BY-LAW NO. 1822
A By-Law To Establish and Maintain
An Emergency Measures Civil Defence
Organization In and For the Corporations
Of the City of St. Thomas and the
County of Elgin.
WHEREAS the Government of Canada has deemed it necessary to
create an emergency measures organization to co-ordinate duties
and functions of government departments and agencies having
responsibilities in a national emergency in the event of enemy
AND WHEREAS the Government of the Province of Ontario
accordingly has deemed it advisable to revise the Ontario Civil
Defence OrganizRtion by establishing a committee to be known as
the Emergency Measures Organization of Ontario, to formulate and
carry out plans relating to survival operations, continuity of
civil government and civil defence and similar measures in the
event of natural disasters; to co-ordinate the functions of the
various departments and agencies of the Government of Ontario
relating to these matters and to maintain a liaison and working
relation with other agencies and organizations of the Governments
of Canada, of the Provinces of Canada, ,of the municipalities in
Ontario and of the nearby states of the United States of America
engaged in like matters;
AND WHEREAS Section 378 of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1960,
Chapter 249, provides that by-laws may be passed by the councils
of counties, cities, separated towns and separa'ted townships,
for the establishment and maintenance of emergency measures civil
defence organizations, and for providing moneys for emergency
, ,
, measures and civil defence, for the purposes of emergency measures
civil defence organizations at\d for the cost of the operation of such
" ..
organizations, and for other similar work within the municipality;
AND WHEREAS the cost of, establishing and maintaining such
emergency measures organization is to be paid for as follows
Government of Canada 75% of the cost
I Go\jernment of Ontario 15% of the cost
The J.VIunicipalities 10% of the cost;
II it
r" ,~
,<,.,.",. ,""'
AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to establish and maintain
an emergency measures civil defence organization for the Corporation
of the City of St. Thomas and the County of Elgin;
AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the City of
St. Thomas has agreed to enact a by-law similar to this by-law;
THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of
Elgin enacts as follows:
1. In this by-law,
(a) "City" means The Corporation of the City of St. Thomas.
(b) "County" means The Corporation of the County of Elgin.
(c) "Emergency Heasures Organization" means the St. Thomas-
Elgin Civil Defence Organization, established by Section
2 of this by-law.
(d) "Committee" means the St. Thomas-Elgin Emergency
Measures Committee.
(e) "Co-ordinator" means the co-ordinator-Public Survival
of the St. Thomas-Elgin Emergency Heasures Organiza'tion
who shall be the Clerk of the Corporation of the
City of St. Thomas.
(f) "Deputy Co-ordinator" means the deputy co-ordinator of
the Emergency Measures Organization.
(g) "Secretary" means the Secretary of the St. Thomas-Elgin
Emergency Measures Co~nittee who shall be the Clerk
of the Corporation of the County of Elgin:
(h) "Treasurer" means the Treasurer of the St. Thomas-Elgin
Emergency Measures Organization who shall be the
'rreasurer of the Corporation .of the City of St. Thomas.
2. An emergency measures civil defence organization is hereby
~ .¡.
established to be known as The St. Thomas-Elgin Emergency Measures
Organization" . ~~
3. The purposes and objects of the Emergency Measures Organizat
shall be:
(a) to plan for the continuity of the physical operation of
the Municipal governments of the City, and County and
to establish plans for co-operation between such Municipal
governments in the event of a nuclear and other types of
(b) to co-ordinate the emergency plans of the Municipal
Departments and Services, having inwediate responsibiliti
in the event of a national emergency and natural disaster
and to prepare plans for public survival;
(c) to work closely with Provincial authorities who may be
assigned to comparable duties;
(d) to maintain effective liaison with the appropriate Canadia]
Army authorities in the area;
(e) to conduct emergency measures orientation courses for the
training of personnel who have an emergency role;
(f) to conduct a public self-help educational program related
to nuclear and other types of warfare;
(g) to carry out other similar work within the City and County
4 The Emergency Measures Organization shall consist of two
branches to be known as:
(a) the Committee;
(b) the Executive.
5. The Committee to be known as The St. Thomas-Elgin Emergency
Measures Committee," shall consist of the Mayor of the City and two
members of the Council of the City, the Warden of the County and two
members of the Council of the County who shall be appointed from time
to time by resolution of their respective Councils.
