, Con- cession VII to the road bet10feen Lots 21 and 22, Concession VII; THENCE southerly along the road bet10feen Lots 21 and 22 and its deviations through Concessions VI, V and IV to the northern limit of the road \, ;~ bet10feen Concessions III and IV, herein described as County Ho~p.· Number 27; ',<,. , AND COM~JENCING âgain on the road bet10feen Lots 21 and 22, Cóncession III at the southern limit of the road between Concessions III and IV, herein described as County Hoad Number 27 ¡¡. "~; 36 36 continued) DESCRIPTION THENCE southerly along the said road bet10feen Lots 21 and 22 and its deviations through Concessions III, II and I to the established road in Lot 22 in Concession I kno"m as the Lake Road; THENCE easterly along the said Lake Road through Lots 22 to 28 to the boundary bet10feen the To¡.¡nships of Yarmouth and Malahide; THENCE in the Township of Malahide continuing easterly along the said Lake Road through Lots 1 to 5 in Concession I to the 10festern limit of the established road kn010fn as Bank Street in the Hamlet of Port Bruce, being the King's Highway Number 73; A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 12.35 miles. \, ~\ '1;1 ., 'I ! ';1 'I I, " ! I !i , ¡ ~ , Ii Ii I " 'I :1 )1 ;¡ Ii I' ili :,! )1' i I ,I i I I II' I II' I' II II III Ii' , 37 DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the TOvofilShip of North Dorchester, in the County of Middlesex, and the TO\ofilship of South Dorchester and the Village of Belmont, in the County of Elgin; CO~~ŒNCING in the TO\ofilship of North Dorchester and South Dorchester on the road comprising the boundary bet10feen the said TOvofilships at the boundary bet10feen the T010fnships of North Dorchester and South Dorchester, and the Township of Dereham, in the County of Oxford; THENCE 10festerly along the said Boundary Road to the eastern limit of the road bet10feen Lots 3 and 4 in Concession VII, TO\ofilship of South Dorchester, hereinafter described as County Road Number 47; AND COV[~NCING again on the said Boundary Road bet10feen the TO\ofilships of North Dorchester and South Dorchester at the 10festern limit of the road bet10feen Lots 3 and 4, Concession VII; THENCE 10festerly along the said Boundary Road to the eastern limit of the road bet10feen Lots 12 and 13 in Concession VII, T010fnship of South Dorchester, being the King's High10fay Number 73; "', ;\ AND CO!JIMßNCING again on the said Boundary Road at the 1ofestei~, limit of the King's High10fay Number 73; .. TIŒNCE 1ofeste~lY along the said Boundary Road to the established road in Lot 22 in Concession VII, 'ro"mship of Sout.h Dorchester; NU~IBER NU¡VffiEH. 37 continued) DESCRIPTION THENCE in the T010fnship of South Dorchester 10festerly along the said established road across Lots 22, 23 and 24 ,Concession VII, to the eastern limit of the Village of Belmont; THENCE in the Village of Belmont continuing 10festerly along the said established roa~ to the eastern limit of King's High10fay Number 74; A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 10.75 miles. \', ~\ Î\! ~A' ., "\. 38 DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the T010fnships of Malahide and ,Bayham kn010fn as the Talbot Road; COrWŒNCING in the T010fnship of Malahide on the road kn010fn as the Talbot Road in Lot 107 in the South Side of Talbot Road Concession at the southern limit of the King's High10fay Number 3; THENCE easterly along the said Talbot Road to the road bet10feen Lots 108 and 109 in the South Side of Talbot Road Concession being the road comprising the boundary bet10feen the 'l'ovmships of Malahide and Bayham; THENCE in t he T01vnship of Bayham continuing easterly along the said Talbot Road and its deviations to the 10festern limit of the King's High10fay Number 19; AND CO~~ŒNCING again on the Talbot Road in Lot 125 at the eastern limit of the King's High10fay Number 19; TIŒNCE easterly along the said Talbob Road and its deviations to the road comprising the boundary between the To¡.¡nship of Bayham, in the County of Elgin, and the T010fnship of Houghton,qin the County of Norfolk; \, ;~, A TOTAL DIS'rANCE of approximately 8.60 miles. . i,'¡)J " " 39 NUMBER DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the Village of Port Burwell; COMMENCING in the Village of Port Bur10fell on Chatham Street opposite the northern limit of Burns Street; THENCE southerly along said Chatham Street and its deviations to the 10faters of Lake Erie A DISTANCE of approximately 1 mile. '\ ~ I ' w. ~ I I ! ',!I, '1 (Ii !b Ii , Iii I": L ill : ' i ¡ ~ 1ii 1: I' iil ¡'¡'i ;1", II III Iii I, II [,' i ¡J 40 DESCRIP'rION BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the To¡.