1808 'fo Confirm the Equalization of the Assessment Rol~.ê. 1:Ji :¡;; of the County of Elgin for the year, 1962,11 ii, , i,li I iil !I: The Elgin County Council enacts: :1 , ::' THAT the following be the equalization of the Assessment Rolls I \ l ~ ¡;I! ,:1 ii!i of the County of Elgin for the year, 1962: I. ., ¡! Aylmer $7,491,400.00 1.4.224433% 1,1 Belmont 694,300.00 1.318314% ¡I il Dutton 883,106.00 1. 676814% I Port ßurwell 807,196.00 1.532678% Port Stanley 3,060,877.00 5.811896% Rodney 1,062,525.00 2.017488% Springfield 361,978.00 .687312% Vienna 338,073.00 .641922% West Lorne 1,103,840.00 2.095937% Aldborough 5,014,630.00 9.521620% Bayham 5,319,744.00 10.100960% South Dorchester 1,958,650.00 3.719022% Dum~ich 3,979,380.00 7.555921% Malahide 7,033,275.00 13.354559% Southwold 5,418,021.00 10.287566% Yarmouth 15.453558% $52,665,723.00 100.000000% 2. THAT this Council is willing to have the final equalization of Assessment Rolls in case of appeal, made by the County Judge. .~\ ;\; READ a first time this 21st day of March, 1962. READ a second time this \! Zlst day of Þlarch, 1962. "" READ a third time, and finaJ,ly passed, this 21st day of March, 1962. --- +-iJ~~ ~ .- Clerk Warden _11