1810 By-Law No. 1810 'A Bv-Law to Increase the Salary of the Count Weed Inspector and Tree Commissioner." The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts: THAT the remuneration of Mr. Claybourne Gordon as County Weed Inspector and Tree Commissioner be $1.50 per hour. THAT By-Law No. 1759 be repealed. READ a first time this 21st day of March, 1962. READ a second time this 21st day of March, 1962. READ a third time, and finally passed this 21st day of March, 1962. ? ~~ ., Clerk Warden ) I r¡J ry9~ (2 '>ee,'" , '!' 16/ 1 ,c</, ' " , "AU J.t ,"'J, i·(.." i/#' )-~p rI '''I :\ '\;) " ~i;~~~~~~~~i~~~~~