¡nship of NBlahide and the Village of Springfield; CO~vŒNCING in the Tovvnship of NBlahide on the road bet10feen Lots 20 and 21 at the northern limit of the road bet10feen Concessions I and II herein- after described as County Road Number 42; THENCE northerly along the said road between Lots 20 and 21 and its deviations through Concessions II, III, IV, V and South Side of the Talbot Road to the southern limit of the Talbot Road, being the King's High10fay Number 3; AND CONIT~ENCING again on the road between Lots 20 and 21 in North Side of the Talbot Road Concession at the northern limit of the Talbot Road; THENCE northerly along the saíd road bet10feen Lots 20 and 21 and its deviations through Concessions North Side of the Talbot Road, VII, VIII, IX to the southern limit of the Village of Springfield; THENCE in the Village of Springfield continuing northerly on East Street to the southern limit of lfffiin Street, hereinafter described as County Road NumbeÌ""52; A TOTAL DIST~NCE of approximately 11.20 miles. ',C" " 41 DESIGNA'l'ED COUNTY ROAD ---1!]MBER DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road or the deQations thereof in the Village of Vienna; COW~NCING on Main Street at the 10festern limit of Front Street, being the King's High10fay Number 19; TrŒNCE northerly along Main Street to Fulton Street; THEN CE 10festerly along Fulton Street to the eastern limit of Union Street; A DISTANCE of approximately 0.4 miles. ~ , I . w. . 42 DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the Townships of Malahide and Bayham and the Village of Port Bur10fell kno¡.¡n as the Lake Road or Nova Scotia Street; CO~~ŒNCING in the T010fnship of Malahide on the road bet10feen Concessions I and II at the eastern limit of the road bet10feen Lots 9 and 10, being the King's High10fay Number 73; THENCE easterly along the said road bet10feen Concessions I and II and its deviations to the road between Concessions I and II, in the T010fnship of Bayham; THENCE in the To"rnship of Bayham along the said road bet10feen Concessions I and II to the diversion across the north-east portion of Lot 10 in Concession I; THENCE south-easterly along the said diversion through Lot 10 in Concession I to the road bet10feen Lots 10 and 11 in Concession;!; THENCE southerly along the said road bet10feen Lots 10 and 11 in Concession I to the northern limit of the Village of Port Bur1ofell; THENCE in the Village of Port Burwell south- '\\ ¡~ easterly along Bridge Street as diverted through Lot 11, Conc\Fsion I, formerly in the Township " of Bayham, no1tJ ~n the Village of Port Bur\ofell, over the Big ,Otter Creek to the western limit of Union Street being the King's High10fay Number 19 1\ III It 1,\ M NUMBEH. 42 continued) DESCH.IPTION AND CO~rr~NCING again in the Village of Port Burwell on Wellington Street at the eastern limit of Robinson Street, being the King's Highway Number 19; 'rHENCE easterly along Wellington Street to the eastern limit of the Village of Port Bur1ofell; THENCE in the, T010fnship of Bayham easterly along the established road in Concession I kno¡.¡n as the Lake Road and its deviations to the road comprising the boundary bet10feen the T010fnship of Bayham, in the County of Elgin, and the Township of Houghton, in the County of Norfolk' , A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 15.25 miles. '\\ Il, '\;!, , " ':11: !¡~" ¡i I, 43 DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the T010fnships of Malahide and Bayham COì'Ifl\'JENCING in the Townships of ]vIalahide and Bayham on the road comprising the boundary bet10feen the said Townships at the northern limit of the road between Concessions I and II in the T010fnship of Bayham, being County Road Number 42; .. THENCE northerly along the said Boundary Road r to the southern limit of the road bet10feen Concessions III and IV in the T010fnship of Bayham, hereinafter described as County Road Number 45; A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 2.6 miles. '" 'I; ì,~ ~~: " 4/+ BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the T010fnship of Bayham; COlJj VJENCING on the road between Concessions VIII and IX at the eastern limit of the Talbot Road, being the King's High10fay Number 3; 'rHENCE easterly along the said road bet10feen Concessions VIII and IX and its deviations to the 10festern limit of the established road in Lot 22 in Concession VIII, being the King's High10fay Nuraber 19; A DISTANCE of approximately 3.8 miles. ''''':l . ;'íil, <"1 ., , DESIGNATED COUNTY