1814 ~J UlY:::l,AW TO REGULATE THE LOCATION OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES ON LAND.S ADJACENT TO COUNTY ROADS ivHIJ:REAS, it is deemed to be necessary and desirable to regulate the location of buildings and structures on lands ad;jacent to certain County Roads; AND WHEREAS, au'tllOrij~y is granted under Section 64 of the Highway Improvement Acj~, Revised Statrrtes of Ontario 1960 to exercise such restrictions according to Section 30 of the Planning Ac't, Rcvised Statutes of Ontario 1960 subject to the approval of the Ontario ~filnicipal Board. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Copporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows;- 1. In this By-Law the wopd Itperson" shall mean any pepson, firm or corporation; the word "Highway" shall mean a, County or a St. Thomas Suburban ltoad Commission Road of the Coutl'ty of Elgin and the words "Road Committee" shall mean the Committee or Body appointed by the County of Elgin to have jurisdiction over Elgin County Roads. "Engineer" shall mean the County Engineer appointed by t;he Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. "Built-up Area" shall mean the territory contiguous to a highway not within a city, town, village or police village "here, (i) not; less than 50 per cent of the frorrtage upon one side of the highway for a distance of not less than 600 feet is occupied by dwellings, buildings used for busifiess purposes',~ schools, or churches, or, (ii) not less ,than 50 per cent of the frontage upon both " ' ~ , sides of the highway'" for a distan.ce of not less than " 300 feet is occupied by dwellings, buildings, used for business p11rposes, schools or churches, or (:n :L ) not mOI'e than 600 feet of the highway separates any t;erritory described in sub-clause (i) or (ii ) from any other territory described in sub-clause (i) or (ii) . 2. This By-Law shall apply to those Roads described in consolidating By-Law No. 1801, save and except those in an incorporated village or town. 3. No person shall erect any building or structure or dam or dig or ¿rill a well, alter or modify any building or structure or dig a pond, any part of which is Iocated closer to the centre line of the original Road Allowance than 85 feet or within 35 feet of the nearest limi,t of any highway whichever case is further distance from the presell't centre line; save and except any highway in a police village or Built-up area. 4. No person shall erect any building or structure, alter or modify any structure, any part of which is at a closer distance than as shown on Schedule "A" as attached, from a Road intersecting a highway or a railroad right-of-way intersecting a highway. 5. In a police village of Built-up Area no person shall erect any building 01' structure or dam, or drill or dig a well or dig a pond or alter or modify any stI'uctur'e, at a closer distance to the limit of any highway than; (i) wheI'e the nC\~ building, structure, dam, well or pond is erected betweel!,:~WO existing buildings not more than 300 clear fee,t apart the distance from the limi,t of any highway shal]¡i'~ot be less than the average setback of each of 'the.,two adjoining buildings, but in no case need the setback be more than 35 feet from the neal'est limit of. any highway THAT J3y··Law 813 be, hereby repeç¡Jed 11 No 1 and is June P AS.srm by the 13th, 1962 19in County Council at Thomas on 10 I::: St Ontario Hunici pal Board. yJDssed by the Council subject to the approval of t,he 9 Tn i S ßy·...L£lW shall come i rft~) effect the dB y that it is $300 . 