6. 'rhe Committee shall have the following duties, powers and
(a) to establish policy for the Emergency Measures Organizatiol
(b) to submit to the Councils of the City and County, estimate:
of expenditures for the operation and maintenance of the
Eniergency Measu1¡es Organization durin g the year 1963 and
subsequent years;
(c) to prepare the a~nual emergency measures civil defence
financial assistanc~ project, to indicate to the Governmen1
of the Province of Ontario and to the Government of Canada
the amount of public funds required for the cost of the
Emergency Measures Organization
- -
(d) to submit such emergency measure,;)" civil defence financial
assistance project to the Emergency Measures Organization
of Ontario not later than the 31st day of March in each
(e) to submit to the Emergency Measures Organization of
Ontario amendments to such projects and claims against
such projects to recover appropriate amounts of public
funds from the Government of the Province of Ontario and
the Government of Canada in accordance with the terms of
the financial assistance agreement bet'~een those
(f) to recommend to the City Council the employment of the
Deputy Co-ordinator and such other employees as may be
required to assist the Co-ordinator in the performance
of his duties and such employees shall be considered
employees of the City.
7 (1) The Co-ordinator shall be responsible for the
implementation of the policy as formulated by the CommitteE
(2) The duties to be performed by the Co-ordinator shall
include the following:
(a) co-ordinate the emergency plans of Municipal Departments
and Services, having immediate responsibility in the
event of a national emergency and natural disaster and to
prepare plans for public survival;
(b) to perform other rela'ted duties as directed by'the
8. The Executive shall consist of the persons holding from
time to time the following offices:
Chairman - The Co-ordinator;
Vice Chairman - The Deputy Co-ordinator;
Members - City of St. Thomas
F;jire Chief
Police Chief
Weltare Administrator
City Engineer
C,i'ty Treasurer
I Assessment Commissioner
Public Utilities Manager
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- ------------
to control the disaster effectively
and it is
found that
have been cOl1@itted to
thesê" are
manpower resources under the direct control of the
alleviate distress
when it has been detel'mined that the
municipal authorities to control the disaster and to
regularly enrolled
:neasures volunteers to assist
Attorney General
of Ontario
for authority to callout
Committee may submit a request to the
Honourable the
the event of a natural disaster,
the Chairman of the
Municipal Directory for the year to which the estimates are
using the record
of population in the Ontario
by the participating municipalities pro rata on a per capita
Measures Organization shall be borne
jointly and severally
maintaining and
operating the St
Thomas-Elgin Emergency
:r'he ten
percent mun
cipal cost
of establishing,
estimates of the participating municipalities.
}1easures Organization
shall be included
in the annual
The annual cost of
operating the St
Thomas-Elgin Emergency
form of a recommenda'tion
submit the subject matter to the Committee in the
Executive shall,
when policy decisions are required,
event of an emergency
municipal services which would be required in the
departmental plans for the continuing functioning of
The Executive
County Assessor
Medical Officer of Health
Hospital Superintendent, St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital
Agricultural Representative, Ontario Department of
Agriculture, Advisory Consultant;
Secretarial services shall be provided by
the Co-ordinator
Secretary -
shall be responsible for formulating
County of Elgin
Third time
First and Second time this
and finally passed this
17th day of January,
17th day of January,
the final passing thereof.
This by-law shall come
into force and
take effect on
the Corporation
and to affix the seal of the Corporation
aut;horized to execute the
said Agreemen't;
behalf of
Head of the Council and the Clerk are hereby
adopted and confirmed
Corporation of the County of Elgin is hereby approved,
the Corporation
of the City of St
Thomas and
cert;ified by the Clerk,
The Agreement marked Schedule
being an
this by-law
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and so
BY-LAW NO. 7'-~ß
A By-taw to establish and,maintain
an Emergency Measures divil Defence
Organization in and for the Corporations
of the City of St. Thomas and the
County of Elgin.
; I
WHE~EAS the Government of Canada has deemed it necessary to
create an emergency measures organization to co-ordinate duties
and functions of government departments and agencies having
responsibilities in a national emergency in the event of enemy
AND 1¡Ĺ’EREAS the Government of the Province of Ontario
accordingly has deemed it advisable to revise the Ontario Civil
Defence Organization by establishing a committee to be known as
the Emergency Measures Organization of Ontario, to formulate and
carry out plans relating to survival operations, continuity of
civil government and civil defence and similar measures in the
event of natural disasters; to co-ordinate the functions of the
various departments and agencies of the Government of Ontario
relating to these matterS and to maintain a liaison and 1oforking
relation 10fith other agencies and organizations of the Governments
of Canada, of the Provinces of Canada, of the municipalities in
Ontario and of the nearby states of the United States of America
engaged in like matters;
AND WHEREAS Section 378 of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1960,
Chapter 249, provides that ry-la1ofs may be passed by the councils
of counties, cities, separated t010fns and separated t01ofnships,
for the establishment and ma~ntenance of emergency measures civil
defence organizations, and for providing moneys for emergency
measures and civil defence, f(òjr" the purposes of emergency measures
civil defence organizations and ~or the cost of the operation of such
organizations, and for' other similar 1ofork 10fithin the municipality;
AND WHEREAS the cost of establishing and maintaining such
emergency measures organization is to be paid for as follo1ofs;
Government of Canada - 75% of the cost
Government of Ontario - 15% of the cost
The Municipalities _ 10% of the cost;
AND WHEREAS it is deemed êxpedient to establis,h and maintain
an emergertcy measures civil defence organization for the Corporation
of the City of St. Thomas and the County of Elgin;
AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the County of
Elgin has àgreed to enact a by~law similar to this by~la1of;
THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of
St. Thomas enacts as follows,:
1. In this by-la1of,
(a) "City" means The Corporation of the City 6f St. Thomas.
