1832 il , Ii , , ,I I I l BY-LAW NO ~ RESPECTING THE WEIGHT OF LOADS TO BE CAR~IED QN YÞ1IJ:qL¡;:S_,____ WHEREAS subsection 8 of Section 54 of 'rtle Highway Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 172) provides that:- The municipal corporation or other authority having jurisdiction over any highway, may declare that the provisions of subsections 4 and 5 do not apply to any or all of the high\~ays under its jurisdiction; AND WHEREAS restriction of loads is not deemed necessary for the protection of certain highways in the Municipality of County of Elgin; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipalit~y of the County of Elgin enacts as follows:- 1. The provisions of subsections 4 and 5 of Section 54 of the Highway Traffic Act do NOT apply to the highways named hereunder:- Co..¡,mt;y Road Frol1l To (a) #3 King's Hwy 1/3 at Nort;h limit of the New Glasgow. Village of Rodney, approx. 4.90 miles (b) 1115 King's Hwy #3 at North limit of the Wal1acetown Village of Dutton approx. 3.50 miles (c) #25 King's Hwy. 1/ 3 Middlesex County Line, approx. 4.7 miles (d) #32 King's Hwy. #73 Main gate of the Ontario Police College 2.0 miles (e) #39 County Road #42 Lake Erie, approx. 0.90 miles (f) 1142 County Road ,#39 Ki¡-rg's Hwy. #19 approx. 0.30 miles. 2. This by-law shall not become effective until approved by the Depa,rtment of Transport. ENACTED AND PASSED this 20th _day of March, 1963. , ø~ - WARDEN !Ii ". _I-,ÆfJ~..f4-ðJ"---_ CLERK (a' Road 3 ... 'lbis was ' tot'lllérJ.y Kin!1;'s Highway #71. and is OOMJ:"$te paVement. ánd was never subject to half load r$strict... ion by the D~H.O. (J: \ RO$.d 1$.. '1'hi,swas, .fø:rrnerly K:ì.n8 '$II H:f,ghway #7, and is concrete pav$ment, and wås neVer' subject to half load restrict- ions by the D~H.O. (0) .Road 25... 'J.'hi,s X'oåd has been,complete1y rebu:!'l1; to h:!gn stand$.rds with adequate base, and hot mix paVement. L Cd) Road '2- thi$ ro~d leads !rømHighway #73 to the Ontario folice College, which was fo:rrnerly the R~C~A.F. Station, at Aylmer. A nwnber ot ä!rplanehanger$ have beenrel1ted by '(¡):¡,e OntadøF1UeOured Tobac¢o Grøwers ~rketing Board, to store pro¢esséd tobacco. This tobacQo 1$ Shipped from K:lrlJ?;sv:l.ll$in 'l'ruck LÔf;\dLøts under Bond and Federa), