1818 Ii : :~~~, : '''''-:---'''''''''''' t-q~, --, , ,·,._~.m'_~ .",_""~M~ ';:""",..,..;,."",,,:,,...;..'..~. _.__.~----~ ,- ENACTED AND PASSED this 18th day of September, ~ ~ Warden ~ -1\ 0 ., ~ 19 62. MUNICIPALITY OF EL~IN BY-LAW NO. 1818 AUTHORIZING S~EED LIMITS WHEREAS subsect;ion 6a of section 59 of the Highway Traffic Act (R. S. O. 1960, Chapter 172) authorizes the council of a township or county by by-law to prescribe a lower or higher rate of speed for motor vehicles on a highway or portion of highway under its jurisdiction that is not within a built-up area, urban area or suburban district than in prescribed in clause a of subsection 1 of section 59, but such rate of speed shall not be less than 35 miles per hour or more than 60 miles per hour; AND ~~mREAS it is deemed expedient that the speed limit for motor vehicles upon certain highways in the Municipality of Elgin be either decreased or increased or both; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. No person shall drive a mo'tor vehicle upon the highways or portions of highways designated in Schedules "A" and liB" appended hereto, at greater rates of speed than the rates of speed prescribed in the schedules. 2. This by-law shall not become effective until approved by the Department of Transport. ,-"~>'--..,..,..,.,.,.."~ -.,.--- oe.'_"·.-,·",_i'·':=_""'~'· ----.---.......-- ----.-- - --. --------- ----- ----.:::---..:., 1!Ì .. , Road No. 27. (Hamlet of Sparta) Thousand, One Hundred Feet north of the north limit of County between Concessions III and IV, Township of Yarmouth,to One north limit of County Road No. 27, BßING the Road Allowance Lots 21 and 22 in Concession County Road No. 36, IV, BEING the Road Allowance between TOM1ship of Yarmouth, FROM the Maximum rate of s miles er hour Schedule A ~,~fm;<¡T';!i:"O;~\\1 :¡'1~i:~?¡.", ''if) Schedule B f speed 40 m~ er hour County Road No. 27, BEING the road Allowance between Concessions rrr and IV, TO~lship of Yarmouth, FROM Two Hundred and Thirty Feet east of the east limit of Colborn Street in the Hamlet of Union in Concession IV, Yarmouth Township, to One Thousand, Seven Hundred and Thirty Feet east of the east , limit of Colborn Street in the Hamlet of Union ( A DISTANCE of One Thousand, and Five Hundred Feet.) County Road No. 27, BEING the Road Allowance between Concessions III and IV, Township of Yarmouth, From One Thousand and Twenty Feet west of the west limit of the Road Allowance between Lots 21 and 22, Concession IV, Yarmouth Township, to Three Thousand, Five Hundred, and Twenty Feet west of the west limit of the Road Allowance between Lots 21 and 22, Concession IV, Yarmouth Township (A DISTANCE of Two Thousand, and Five Hundred Feet.) County Road No. 36, BEING the Road Allowance between Lots 21 and 22, Concession III, Township of Yarmouth, From Six Hundred and Twenty Feet south of the south limit of the Road Allowance between Concessions III and IV, Yarmouth Township, to One Thousand, Two Hundred and Seventy Feet south of the South limit of the Road Allowance between Concessions III and IV, Yarmouth Township (A DISTANCE of Six Hundred and Fifty Feet.) County Road No. 38, BEING the Talbot Road East in the ~ J\ Township of Bayham, From Four Hundred and Twenty Feet south-east of the south limit of Mill Sir~et, in the Hamlet of Richmond, as shown on a Plan registered as No. 22 in the County of Elgin ., Registry Office to One Thousand, Three Hundred, and Thirty Feet north-west of the south limit of Mill Street (A DISTANCE of One Thousand, Seven Hundred, and Fifty Feet.) .