(b) "County" means The Corporation of the County of Elgin.
(c) "Emergency Measures Organization" means the St. Thomas-
Elgin Civil Defence Organization, established by Section
2 of this by-law.
(d) "Committee" means the St. Thomas-Elgin Emergency
Measures Committee.
(e) "Co_ordinator" means the co-ordinator-Public Survival
of the St. Thomas-Elgin Emergency Measures Organization
who shall be the Clerk of the Corporation of the
City of St. Thomas.
(f) "Deputy Co-ordinator" means the deputy co-ordinator of
the Emergency Measures Organization~
(g) "Secretary" means the Secretary of the St. Thomas-Elgin
Emergency Measures Committee who shall be the Clerk
of the Corporation of the County of Elgin.
(h) IITreasurer¡¡ means the Treasurer of the St. Thomas-Elgin
Emergency Measures Organization 1ofho shall be the
Treasurer of thè'Corporation of the City of St. Thomas.
2. An emergency measures ,civil defence organization is hereby
established to be kn010fn as The St. Thomas-Elgin Emergency Measures
3. The purposes and objects of the Emergency Measures Organizatio'
shall be:
a) to plan for the continuity of the physical operation of
the Municipal governments of the City, and County and
to establish plans for co-operation bet10feen such MuniciF~
governments in the event of a nuclear and other types of
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(b) to co-o~dinate the emergency plans of the Municipal
Departments and Services, having immediate responsibilities
in the event of a national,êmergençy and natural disaster,
and to preparèplans for public survival;
(c) to 1ofork closely 10fith Provincial authorities 1ofho may be
assigned to comparable duties;
(d) to maintain effective liaison with the appropriate Canadian
Army authorities in the area;
(e) tö conduct emergency measures orientation courses for the
training of personnel who have an emergency role;
(f) to conduct a public seif-help educatiohal program related
to nuclear and other types of warfare;
(g) to carry out other similar 1ofork 10fithin the City and County.
4. The Emergency Measures Organization shall consist of t1ofO
branches to be kn010fn as:
(a) the Committee;
(b) the Executive.
5. The Committee to be kn010fn as The St. Thomas-Elgin Emergency
Measures Committee'¡, shall consist of the Mayor of the City and t1ofO
members of the Council of the City, the Warden of the County and t1ofO
members of the Council of the County 1ofho shall be appointed from time
to time by resolution of their respective Councils.
6. The Committee shall have the foll01ofing duties, powers and
a) to establish policy for the Emergency Measures Organization
b) to submit to the Councils of the City and County, estimates
of expenditures for the operation and maintenance of the
Emergency Measure~ Organization during the year 1963 and
subsequent years;
c to prepare the annhal emergency measures civil defence
financial assistance"project, to indicate to the Government
of the Province of Ontario and to the Government of Canada
the amount of public funds required for the cost of the
Emergency Measures Organization
- 4 -
(d) to submit such emergency measures civil defence financial
assistance project to the Emergency Measures Organization
of Ontario not later than the 31st day of March in each Y0ar
(e) to submit to the Emergency Measures Organization of
\ Ontario amendments to such projects and claims against
such projects to recover appropriate amounts of public
I funds from the Government of the Province of Ontario and
the Government of Canada in accordance 10fith the terms of the
financial assistance agreement bet10feen those Governments.
I (f) to recommend to the City Council the employment of the
I , Deputy Co-ordinator and such other employees as may be
required to assist the Co-ordinator in the performance
, of his duties and such employees shall be considered
employees of the City.
7~ (1) The Co-ordinator shall be responsible for the implementatio:
I of the policy as formulated by the Committee.
(2) The dutie~ to be performed by the Co-ordinator shall
I include the foll01ofing:
I (a) co-ordinate the emergency plans of Municipal Departments
I and Services, having immediate responsibility in the
I event of a national emergency and natural disaster and to
I prepare plans for public survival;
(b) to perform other related duties as directed by the Committee
8. The Executive shall consist of the persons holding from
time to time the foll01ofing offices:
Chairman - The Co-ordinator;
, ,
Vice Chairman - The Deputy Co-ordinator;
Members City of ~~: Thomas
Fire Chief
Police Chief
Welfare Administrator
City Engineer
City Treasurer
Assessment Commissioner
Public Utilities Manager
- 5 -
- County of Elgin
County Assessor
Medical Officer of Health
Hospital Superintendent, St. Thomas-Elgin GeneÞal Hospital
Agricultural Representativé, Ontario Department of Agricultur
Secretary - Secretarial services shall be provided by
the Co-ordinator.