00 for eaeh offence. Convicti )Il shall :)0 lizl~\lo to a penalty of not; mor'e than th <, o By·-Law shall be guilty of an offence and upon Summary 8 Every person wn o vio 1 ates ðny of the above provisions of with n 150 feet of a highway. 7. No junk or automob i Ie wrecking yard lay be located any o'ther adjacent kiln the nearest limit of the highway shall not be less than required in Sec.ti ons 3 or 5 However, the dist mICe to t,o the nearest limit of the highway is less than is a line or' series of 2 or more ; even though the dis,tanc.e Tobacco Kiln destroyed by fire or wind where t is one of ( c ) This J3y- Law shall not prohibit the replacement of a lim:Lt of the highway less than the distance of the residence to 'the nearest the di.stance to the nea.res't limit of the highway is not ] i it of the highway ÐS defined in Section 3 or 5 provided (b) a o TiLts well f the value of the By-Law shall within 20 feet of a present building not libit the drilling pro residence that is closer to any or digging of ( 2 ) that the cost of alterations is not greater than 1 2" to the nearest limit of the highway is no't dimin i shed and 1 provided (1) that in Blt;ering the building the distance any limi,t of the highway as defined in Section 3 or 5 modifying once only of any structure or building closer to 6 (a) Th is ßy··Law sh all not prohibit the alteration Or the feet apart, tUe regulations of Section 3 shall apply erected between two existing bnildings more than 300 clear 5 ( :u) "here a new building, structure, ..;-."'~''--'''' dam, well or ,_J.' .--.-:<",-",-. pond is 1[, ,¡ !: ¡; ,I I¡ nY-LAW NO 1814 Page 4 READ a fjrf3t time this 13th day of June, 1962. READ a second time this 13th day of June, 1962. READ a third t,ime, and finally passed this 13th day of June, 1962. ~ -µ-~ > ~ __'lJ / Clerk 1\Tarden '\. ;, ·i' " "v ., " to the clerk of the Municipality of Metro- politan;oronto, if the by-law applies to land in the ~iUnicipality of Metropolitan Toronto abutting on or lying within 150 feet of any metropolitan roadj (ui) a 'iii counGy' ê'ounc~-L, and , Enclosu:res 2 , :\ to your IJJ1J.nic.ipal solicitor Would you be good ðnough to hand one of the enclosed copie8 ~ífect;iv;,.,immedia.tely . oable to by-laws passed under Section 30 of Enclosed herewith are two copies of new procedure appli- Th,e Planni Act, MEMORANDUM :rO: The Clerks of all MJ.nici April 10th, Ii ti es 1962. THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD 145 Queen Street West, Toronto, 1 ~ 1\ ,"""~.-£, to the clerk of the Municipality of Hetro- politan Toronto, ,if the by-law applies to land in the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto abutting on or lying within 150 feet of any metropolitan road; .;;;¡ (Ui ) to the"cj,Lerk of the county, if the by_law applies to land abutting on or within 150 feet of a highway under the jurisdiction of a countY1¡icCJUncil, and ¡i (ii) to the Department of HighHays, Buildings, Toronto, 2, Ontario, law applies to land abutting on Highway, Parliament if the by- a King's (d) (i) to the having secretary of every conservation authority jurisdiction in the area affected; (c) to the having secretary of every plarming board jurisdiction in the area affected (ii) (i) to the Community