1812 , ,& County Clerk the day of 1 9~ of By-Law No v~ do hereby certify that " passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the foregoing is a true copy I Clerk of the Corporation of the County of f ,(ß Clerk " ~ SEAL - .~.' '-...,~ ,,?.;.-.P Passed at (4) The penditure tures cr approval of is authorized or monies raised in a St Thomas this the Ontario Municipal Board work commenced which will subsequent year 21st da y of March shall be obtained before any ex- be financed by the issue of deben- A.D 1962 the said year (3) The clerk shall transmit Municipal Roads Branch duplicate copies of this Department of Highways. not by-law to the district office of later than March 31st of the The said monies shall be expended under the supervisionqf.th~ duly appointed road superintendent and on work performed in accordance' \\Ì'ith The Highway Improvement Act (2 county TOTALS $ 20Û', 000.00, $ 335,000.00 $ 535,000.00 SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD $ $ 800.00 $ 45 800.00. NEW MACHINERY $ 25,000.00 $ nil $ 25,000.00 BRIDGES AND CULVERTS $ 36,_500 . 00 $ 49,600.00 $ 86.100 . 00 ROADS $ 138 CONSTRUCTION 500.00 $ 239.600.00 MAINTENANCE $ 378L'100 TOTAL . 00 (1) The sum of $ 535,00Q,.OOi is hereby estimated as the construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its year 19 62 as follows expenditure uþon jurisdiction during the the THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said County enacts as follows WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that the to,tal expenditure on roads be provided for annually by county by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT AC T IN THE COUNTY OF E L GIN A BY-J-,AW TO PROVIDE FOR THE I 962 EXPENDITURES ON ROADS, UNDER THE ESTI MATED COST I, CONSTRUCTION COUNTY SLJBURaAN (A) ROADS (COUNTY AND SUBURBAN) ROAD NO. LOCATION NATURE OF' WORK MiLES See Attached List , -- URBAN IMPROVEMENT (COUNTY CONTRIBUTioNS UNDER SECTIoNS 28 ANb ZOA H.i .A.) , SUB-TOTAL 13~,500. 0 (8) BRIDGES AND CULVERTS (COUNTY ANt> SUBURBAN) - TYPE AND LOCATioN To complete Eden Bridge, Road 44 18.000. 0 1'0 comn1ete Wardsvi11e Bridge. Ro ad " 2.000. 0 Concrete Culvert Construction, Road 12 4.000. 0 Pine Culvert Construction Roads 2. 16 and 20 12 ~OO 0 BRIDGES NO'" ON COUNTY ROADS· (SECTION 23 H.I.A.) -TYPE AND L.OCATION SUB-TOTAL 36,500. 0 (c) NEW MACHINERY AND MACHINE SHEDS (JTI::MIZE) KUDl5er 'l'J..rea ~~O.LLer t1 25.000. 0 f-, TlpI'1 ",C'",ment ,of 7'rl1cksc (D) SUPERiNTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (SEE FOOTNOTE) 2, MAINTENANCE TOTALS FOR CONSTRUCTION 200,000. 0 Nil (A) ROADS - EXTRAORDINARY RESURF'ACING (PAVEMENT) MILES 6 11, CH\O;. n - RESURFACING (GRAVEL. OR STONE) MILES SURFACE TREATMENT MILES 30 " ~ "'''' ,n ROADS - ORDINARY PAVEMENT PATCHING, CRACK FILLING, SWEEPING 15·000.( 0 5 OC ( STONE OR GRAVEL PATCHING, DRAGGING, BLADING 18 oon '!'n 2 1(1 DUST LAYING - CALCIUM, SAL.T, OIL., PRIME 16 000 0 DITCHES, TII-E DRAINS, CATCH BASINS, CURBS, GUTTERS, 'DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS 12.500. 0 1.3C WEED SPRAYING, CUTTING, BRUSHING, FENCE BONUS, Seeding (1 Ref of est- 10, <;00 0 1 <;( rél ~on 2,7C GUIDERAIL., SIGNS, ZONE MARKING & Rai1ro ad Protection 21,000. 0 WINTER CONTROl-, SNOW FENCE, PL.OWING, SANDING, ·SALTING 19,200. 0 3,OC URBAN IMPROVEMENT (COUNTY CONTRIBUTIONS UNDER SECTIONS 28 AND 28AH,I.A.) 37.800. 0 - (B) BRIDGES AND CUL.VERTS SUB--,.TOTAL 224.000. 