1827 the of By-Law No day of ., passed by the Council 19_ of the said Corporation on I \!i do he'reby certify that the Clerk of the Corporation of the foregoing is a true copy , , Clerk , Warden County of ,~ (SEAL , pa.s sed at ST o THOMAS this day of (4) The penditure tures or 20th approval of the Ontario Municipal Board is authorized or work commenced which will monies raised in a subsequent year MARCH shall be obtained before any ex- be financed by the issue of deben- A.D 19 6i the said year (3) The clerk shall transmit Municipal Roads Branch duplicate copies of this Department of Highways, not by-law to the district office of later than March 31st of the The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act, (2 county ) TOT ALS SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD $ $ 200,0000 $ 335 , 0000 $ 535 , 0000 10,4000 $ 39,900. $ 50 , 3000 , NEW MACHINERY BRIDGES AND CULVERTS $ $ 28 ~ 000. $ nil $ 28,000. ROADS 12,600. $ 22 , 000. $ 34 , 600. $ 11+9,000. CONSTRUCTION $ 21 100. $ 22.100" MAINTENANCE (1) The sum of $ 535,000. is hereby estimated as construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its year 19 63 ,as follows'- TOTAL the expenditure upon jurisdiction during the the THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said County enacts as follows WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by county by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval HIGHWAY A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE FORM MR-'> NOV 58 ~~;'~; .,---,;,;,,~~,,\;''--'''''.__-,....';;;';''';;~..,~.~, '0'....0.-_______ IMPROVEMENT ACT IN THE COUNTY OF 19 63 EXPENDITURES ON ROADS UNDER THE NORMAL ELGIN BY-LAW NO, :J-827 l'i c;:' --,--,,----', --.--"-.----- -- , ------,- .- .... . .---_.._---~.- , -------- n __ ..~----~ I. CONSTRUCTION I::STI MATED C05'1'" (A) ROADS (COUNTY AND SUBURI3AN) COUNTY SUBURI3A.N ROAD NO. LOCATiON NATURE 01=' WORK MtLES 25 B.A. Wellington 110ad. Mi< dlesex County Line , Boutherlv approx. 1)+ miles-completion of Grading, Gravelli. g, Seeding, Land Purchase, Movement 0 Utiihities, etc. 16,000. See Attached Sheet f r County Construct, on 133,000 URBAN IMPROVEMENï (COUNTY CONTRIBUTtONS UNDER SECTIoNS ZB ANb 2BA H.I.A.) SUB TOTAL 1'1'1 000 16 000 (8) BRIDGES AND CULVt::RTS (COUNTV AND SUBURBAN) - TYPE AND LOCATioN to complete the Dingle St. Bridge over Catfish CrEek Av1mer-Malahide 12,000 Wellington 110ad Culvert Construction 600 , , BRIDGES NOl" ON COUNTY ROADS (SECTION 23 H.I.A.) -'TVPE AND L.OCATION auS....TOTAL 12.000 600 (c) NEW MACHINERY AND MACHINE SHEDS (ITEMIZE) See Attached Sheet 28 000 (D) SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (SEE FOOTNOTE) 10.400 2, MAINTENANCE TOTALS FOR CONSTRUCTION 183,400 16,600 (A) ROADS - EXTRAORDINARY Heduction in Stock Balance -1,000 RESURFACING (PAVEMENT) MIL.ES· RESURFACING (GRAVEL. OR STONE) MIL.ES 15 v; 000 2 S.A. 30 County 45,000 3,000 SURFACE TREATMENT MILES ROADS - ORDINARV PAVEMENT PATCHING, CRACK .FILLING, SWEEPING 15,000 2,500 STONE OR GRAVEL PATCHING, DRAGGING, BLADING 15 000 1,000 DusT L.AVING - CAL.CIUM, SAL.T, OIL, PRIME lL, , 000 DITCHES, TIL.E DRAINS, CATCH BASINS, CURBS, GUTTERS, ·DRAINAGE ASSEssMENTS 14,500 800 WEED SPRAVING, CUTTING, BRUSHING, FENCE BONUS seeding, tree plant- 18,000 1.200 , , lng GUIDERAIL., SIGNS, ZONE MARKING , Railroad protection 21,500 3,100 WINTER CONTROL., sNOW FENCE, PLOWING, SANDING, ·SALTING 40.000 5.500 URBAN IMPROVEMENT (COUNTV CONTRIBUTIONS UNDER SECTIONS Z8 AND ;¿8A H.I.A.) '39,000 (8) SUB-TOTAL 257,000 ;1;6 100 BRIDGES AND CULVERTS ' , MAJOR REPA¡RS (DESCRIBE) Bridge Painting 5;000 MINOR REPAIRS 15,000 Z,OUU , , SUB-TOTAL 20,000 .2,000 (e) SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (SEE FOOTNOTE) 33.600 6 300 TOTALS. FOR MAINTENANCE 310,600 2l;.400. \Ii 535,000, 494,000 41,000 GRANb TOTALS " March 21 f4/;AA' - DATE COUNTY ROAD SU'PÉRINTE~DENT IF INSUFFICI ENT ROOM ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS GIVING THE DATA IN THE FORM INDICATED NOTE. _ SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD MAV BE· DISTRIBUTED BETWEEN CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE IN THE PROPORTION THAT"TOTAL OF ITEMS I(A) AND 1 .