Planning Branch of the Department of Municipal Affairs, 801 Bay Street Toronto, 5, Ontario, and (b) to all owners of property in the municipality with- in the area affected by the by-laH and within 300 feet of such area according to the last revised assessment roll at the addresses shown therein (a) 1: Forthwith after the passir~ of an original or amending by-law under Section 30 of The Planning Act notice of the by-law and of the intention to apply to this Board for approval shall be given either personally or by prepaid first-class mail: N"ctic. The new procedure shall be in accordance Hith the following As a result of an amendment to Section 30 (llb) of The Planni Act which was passed at the 1961-1962 session of the Legislature and which is nOH law, this Board is empoWered to give general directions for notice to be given by municipal councils of their intention to apply to this Board for approval of by-laws passed under authority of Section 30 of The Plannin.g Act. Under a new procedure adopted by this Board notice of the passing of such a by-law and of application to be made to this Board for approval Hill be given prior to the filing of application for approval_. Exceptions to this will be in special cases mentioned here- in. rul eS Rules of procedure applications to the Board for approval under the authority Planni Aç!;,., ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD to be followed upon Ontario Municipal of by-laws passed of Section 30 of The Advice 10: The advice of the municipal solicitor as to the fonn and clarity of the by-law and as to the clarity and content of any summary or explanatory note should always be obtained I ,I Ii ~ " h. ~ I Idem 8: Such application shall be accompanied by an affidavit or declaration duly sworn proving that notice has been given as re- quired by these rules or as otherwise directed by this Board, and such affidavit or declaration shall have attached thereto a copy or facsimile of the noticè 'and other documents mentioned in Rule 3, which shall be marked as exhibits in the manner required by court practice. (See also Rule 11 hereunder). 'w" 9: Such affidavit or decl~ràtion shall state also of objection has been received Qr shall produce as duly marked, a copy of each objection received, as (See also Rulp 11 hereunder) that no notice exhibits, the case also may be Proofs Application 7 After application required by fourteen (14) days from the date of the may be made to this Board for approval Section 30 of The P~anning Act giving of notice of the by-law as Time for objections 6: The notice (Form 103) shall specify at least fourteen (14) days from the date of mailing, service or publication as the case may be, for filing or delivery of objections to the by-law 5 In case of any doubt as to the clarity of the by-law or of the summary or explanatory note the same should be submitted to this Board for consideration of the form (See also Rule 10 hereunder) Form :!flap Content of notice 4 If a map forms part of the by-law a copy of such map shall accompany the by-law uDless otherwise directed by this Board 31 Notice shall be in Form 103, attached, and shall be accompanied by a copy of the by-law, and also in every case in which the by-law may not be readily understood by all those to whom notice is given, by a summary or explanatory note stating in clear and concise terms the purpose and effect of the