ROAD _NUMBER 'I: I' 45 DESIGNATED COUNTY ROAD NU¡VIBF;R DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the T010fnships of Yarmouth, Malahide and Bayham; COIVjIViENCIID in the T010fnship of Yarmouth on the road bet10feen Concessions V and VI at the eastern limit of the road bet10feen Lots 7 and 8 in Concession V herein described as County Road Number 22; THENCE easterly along the said road bet10feen Concessions V and VI to the 10festern limit of the road bet10feen Lots 21 and 22 in Concession VI herein described as County Road Number 36; AND CO¡VWŒNCING again on the road between Concessions V and VI at the eastern limit of the road bet10feen Lots 21 and 22 in Concession VI; THENCE continuing easterly along the said road bet10feen Concessions V and VI and its deviations in Lots 23, 24 and 25 to the boundary bet10feen the T010filShips of Yarmouth and IJIalahide; THENCE in the T010fnships of Yarmouth and Malahide, northerly along the said Boundary Road to the road bet10feen Concessions IV and '\; ¡~ V, T010filShip of Malahide; THENCE in th~ Township of Malahide easterly bet10feen Conce~sions IV and V to the 10festern limit of, the road between Lots 10 and 11, being the King's High10fay Number 73; DESCRIPTION AIID CO~WŒNCING again on the road bet10feen Concessions IV and V at the eastern limit of the road bet10feen Lots 10 and 11; THENCE easterly along the said road bet10feen Concessions IV and V to the 10festern limit of the road bet10feen Lots 20 and 21 herein described as County Road Number 40; AND CO~VŒNCING again on the road bet10feen Concessions III and IV at the eastern limit of the road between Lots 20 and 21 in Concession IV; THENCE easterly along the said road bet10feen Concessions III and IV to the boundary bet10feen the T010fnships of Malahide and Bayham; THENCE in the Township of Bayham continuing easterly along the road bet10feen Concessions III and IV to the established road in Lot 2 in Concession IV; THENCE north-easterly foll01ofing the 10findings and turnings of the said established road through Lots 2 to 9 in Concession IV to the road bet10feen Concessions IV and V; THENCE south-easterly along the said road between Concessions IV and V to the 10festern limit of the road bet10feen Lots 10 and 11, being the King's High10fay Number 19; -', ¡~, A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 20.35 miles. Itd_ ~' '<,: " ( 45 continued DESIGNATED COUN'l'Y IWAD NUMBER 'II II , r 1; I I', i Ii " 46 DESIGNATED COUNTY ROAD NUMBER DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the Township of Bayham; CON~ŒNCING on the road bet10feen Lots 5 and 6 in Concession VIII at the northern limit of the established road in Lot 6 in Concession VIII, being the King's High10fay Number 3; THE:NCE northerly along the said road bet10feen Lots 5 and 6 and its deviations through Concessions VIII, IX and X to a diversion acrosS the north-eastern portion of Lot 5 in Concession X; THENCE north-1ofesterly along the said diversion through Lot 5 in Concession X to the road comprising the boundary bet10feen the To¡.¡nship of Bayham, in the County of Elgin, and the T010fnship of Dereham, in the County of Oxford; A DISTANCE of approximately 3.0 miles. '\, '\' \,~¡ " -'.< " 1:1 DESCRIPTION 'i'1 BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the T01¡Jilship of South Dorchester; CO~~ŒNCING on the road bet10feen Lots 3 and 4 at the boundary betvveen the T010fnship of South Dorchester, in the County of Elgin, and the T010fnship of North Dorchester, in the County of IVIiddlesex; '£HENCE southerly along the said road between Lots 3 and 4 and its deviations through Concessions VII, VIII, IX and X to the northern limit of the road bet10feen Concessions X and XI hereinafter described as County Road Number 48; A DISTANCE of approximately 3.6 miles. '\,1\ ili II i~[ . r i¡il! ".' I " q I: I.~ [I" .¡I', lil!¡ Ii' '111\ 1,[1'1 ¡·I! ".,1 1'.111 ¡' ii " ~, r ~I, 1.'7 DESIGNATED COUNTY ROAD NUlIJBER 11'1 11"¡"'ll, I t ~, f 1 ~ ~ 1',[ , Ii .N___ ____.._~___."...,_.~. --'...--- DESIGNATED COUNTY ROAD --1i~EH 48 .--..- _"_'~m DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the Township of South Dorchester; CONWŒNCING on the road bet10feen Concessions X and XI at the eastern limit of the road bet10feen Lots 12 and 13, being the Kingls High10fay Number 73 ; THENCE easterly along the said road bet10feen Concessions X and XI to the road comprising the boundary bet10feen the T010fnship of South Dorchester, in the County of Elgin, and the Township of Dereham, in the County of Oxford, hereinafter described as County Hoad Number 54; A DISTANCE of approximately 5.4 miles. '\, ;\ i,lU_ ~ " ~, ---'.' ~ ,--.