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By-Law No, 1830
'To Increase The Sa1arv of Iva!,l J "-_ P a-tterson. Super-
intendent of El~in ~anor. And ~o Amend By-Law ~o.
THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of
the County of El~in enacts:
(1) That the salary of Ivan J. Patterson
shall be $2,800.00 per annum, payable
(2) That By-Law No. 1729 be, and is hereby
amended accordingly.
(3) That this By-Law shall take effect
March 1st, 1963.
(4) That By-Law No. 1783, be repealed.
READ a first time this 20th day of !>larch, 1963.
READ a second time this 20th day of March, 1963.
READ a third time, and finally passed this 20th day of
t-iarch, 1963.
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Clerk ìvarden