by-law and the lands affected thereby (See also Rule 10 hereunder) . S peciaJ. cases 2: In cases cost to give for approval appropriate in which it would be unreasonable because of excessive notice by mail application ¡hay be made to this Board of the giving of notice by publication or by other means to the Interchurch Committee on Legal Affairs, c/o B. H, B. Bowlby, Esq" Q.C" Chairman, 330 Bay Street, Toronto, 1, in the case of any by-law pro- viding or chaD~ing the requirement of off-street parking for churches (g) to the secretary of any gas utility in the municipality (f) company operating a gas if the by-law applies to land abutting on a boundary between the municipality and another local municipality; to the owners of land in the adjoining muni- cipality abutting on the land to which the by-law applies, (iii) to the secretary of the planning board, any, of the adjoining municipality, and (e) (ii) (i) to the clerk of the adjoining if municipality, 2 Idem 11: The municipal solicitor should be consulted about the form and content of affidavits and declarations and particularly as to the reference therein to exhibits and as to the marking of exhibits according to the regular court practice as required by these rules. Exception 12: Notwithstanding the provisions of Rules 1 to 9 above, if the council is of the opinion that objection will be made to the approval of any by-law, the council may apply to the Board for approval of such by-law asking for a hearing and in such case 'special directions will be given by the Board and the provisions of Rules 1 to 9 above shall not apply. DATED at Toronto this 2nd day of April, 1962. ..... '" \ , ~ '" " .'~"';'''''''''''''''-'-''.~'...-.~~' FuRJYI 103 NOTICE üF APPLICATIUN to The Ontario Municipal Board by the Corporation of the of for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 30 of The Planning Act, TAKß NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the of intends to apply to The Ontario v~nicipal Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 30 of The Planning Act for approval of By-law passed tn the day of 196_, A copy' of the by_ law is furnished herewith, (vlhere a summary or explanatory note is !urnished add ~ "A note giving an explanation of the purpose and effect of the by-law and stating the lands affected th8reby is aLso furnished herewith"), Any person interested may, within fourteen (14) days after the date of this notice, file with the clerk of the ________ of notice of his objection to approval of the said by-law together with a statement of the grounds of such objection, The Untario ~hnicipal Board may approve of the said by-law but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objec- :1 tions to the by-law will be considered, " i DATED at the of this - day of 196_, I .~, ~ 1;i '" " (Name of clerk with address (where notices may be sent) N.B, The date of this notice must be the last date of mailing or delivery or the first date of publication, as the case nBY be , II ;1 [i " II ~ thø 'ßoa;rd e.nd ha.Ving "' eaU8$d,a. eê);'\¡U!.èd¢oPT thereof to be tiledJ .);1 . :vk Encl. \ ß cy:;~ B. Vickers, ~qJlf Secretary. f Yours very truly, the above-mentioned application, Order made on the 25th day of June, 1962, in connection ,~ith We are County of Elgin - Restricted Area.J?x.