- ;C,.__._____ , " III' II , I' I i~i\ 49 DESIGNATED COUNTY IWAD NUMBEH DESCHIPTION BEING that portion of thé road or the deviations thereof in the Tow'nship of South Dorchester and the Village of Springfield; CO!~ŒNCING in the Township of South Dorchester on the road bet10feen Lots 6 and 7 in Concession XI at the southern limit of the road bet10feen Concessions X and XI herein described as County Hoad Number 48; THENCE southerly along the said road bet10feen Lots 6 and 7 and its deviations through Concessions XI and XII to the northern limit of the Village of Springfield; THENCE in the Village of Springfield continuing southerly on Wellington Street to the northern limit of Main Street, hereinafter described as County Hoad Number 52; A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 1.8 miles. .,\ 1\ '\\I : "'~ " It )1 , I ,I i'~: ''Ii I I I: I) r V 50 DESIGNATED COUNTY ROAD _NUMBER DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the To¡.¡nships of South Dorchester and Yarmouth; CON~NCING in the T010fnship of South Dorchester on the road bet10feen Concessions XI and XII at the western limit of the road bet10feen Lots 12 and 13, being the King's I-ligh\'lay Number 73; THENCE 1ofester1y along the said road bet10feen Concessions XI and XII and its deviations to the road comprising the boundary bet10feen the T010fnships of South Dorchester and Yarmouth; THENCE in the Tovvnship of Yarmouth continuing 10festerly along the road through Lot 19 in Concession X to the eastern limit of the King's High10fay Number 74; A TOTAL DISTANCE of' approximately 4.90 miles. \\ ,\ i.~ .. " (l ~, , ~I,,1 :'1 :'1; III DESIGNATED COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 51 DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the Tovvnship of South Dorchester; COV~ŒNCING on the road bet10feen Concessions IX and X at the 10festern limit of the road bet10feen Lots 12 and 13, being the King's Highway Number 73 ; THENCE 10festerly along the said road bet10feen Concessions IX and X to the eastern limit of the road comprising the boundary bet10feen the Tovvnships of South Dorchester and Yarmouth, being the King's High10fay Number 74; A DISTANCE of approximately 4.80 miles. <'\ J\ i,~ ~ " ~, 1 , ':r & " ~ , 52 DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the Townships of South Dorchester and Malahide and the Village of Springfield; C01~V~NCING in the T010fnships of South Dorchester and Malahide on the road comprising the boundary bet10feen the said To~mships at the eastern limit of the road between Lots 12 and 13 in Concession XII, T010fnship of South Dorchester, being the King's High10fay Number 73; THENCE easterly along the said Boundary Road to the 10festern limit of the Village of Springfield; THENCE in the Village of Springfield continuing easterly on Main Street to the eastern limit of the said Village of Springfield; THENCE in the Townships of South Dorchester and I~lahide easterly along the said Boundary Road and its deviations to the road comprising the boundal~ between the Townships of South Dorchester and Malahide, in the County of Elgin, and the T010fnship of Dereham, in the County of Oxford, hereinafter described as County Road Nmnber 54; '\\ ;, A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximatelY 5.45 miles. '!II " .,,~ " " 'I I ¡:I I I 1'1 I'. 'Î it:' d I' " " " ¡: BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the Town of Aylmer; COrWÆNCING on Elm Street at the northern limit of Talbot Street; THENCE northerly along the said Elm Street to the southern limit of Beech Street in the T010fn of Aylmer; A DISTANCE of approximately 0.5 miles. , '\ '1>1 ' . J...,~ ., 53 I'" 1 " ~; Ii' ~ i 1 5l, DESIGNATED COUNTY IWAD NUMBER DESCRIPTION BEING that portion of the road or the deviations thereof in the Township of South Dorchester, in the County of Elgin, and the To¡.¡nship of Dereham, in the County of Oxford; CO~IT~NCING in the Townships of South Dorchester and Dereham on the road comprising the boundary between the said To,vnships at the southern limit of the road comprising the boundary bet10feen the Townships of South Dorchester and VBlahide herein described as County Road Number 52; THENCE northerly along the said Boundary Road bet10feen the Tmmships of South Dorchester and Dereham to the northern limit of the road bet10feen Concessions X and XI in the T010fnship of South Dorchester herein described as County Road Number 48; A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 1.75 mileso .~. )~ '1\1 . .. I", "