(6) BEAR TO TOTAL OF ITEMS Z(A) AND 2.(B). ~î!f"'I~t\~!~:W r;¡'~~~0:1ij'i~~::DJ:lit:, iii FORM MR NOV sa ,7 , :'1[" ROAD PROGRAMME FOR "'-'~~<iï+"~".",,,,,.,::;:.,... .{'~~~~'~'~"~.'."~~.,.......~_ COUNTY OF -ELGIN NQRI'lA:t. -~~ __ ,_ RE - ,""V T·HË BY-LA W NO YEAR 1 _ 18·2 9 63 II ¡ NORMAL BY-LAIi[ COUNTY - CONSTRUCTION ROADS Land Purchase (General) $ 25,000. Land Purchase & Fencing (Rd. 36 Development Road Designation) 40,000. Installation of Railroad Protection (Rd. L1,O Springfield, Rd. 3 Rodney) 4,000. Surveys, Traffic Counts, etc. 2,000. Misc. Grading Construction & Fencing, etc. on 1964. work 4,000. Paving, Clean-up of Grading, Granular Base etc. Rd. 2 West torhe, easterly approximately 2.2 miles in Village of West Lorne, Twp. of Dun10fich & Aldborough 27,000. Clean-up of Grading, Granular Base, Drainage, Movement of Utilities, Double Surface Treatment, etc. Rd. 16 Burwell's Corners to Talbot Creek, Twp. of Dun1ofich, approx. 1.6 miles 1L,,000. Paving, Clean-up of Grading, Granular Base, etc. Rd. 20 H1ofY. 4 northerly approx. 2 miles in the Village of Port Stanley & Twp. of Southwold. (See also Supplementary By-la1of: 17,000. $ 133,000. --'"-,----~ , ., I¡! " , MACHINERY PURCHASE . "-~--'- Includes 2 Farm Tracotrs & Mo"rer (1ofith one Trade-in) 1 3/4 cubic yard Front End Loader (1ofith Trade-in) Adding Machine Calculator for office. Used centre-line marking equipment and truck. Air Compressor may be necessary. Hydraulic Sanding Units (2) ~ r~ r TOTAL COST $ 28,000. BY-LAW NORMAL ~'i (U\," "'···,··:··:~'.;.......--.......¡¡~:~....·.···,.,....--..,..,~..;..,;c.~.,..~..,.."'r:' {P:X'·:';',->""!':':;~"r;'·:':-c:·:"V'::':' ',' .,::~!_;: ,'<: .. "" "'" .. ..,' ',;':<::,,": - .... '" ii " 1 lli I ¡i 11' :" ., :cp Encl. , J, p, Howard, Municipal Engineer. Yours )if very truly One copy of the by-law as approved In the event that any portion of the cost of the proposed work or purchase is to be raised in a subsequent year or financed by the issue of debentures, the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board must be obtained before the work or purchase is authorized or any commitment made with respect thereto. is returned herewith, This approval is given subject to the approval of each individual work of road and bridge construction, each contract for maintenance and the purchase of each unit of equipment. The District Engineer must be advised and his consent obtained before such works or purchases are advertised or tenders called or any commitment made by the county with respect to them Please be advised that expenditures in excess of either the construction or maintenance limits will not be eligible for subsidy unless covered by a supplementary by-law approved by the Minister. Supplementary by-laws must be in the hands of the District Engineer not laterthan July 31, 1963. $ 535 , 000. Total $ 335 , 000. for Maintenance and $ 200 The Honourable C S. MacNaughton, Minister of High- ways has authorized the approval of the above cited by-law to a limit of , 000. for Construction Re: 1963 Road Expenditure By-law Number 1827 Amount $ 535,000. Dear Sir Mr. J.D. Thomson, Clerk, County of Elgin C,ourt House, ST. THOMAS, Ontario. , Toronto, Ontario May 9th 1963. , ~ '(, ",,' :",,~~-,,~,-_..,- : ........\.>:.:.".....:..'.." .,...,....... ,.,_,..... 'cd ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ".;¡"'''-'":'..,.,,-,;..,'''--'........:~ -~~êV:~",,,,~-,~:::----,.ç..o-..-- Co