-la'" 181 enclosing here",ith copy of the Board's Re ,TEl.EPHONE· EM. 3 2 Dear Sir Mr. J.D, Thomson, Clerk-Treasurer, County Clerk's Office, St. Thomas, Ontario, : June 28, 1962. PLEAsE, QUOTE FILE NO. N. 1882-61 THE ONTARIO 45 QUEEN ST. WEST TORONTO ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD .. N. 181!2..61 ONTARIO - THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BO,ARP IN THE~'.M.'¡¡:a. OF; Seøt1ón 64 01' ie Hi1jfi,1£tÐt' !llnent £let (H..S.C. 19" c. 171 $Ud a$ct1i)Ì'I $0 01' 'þ¡e Pfa~ ~ct (H..S.O 3.960, c.~6>' , .. IiIm ... IN '¡:H$M4~ .Ø1".an app¡tcá~ío~¡'y.'J.'M Qo~t~t1on of tl1e Gø1mtyof E).g!.n for ap~v~ of' i1;.ø Reøtdcted Aree. J:J;y...3.a.w 1$1'. BE'ORE; ) ) w. G~OOD, ) ) MeJIIÞet, ~ Mondew, tb. 25th dew øf .. and .. 4une, 3.962. ) A. t. WIIOIUlE, ) ) MeJII\:Jw. ) TliIS ¡jPPL¡OAT:tON having come on 1'ør pùblie neat'Jl.ng at the Oity 011 $',," Thomø.I!, on the '1t.11 dew of J1me. 1962. 1n the p11e.ênce 011 C01m$eil for t.hEl appUoant corporation anIA $U int$relltø part.y I!,ppeating 1n perlilOn) no One appe~ing 1n oppQElit:l.on tberetb; it appearing tha.t notice I)f the ila:l.dh.em,ng ha.d belm du11 ¡¡¡inn ~ accorø.ancEI Wii;.b the directions of the BQarø.; tM BOârd,a!'tør hear~g evidenêe $Ud oth,r eU"bmi$llionlll,. ha.V±t'IIiI adjøurnØ thll hilarit'llil to give tbe (louncu. of 'l;.hé appliC/i.nt coJ'þOl'ation $on <lppo:tt11nit", to ConllJidet' celi'tain eJl ,endmeni;.$ t<l theså-1d 1:>¡¡r...1a", and tM så-1d C01mcil ha.ving 0.11 t.he '~. ;I, 33th dew ot ~. ~962, pe:~stld its :e¡r.-3..aw 1$14. rø-.enaøt.1.ns the pli'QVillløn.8 øt J:J;y-law 1$1' ~:n-aè( ordanoø wtt.h the d:trectións I)t 1v.. '" tbe }¡oaJ'ð. $Ud baVit'llil eau$éd ,a oè:ttifhdooP¡¡r tnerèe! tø be lIiled) " II II I I , i I, I Ii II I II '1 Iii '," " '" ~ II !i " II ! Ii Ii ,I " " "l I, Ii Ii il 11 " ,¡ì ,Ii ¡¡ " i ¡I 'I I' " :1 --r:;r 1:iÆ~ 'l I at þ. Municipal i¿¿ OntariO ___ ......:--:.::~~._-- --ENTERED "'cb ,''>,. <:,'..< .. I ...."':k...........:.................... (,Jm,¡>CC' 3L if If . .......................................... jUN 2 8 1962 O. B. No. folio N@ 'J'" ,) ! N. 1S82-61 ONTARIO - THE ONTARIO MUNiCipAL BOARD ..2- ø.nd l.\()1;1ceot a;ppUcU¡; ¡!oh tor t.he 4p~"'ÌòlQf Bý-¡'w 1.$14 he.v;l.r¡gbecn d!SþBnB$d.~, ¡hì 'l'Iœ BOAR)) OR!)Jì;RS, \tti,dør and in puJ'$UI:\høe of th~1.Elgis... lation h$rClli11l)efore refer.d to, and of' $n7 and ..u othe p()W~e Yel!Jted in the Boa).'d, that ~..a.é .W'l,1.U4, pe.$$ed the 13th dar ot Q\tti,e, 1962, be @d theBI.I!1\,$ is hCilrEl"by &;ppro\l'ed. Utbi., øf ,~~ ìlì6~,'Pf!$.eíiU;.. ~l$w 11\,.» ,. ØII,~~ \be "",I..".. ot ~..'1$.W 1., An ~".It wlt.h ~ ~\~ ., ,he Iø~ 4fI.nd h..v1~ _U$~4:,ft ItIltt-Ut.4 ~Pl '1M"" 'q, "' '''''.J " 1:t¡;m$U"Pt:OOA"~¡¡¡~4 blWÞa; ...u Ifø ,.'1)111'1 ~ri~.t. \h. Qt1tl1ø¡ .., on ,__ _ _ 9't "..,1_,:l..n\. Pt.". oj L ,., t". _u.øl'$ øø*'~.t.á.tJn -. ø lI",__f~ ~~. h ~iK'Iø. . ~. .~i"~ 18 <J~$$.tl(¡)' I 4.t. .,~~q I.t.,101) .f th.wli h.m_ ~ _..ß , It In _~.. with \ÞI., JJ1~\ît_ 'øt \M ~ø<t. t.tII 11ft. ~_ _4$Me n .the:t _'b!t!t..1o_. 1i14~ .~ ~ hønq to a1V$ the ._Mat *" .. t.p,U..w ton t\f1 OP~" 'I» .__.. ..tt-ä'" ~. ~ b,..llAw Mr1 thl1l ~ _..",$1 btl'9\Ì~ 0.\. iJl!'fì;iR~. N,. G~( {ìt\,. g_bø. .. fmd ... 1\. t. :MwCM'In, ~té!!iblft" . ) ) ì ) ) S ~ ~ *... \be iStn _ o.f lue,1961. ...1m4... . ".gAc'tØt~' ""AP1'1ie.iftbf-' CoJ1lØ"l'il~n øtt.M ~_t, øt _&1nt." .~..t1j. I~*t_ .- ~$Wlt1.'. 5"\191\ 30 lit! 1960, 0.196), Wt10n 6It .t , .. ('1\:.$..1)1. l' Milt ('" ?