~-I.aw To Set The Total A 'a~e Valuations for A ortion-
ment of Countv Rate in the Countv of Ele:in in 1963."
The Council of the Corporation of, the County of Elgin enacts
THAT the following be the valuations for County Rate purposes
in the County of Elgin for 1963:
Aylmer $7,534,030.00 14.241894%
Belmont 694,300.00 1.312464%
Dutton 905,751.00 1.712180%
Port Burwell 807,196.00 1.525876%
Port Stanley 3,074,757.00 5.812343%
Rodney 1,065,680.00 2.014500%
Springfield 361,978.00 .684263%
Vienna 338,073.00 .639072%
West Lorno 1,104,575.00 2.088024%
Aldborough 5,023,515.00 9.496163%
ßayham 5,324,855.00 10.065797%
South Dorchester 1,958,865.00 3.702925%
Dunwich 4,001,160.00 7.563562%
JY1alahide 7,071,800.00 13.368122%
Southwold 5,450,539.00 10.303383%
Yarmouth 8.183.403.00 15.469432%
$52,900,477.00 100.000000%
READ a first time this 17th day of January, 1963.
READ a second time this 17th day of January, 1963.
READ a third time, and finally passed, this 17thday of January,
A9. ( tJ 2
Clerk '~arden