0 15,6CI MAJOR REPAIRS (DESCRIBE) (1 rep1a,cement of Old Cenîret!f ?h hon 0 u ver s MJNOR REPAIRS 21,000. 0 2,0 .~, ;I; 47.600. 0 2 OC SUB-TOTAL. (d) SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (SEE FOOTNOTE) 44·000. 0 5.8( $.1>- Reduction in Stock Balance - $4.000.00 Credit 11 <; 600 ,~' ~; \1il';A' IUIAL5· ,"UH: MAINTENANCE 0 GRAND TOTALS $535,000.00 ~ 515,600. 0 $19,4« " MYL , R-.4 'ÍvvIW1ß- /'L . /"1 /462-- DATE '/ COUNTY ROAD SUPERINTENDENT IF IHSUFFICI ENT ROOM ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEET'S GIVING THE DATA IN THE FORM INDICATED NOTE _ SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD MAY BE DiSTRIBUTED BETWEEN CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE IN THE PROPORTION THAT TOTAL. OF ITEMS t(A) AND 1 (B) BEAR TO TOTAL OF I.TEMS 2.(A) AND 2.(a). , 0.0 0,.0 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.0' o .O( O..OC o .O( 0.0 0.0 Ii I' '\ I II I, II I Ii II O.OC O.OC Nav ,. ROAD PROGRAMME THË YEAR fI 62 1/ ) NORMAL COUNTY OF ELGIN RE: BY-LAW NO. 1812 --- CONSTRUCTION ROADS:- Land Purchase $ 20,000.00 Paving, Etc. Real 20, Fingal to Shedden in $ Southwo1d Township - 2.4 miles 30,000.00 Paving, Etc. Road 27 near the Seminary School in Yarmouth Township - .6 miles 9,000.00 Paving, Etc. Road 23 in Yarmouth Township and Port Stanley - 1.6 miles 18,000.00 Paving, Etc. Road 38 at Richmond Hill in Bayham Township _ 1 mile 13,000.00 Paving, Guide Rails, Etc. Road 3 at Wardsvi11e Bridge - .5 miles 8,000.00 Paving, Aldborough_Orford Townline (Paved by the County of Kent in 1961) 6,500.00 Miscellaneous Grading Construction, Surveying, Fencing and Clearing - includes preparation for 1963 Grading 5,000.00 Gt'ading, Granular Base, Etc. Road 16, in Dunwich Township - 1.5 miles. (See also the Supplementary By-Law) 29,000..00 TOTAL ROAD CONSTRUCTION: $138,500.00 '~, ;I; \¡i ., 1¡J '" et Enel " ~ J. p, Howard, Municipal Engineer One copy of the by-law as approved Yours is returned herewith, truly In the event that any portion of the cost of the proposed work or purchase is to be raised in a subsequent year or financed by the issue of debentures, the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board must be obtained before the work or purchase is authorized or any commitment made with respect thereto ~, This approval is given subject to the approval of each individual work of road and bridge construction, each contract for rnaintenance and the purchase of each unit of equipment, The District Municipal Enginee r must be advised and his consent obtained before such works or purchases are advertised or tenders called or any commitment made by the county with respect to them " I :1 ¡, 1 Please be advised that expenditures in excess of either the construction or maintenance limits will not be eligible for subsidy unless covered by a supplementary by-law approved by the Minister, Supplementary by-laws must be in the hands of the District Municipal Engineer not later than July 31, 1962, $ 535 , 000. Total $ 335.000. for Maintenance and " ways lim it $ The Honourable has authorized the of 200.000. W A, Goodfellow, Minister of High- approval of the above cited by-law to a for Construction, Re: 1962 Number Road Expenditure By-law 1812 Amount $ OOO~ Dear Sir Mr, J. D. Thomson, Clerk, Couhty of Elgin, Court House, St. Thomas, Onto Toronto May 9 , Ontario 1962 ONTARIO CEPARTMI;:NT OF HIGHWAYS