~ " .. ftttI*,·, )t¡~ 0; ~ ONTARIO ,tHE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD ';W $,$m>W. ØI!'# "N. 1~ I ;,i ;A" ., , " I I I I ,-- ENTERED O. ß, No. ,.".;f::::~,:,rþ"."""" .""'1"", folio No, !JL.t ,if .................................. JUN28 1962 ItB. Vickilrslt $¡~¡"dltf~'l. 't~,~P\)¡WI1l~I. _t'tr ;t._ ~ ~UII'Þ.øø ~t tb.l~" ....ttonbet~tIf-$ _~ .~, .- ot ~ BOO 311liith$1I' ,.. ..St.M in \~. 1!IØ;!!ri, t.M1í: ~_ llW., ~- _~1iI U1lh dii, lilt ~. llf6~p 'b(¡, ~ _.. ... t. ~_ å'~... .. .Ue.. of ~Ht4~ft foil' ;me blWÞI ~.n iilt'... Withl ~~ ., _"'"" 1&4 ..I.. ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD N. 1~ I Ir~'" STAFFORD, FANJOY & HENNESSEY BARRISTERS B:. SOLICITORS 458 TALBOT STREET ST. THOMAS TELEPHONE ME:I.,ROSE 1-0700 EDWARD Q. FANJOY, B.Sc.,a,C.L. Y, B.A., B.C P.O. BOX 4Se ONTARIO July3rd, 1962. John Thomson, Esq., Clerk..;Treasurer, County of Elgin, Court House, ST.THOMAS, Ontario. RE: COUNTY OF ELGIN RESTRICTED AREA BY-LAW 1814 -.--....--,--" ---.- Dear Sir: We are enclosing herewith the Board's Order, dated June 25th, ¡962. Yours very truly, STAFFORD, FANJOY & HENNESSEY EOF/ns Per: ¿~~ ENCL. 'I. " Iii " CEEST P.F .)!. 1882-61 .--.--- Ont I!lri 0 The Ontario MunicJ,p~l ßoard Itl tHE ¡,tA'.Il'l'ßnOF: 5.Cìtion~6t~ ',or;rhf11'¡l~t&b~T~~t'O.J~~~ f¡ç! (Ftn"C1.' 1,9ÖÕ, e. 1 ',an Section )0 of ~~~ Plántt!n~ ^o~ (R.8.0. 1960,o.29tS), ' . '. , - and .. IN THEMA'l'TEn. Qlf $n IIlppUc4t:LQtl by Tbe Corporation ot the, County o£ F,lgin tor QPrrovalo£ its Ib.ìì'lt.rict$d Ar$Q :!3y..lèW 19 .3. -"" . "____~ Î ' i, T'(t'lt! ÅPPOIN~'!EN'1" FOR HEAltXNG , ....-.-- . ~...... t"',.....'-~_~_...·'"' TH~ ON'l'ARIOMUNIC!~Ab BOARD hèreby appointe '.!'hursdíll.Y, tb$ 7th d¡;¡,y øt June, 1962, :,It the hQur øt ten o'clock in th$ .foreMon (too.$l nine) at thEl(Jourt Houa. . in thlð O:l.tYQ£ ßt. ,Tn<:imlUi, !)ntm:r:l.o. to,:t' theheaf'ing of: $11 pmx'ties intørested in supporting or opposing th1$ application. ,. )\ DA'l'EU Ðt '1'or(mt/? this :t.6th daY' <>;f' ,Af,r1J., .).962. Ii ., $igned: "a. V:l.ckøt's" SEAL OF TlII!'. OH'l'AR!Q SECRI1.TARl. ~'UNICIPAL JjOAr( ) Mr. John 10'1, SéCx'etàry, . Aylmer and Malahi4e Planning BQard, A!IJilER, Ontario. " Mr. Jame/ ! Quinn, Seo:retary, Port Stanley.Yarmouth-S0uthwo~ð Planning Board, PORT STANLEY, Ontario." The Olerk, County 0 f Norfolk, Court House, SIMCOE, Ont$rio,. ~ 'l'hèOlerk, 00unt10£ Oxford, Oourt HOUSG WOODSTOCK, Õntario. , The Clerk, COunty o.t' Kent, Rent Municipal Building, CHA'1'I:IAM, Ontario. ~ The C1l:Jrk, County of Middle/ l~x, Middlesex Municipal Building, 11,<1out '$t:reat LONnON, OnM:r!o. Thé! Secretary, Union Gas Company of Canada Ltd., Gas Ðu1ld1ng. Fifth Street, C~A'!'HAM, Ontar10. . The $ècreta,ry Central Pipe tines 00. 97 'J?dbot Stx'eat WEII!!t, A~R" (;111tl,\rio. Ltd. , ~h". T.S. Caldwëll District MuniciPal Engineer, Ontal":i,Q Depa,rtment of Highways, P.O. iox 217, LONDON, Ontario. tJlt'. J.D. VaUee, :l3ayhl'!!n TO'Vlnsh~.p S'lRAPFORnVILLE, Secretary, Pll1nn1ng Board. Ontårio. Mr. II.S. Gibson, DirectQr Iii: SEilcretary-'i'rtlaaurer, $t. ',rho!n.1;\S &, Suburbtm Plànning Board, Ci t, Y Nall! ST .'l'HOMIU¡¡ , Ontario. Mr. W.D. Adlam. 6$o1"etary, Qtte:r Qreek Authority, 19 Kënt Str~et, SQuth, S!MCOE,OntliÚ'io. Community Planning Board, Department o£ Municipal Affairs, E~Ol 13ay' Street, 'rOHOWrO, Ontario. ,;) . Mr. Ted Wh1te, Secretary, Catfish Creek Authority, 87 SydenhamStreet East, AYLMER, Ontàrio.