9. (1) The Executive shall be responsible for formulating
departmental plans for the continuing functioning of
municipal services 10fhich 1ofould be required in the
event of an emergency.
(2) The Executive shall, 10fhen policy decisions are requiredj
submit the subject matter to the Committee in the
form of a recommendation.
10. ll) The annual cóstof operating the St. Thomas-Elgin Em0rg8nc
Measures Organization shall be included in the annual
estimates of the participating municipalities.
(2) The ten percent municipal cost of establishing,
maintaining and operating the St. Thomas-Elgin Emergency
Measures Organization shall be borne' jointly and severally
by the participating municipalities pro rata on a per capita
basis using the record of population in the Ontario
Municipal Directory for the year to 10fhich the estimates are
11. In the event of a natural disaster, the Chairman of the
Committee may submit a request to the Honourable the
Attorney General of Ontario for authority;~to callout
regularly enro:¡'led,e¡¡tergency measures volunteers to assist
municipal authorities to control the disaster and to
alleviate distress 10fHèn it has been determined that the
manp010fer resources under the direct control of the
municipalities have been committed to disaster operations
and it is found that these are insufficient or inadequate
to control the disaster effectively.
12. The Agreement marked Schedule 'An to this by~la1of and so
certified by the Clerk, being an"Agreexnent bet10feen
the Corporation of the City of St. Thomas and the
Corporation of the County of Elgin is hereby approved,
adopted and confirmed.
13. The Head of the Council and the Clerk are hereby
authorized to execute the said Agreement on behalf of
the Corporation and to affix the seal of the Corporation
14. This by-la1of shall come into force and take effect on
the final passing thereof.
READ a First and Second time this q//~ day of ~'~A. D.
1963. (7-'
READ a Third time and finally passed this 4hZ'" day of ~
A D 1963. U '
:t'.' ST.11-¡OM.¿¡,;~.
. ..,.. ,-'~yar
" ' ~HIS AGREEMENT made this /µ day 0~7
A. D. 19'" :3 '
ST. T HO¡V1Á.S '
hereinafter called THE P¡,RTY
- and-
hereinafter called THE P¡,RTY
WHEREAS the Party of the first part, and the Party
of the second part, have each passed similar By-Laws to provide
for joint participation in the St. Thomas-Elgin Emergency Measures
AND WHEREAS the Part y of the first part, and the Party
of the second part deem that it would be in their mutual interests
if each co-operated 10fith the other in carrying out the terms and
obligations created by the said By-La1ofs;
AND WHEREAS it is desirable that terms and conditions
respecting the joint operation be established 10fith respect to
administration and finance:
NOW THEREFORE the said Parties hereto agree as foll01ofs:
1. The Party of the second part 10fill join 10fith the Party of the first
part j
in the establishment, maintenance and operation of the St. Thomas-Elgin
Emergency Measures Organization as more particularly set out in
By-La1of No. ~¿'3 of the CorpÇ?ration of the City of St. Thomas and
By-};, ~w No. /f.-t¿ of the Corporation of the County of Elgin.
2. That the said Parties heriètp convenanted, each for itself,
agrees 10fith the other, to appoin~ council representation on the
St. Thomas-Elgin Emergency Measures Committee, and to instruct
their council representatives so appointed, to co-operate 10fith the
said Committee in carrying out the terms of this Agreement and of
their respective Municipal Emergency Measures By-Laws
2 -
3. That subject to decisions on policy by the St Thomas-Elgin
Emergency Measures Committee the administration of the St. Thomas-Elgin
Emergency Measures Organizatión 10fill be undertaken by the Corporation
of the City of St. Thomas as more particularly set out in By-La1of
No. 1-C~ of th e: said municipality;
4. That the . Party of the second part 10fill pay their share of
the cost of the St. Thomas-Elgin Emergency Measures Organization upon
being billed therefore by the City of St. Thomas! It is understood
that no expenses 10fill be incurred 10fhich are not included in the
annual emergency measures budget, 1ofithout consènt having first been
obtained from the St. Thomas-Elgin Emergency Measures Committee and
1ofithout receipt of the prior approval of the Provincial and Federal
Governments to such a project before such item of expense is incurred.
5. This Agreement shall take effect on January 1st, 1963, and shall
continue in effect from year to year thereafter until terminated
, '
by any party giving notice in ¡.¡riting to the other parties at least
three months before the end of the year in 10fhich the said party
desires to terminate.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto set
their Corporate Seals, attested by the bands of their proper
officers in that behalf.