~;<':t'~iA~¡:'~~~"~~,:~'"",t~:.~ -~~'"- "~"""""""'''''''"--~-"''-- Schedule fiB" Continued County Road No. 38, BEING the Talbot Road East in the Township of Bayham, From Six Hundred Feet west of the west limit of the Plank Road in the Hamlet of Straffordville, as shown on a Plan registered as No. 205 in the County of Elgin Registry Office to Two Thousand, Eight Hundred Feet west of the west limit of the Plank Road (A DISTANCE of Two Thousand, Two Hundred Feet.) County Road No. 38, BEING the Talbot Road East in the Township of Bayham, From the east limit of the C. P. R. right of way (Approximately One Thousand, Three Hundred Feet east of the east limit of the Plank Road in the Hamlet of Straffordville, as shown on a Plan registered as No. 205 in the County of Elgin Registry Office) to the west limit of the Road Allowance between Lots 126 and 127, in Con~ession VI, Township of Bayham (A DISTANCE of One 'lJhousand and Three Hundred Feet) County Road No. 14, BEING the Southwold-Dunwich Townline From the south limit of the North Branch of the Talbot Road in the Township of Southwold, to Two Thousand, Five Hundred Feet south of the south limit of the North Branch of the Talbot Road. !\. !;), :,. .. H. L. Rowntree MINISTE OF T(2RT /', . "" ,J ,'~ egistrar of Mo I. J. D. Thomson. Clørk of. the Corporation of the County of ~." . Elgin. do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-Law No. 1818. passed by the Council of the sa'id Corporation. on the 18th day of September, 1962. ., Approved this 10th day of October, 1962 pursuant to the provisions of The Highway Traffic Act. Deputy Per . . Vehicles County Clerk. .. ----Ie!! ~------- m~Acti.m VASSBÞthis 18th day of September, 19 62. ANI) r.IN "'"'" ~ ~ill~W¡;;\~., F,lubseat.iun6a, of E'!<¡Iction ,59 ,ot: the Highway TraUic Act (1\.$. o. ,11)60" Chap:tl\lr172) autborhesthCill council of a townsbip ()r ce>unty by, by-lf.l\4 ,t9p~~scri~e $ lowøror higher rate of ¡¡¡¡peed for motor vehicles on a highway or portion of highway under its ;;Jurilíldiet!on thati$Mt within a built"'upaflea, ul:'blm arl!!aor I!1td:mrban dbt1'ict -t.lui/,n, 1n pre:;1leribed in,clausG a of' $Ubf.u;octionl ø£' seot:.i.on,59, blAt such,l'a'tQof' ¡¡¡~eed shall no,tbe lel;1sthan 35 m:tles Per hou.' f)t, more thl1~k 60 !\li1,,$$ l)$r hour; AND WflßII,BA$ :1,:1; is, deø¡¡ledexpedi,øni> that ,the speedUmit for !lIOt.O ;' vehic1( f! upon certa:l.n highways in the~¡unici!)ality()f. Bla:in, bá ø:lther deßr~)&sed or increased or !:mt.iH NOW 1'~IElt ;\I:~OIU~ the Coul1( il of thE! COl'¡lol"trtiøn of the rf,unieipali'ty df !:,!giß. ønlllctEl as follows 1 1. N€) pel'$on GJhall drive a rlloto¡·vehiele UI:¡Ol~ ,the highways .01' PQrtion¡¡¡ of' hifV'l\~<l:VS dèsignated :b1 $(:hedl~lQs nAn and-dB" apP¡¡¡l1dedhereto, atgreate1' rates of $f1aed than theratelil of speed ()l"escribod in the schødules. '., 2. rh:L¡¡¡by-ln14 shall rw't beo'¡¡l!1e effective until IiIpproil'ed hy the Uepa1·tmerrt of C'Cr(il1sport.. ~ II ,f! !i !: - Cou.nty Road Nth 36, tl131NG the Road AUclwance between tot$i ~1 ðnd 22 inConc$$$iønX'\f, 'I'owr&shtp of Yarm.outh, FROt4t!1~ .. ni)i'thlimit øfColtuty ~oad. NCh 27. BEING the Road Allowance \, \ bottlleR (:önCGs$ion,q;U and IV, l'owfli;¡h:i.p of' Yarmouth, to One '\ ~)ÎhQu$ ¡\n(~. tine I:Il.md1'od Feet. north of the north limit of County &Qad No. 27. (Hamlet of Sparta) '~ ,\ \~ ., 1 I "^k"""_ .. ... ..'