1803 , ~ ^~_._. 'I I,: \1 BY-LAW NO. 1803 DESIGNATING THROUGH HIGHVIAYS WHEREAS clause 26 of subsection 1 of section 1 of The High10fay Traffic Act (11.. S. O. 1960, Chapter 172) provides that: "through highway" means any high10fay or part of a high10fay designated as such by the Minister or by by-la1of of a municipality approved by the Department, and every such high10fay shall be marked by a stop sign or yield right- of-way sign in compliance with the regulations of the Department: NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Elgin enacts as follows: l. The following highways or parts of high10fays under the juris- diction of the Municipality of Elgin are designated as through high1ofays: Name of Highway - County Road 2 - From the east side of County Road 3 to the north side of County Road 15. The intersection of King's High10fay #76 is a through highwa* for County Road 2 and King's High10fay 76 is not a through highway at this point. County Road 3 - From the gate of the Memorial Park at Port Glasgow to the County Boundary which is the Thames River. I Cóunty RQad 4- From the 10fest side of the Road between Concessions IV and V, T010fllship of Orford to the west side of County Road 3· County Road 5 - From the north side of County Road 2 to the County Boundary which is the Thames River. County Road 6 - From the east side of County Road 7 to the',W€st side of County Road 3. County Road 7 - From jr~ 10fest side of the Road bet10feen Conce's~ons X and XI, T010fllship of Orford to the County Boundary which is the Thames River. County Road 8 - (a) John Street in Dutton. From the north side of County Road 15, Main Street, Village of Dutton, to the south side of County Road 15 being Currie Street in Dutton _"···._m··_.'....·~__ ,_.,,_ .--.--. ~ :1 l,' ,':! ,." , , I U , , : , I County Road $ - (b) Ne10f Currie Road. From the south sidè of John Street in the Village of Dutton to the County Boundary which is the Thames River. County Road 9 - (a) From the east side of County Road 3 to the west side of County Road 5. (b) From the east side ,of County Road 5 to the 10fest side of County Road 8. County Road 12 - From the east side of County Road 8 to the west side of County Road 14. County Road 13 - From the east side of County Road 15 to the 10fest side of County Road 14. County ,Road 14 - From the north side of County Road 16 to the County Boundary 10fhich is the Thames River. County Road 15 - From the south side of County Road 2 to the west side of the Road between Concessions IX and X, Township of Dunwich at the west side of the Road between Lots 6 and 7. County Road 16 - From the south-east side of' County Road 15 to the west Boundary of the City of St. Thomas. County Road 17 - From the east side of County Road 19 to the west side of King's Highway #4. County Road 18 - From the east ~ide of County Road 14 to the west side of County Road 19. County Road 19 - From the north side of King's High10fay #3 to the north side of County Road 17. County Road 20- (a) From the south side of County Road 18 to the north side of County RoM 16. (b) From the south side of County Road~~p to the north side of King's Highwáy #4 in the Village of Port Stanley,,. ! County Road 2J. - From the 10fest sidà of County Road 20 to the east side of King's Highway #4. County Road 22 - From the north side of County Road 27 to the South Boundary of the City of St. Thomas. County Road 23 - (a) From the east side Highway #4 in Lot 3, C T010fnship of Yarmouth to the north side of Joseph Street in the Village of Port Stanley. (b) On Joseph Street from the east side "of King's Highway #4 to the east side of East Street in the Village of Port Stanley. County Road 24 - From the east side of County Road 23 to the west side of County Road 36. County Road 25 - From the north side of King's Hign10fay #3 to the County Boundary between the Townships of Southwold, Yarmouth, and Westminster. County Road 26 - From the east side of County Road 25 to the north Boundary of the City of St. Thomas. County Road 27 - From the east side of King's Highway #4 to the west side qf County Road 36. County Road 30 - (a) From the north Boundary of the City of St. Thomas to the south side of the Road bet10feen Concessions XIII and XIV, Township of Yarmouth. ' (b) From the east side of the Road , between the Townships of Westminster and Yarmouth to the 10fest side of the Road between Lots 8 and 9, Concession XIII, T010fnShip of Yarmouth. County Road 32 - From the east side of King's Highway #73 to the Main Entrance to the R. C .A. F. ,Aylmer Airport. I County Road 34 - (a) From the west side of the Road bet10feen Lots 10 and 11, Concession VIII, T010fnShip of Westminster to the east side of the County Road 30. (b) From the 10fest side of King's Hi~hway #74 to the 10fest limit of the Roa~\being Kettle Creek. County Road 35 - From;;¡þñe south side of King's Highway #3 to the north side of County Road 45. " County Road 36 - From the south side of King's High10fay #3 to the west side of King's High10fay #73. Coun'l;y Road 37 - From the east side of King's HighwctY , #74 to the east limit of the Townships of North Dorchester and South Dorchester. County Road 38 - From the north-1ofest ,side of King's Highway #3 to the east side of the, County Line being the east side of the Town line between the TOV>Tnships of Bayham and Houghton. County Road 39 ~ From the north, side of Lake Erie to the south side of County Road 42. County Road 40 ~ From the south side of County Road 52 to the north side of County Road 42. County Road 41 - (a) On Fulton Street from the 10fest side of Union Street to the 10fest side of lVIain Street. (b) From th.e north side of King's Highway #19 to the north side of Fulton Street. CountJr Road 42 -(a) From, the east side of King's Highway ~73 to the west side of King's Highway 19 in the Village of Port Burwell. (b) From the east side öf King's Highway'#19 in the Village of Port BUr10fell to the County Boundary which. is the east side of the Townline being the T010fnships of Bayham and Houghton. County Road 43 - From'the south side of County Road 45 to the north side of County Road 42. County Road 44 - From the south-east side of King's HighwaY'#3 to the north~west side of King's High10fay #19. County Road 45 - (a) From the, east side of County Road 22 to the west side of County Road 36. (b) From the east side of County Road 36 to the 10fest side of County Road 40. (c) From the east side of County Road ~0%0 the west side of King's Highway ~. ' , . County Road 46 - From~he north-1ofest side of King's Highway #3 to the County Boundary being the nor~h side of th.e TOV>Tnline between the T?wnships of Bayham and Dereham DESIGNATING THRUUGH HIGH~ - Continued Page 5 County Road 47 - From the north side of Road 48 to the County Boundary being the north side of the To¡.¡nline bet10feen the Townships of North Dorchester and South Dorchester. County Road 48 - From the east side of King's High10fay #74 to the 10fest side of County Road 52. County Road 49 _ From the north side of County Road 52 to the south side of County Road 48. County Road 50 _ From the east side of King's Highway ~74 to the west side of King's Highway ~. . County Road 51- From the east siàe of King's Highway ~74 to west side of King's High10fay 73· County Road 52 - From the east side of King's Highway #73 to the we~t side of County Road 54. County Road 53 - From the north side of Talbot Street in the Town of Aylmer to the south side of Beech Street in the Town of Aylmer. County Road 54 - From the south side of County Road 52 to the north side of County Road 48. 2. The designation in section 1 of this by~law of a highway or part of a highway as a through highway shall not include any intersection thereon where the road intersected is a King's High¡.¡ay or where traffic control signals are installed, 3. This by-la1of shall not become effective until approved by the Department of transport and until signs are on display in compliance 10fith the regulations of the Department. ENACTED AND PASSED this 18th day of January. 19>2. ------. , .~, :~ ~æ /::"" ::::--;; '&-' . WARDE] !..e " ,<9 '\ CLERK Iii":,: ,.:r+" IL I " II 11'1 II :il \, ,