- --.-- Ii·····.." --,":Y"'"" I '~jW;ll'Y'%Wi "if!i;\>\~, '.<1 "-"'~"--""~~'-""""""';"""""'''''' '.\ 1\ Søl1edule "tI,,, ,f Sf/eed" 40 CQunt.y ¡toad 1:<>0 27, JUIINC t.he ..(,ed Allowance between C()neesliI:l.ot'ls lIt Ðnd );V'. Township of Yaf'lIIouth,f'IU)t-l 'fwo lfu.tulrèd and Thirty Peet. east. of the eaat limit. of Colborn Street in tht1 !ía¡nlet of Union in Concession 1\1", Yarlllout.h Township, to (roe Thousand, $twen Hundred and 'l'hirty Feet. east of 'the east lilllit of Co;lborn Street in the tI/!unlet of Union ( It. n!SfANCB of One 'l.'!u:m.liI.uld. and fiv<~ Hundred Feet..) County iioad NQ.2?, BEING the I&oa<l AllQwanoe between CóncEuils10na II,! ~md IV, 'town$ltip of Yarmou;th, Fralll One ~housÆ>nd and '1'wenty Feet west of thewEtot :UmJ.t; of the Road Allowance between tot¡ ¡ 21 and 22, COI~OElSs:i.on IV, 'faz·lIl.Outh '.I.'cwnship$ to Th~'ee 'th()ul' ¡md, 1"i ve mu:rdreå$and 'twenty Feet we$t of the west :U.m;Ï:t (,If' 'the Road AUowanoß b$tween tot$ 21 and 22,Ccnce$sion 1Y$ Yarmouth '.I.'own$hip (A DISTANCB of two '1'housand, and Five }JIUH;¡~'ed Feet.) County Road No. 36,ßEl:NQ the R,()ad Allowance between ¡,otl\l 21 and 22, Concession U:I, '1'ðWf!$hi¡> of Yarmouth, From $i;n IJulldred limd Twenty l"ee¡,t $;;mth (,f. the south limit of the R,(Jf1,d Allowance betweeo.fl Conøe$siì.ltls IXI ~I~'ld IV, \'lu'lIj.outh '.I.'own¡;¡hip, to On,e 'fh~)\1s~nd, two Hundred and Seventy f'ect so~th of the $()uth Urn! t of the I'I.Q8,d Allow.¡¡.nce bet.ween CQncessions ¡It and IV, Ylllr¡nouth township (A JnSU~CE of $i;¡¡: frundred andJ"ift.y Feet.) County Road No.'gb. I)BING the 'lalbot; !toad ßa$t in the Towruship of 1)8yb8111, From Four, UdiJ.dred and 'twenty Feet $ml'th-east. j '\!I' oi the south li¡nit:. of ¡.au. St.raèt, in the Hamlet of nicl'uJlond. . -- as .mIGwn on a Plan registered as No. :1:2 in the County of' IUgin N.egis'I:;I'Y (jflfice to (tt),E¡\ Thousand, 'rhreø nundred, æ'td 'thirty Feet north-west of t,hfl south U.lUit of Mill St.f'eet (II DlSTAN'CB of Onafhousand, Seven Hundred, and tifty Feet.) COl.lnty Road No. :;8, ßE:mG tbe '£'a11>ot RQad East in the :i,'oWl\sh11) of, l~ayham. f"roi!l Six Hundred Feet: '~est of the west 11I11:1.t of the flank ~oad in the Hamlet of Straffordvil1e, as shO\ffl on a PJ,an l'liIgistered as ~o. ~1)5 in the County of ¡;;;Igin l~egist1'Y Of'f:tce to Two Thousand, Eight flundredFeet ,,,eat of the west lil!¡it of the Plank Road (A DISTANCE of Two Thousand, Two Hundred Feet.) County Road No. 38, BErNG the Talbot Road East in the 1'owllship of Bayham, From the east limit of' 'the C.P .(t. right of WaY (Approdl1lately nne Thous.and, Three Hundred Feet east of the east limit of the Plank Road in the Hamlet of Straffordvil¡e_ as shown on a Plan registered as No. 205 in the County of ßlgin R.egi$try Qffioe) to the west Um! t of "'!'Ie Road Allowance betl..een tots 126 and 127, in Convéssion VI, To\tlnship of Bayham (A DISTANCE of One 'lJhol1sand and 'l'hree lfundred feet) Col~nty Road l~o. 14, BEINe¡¡ 'thE! $ou,thwold-Dunw:i.oh TownJ.:l.ne l'røl!i tile south limi;t of the North Branoh of the Talbot Road ill the 'loM'li:Jhil) of Southwold, 'lio Two thousand, Five Uundred feet south of 'the sOllth limit of the North Branch ()f the Talbot Road. " IV ".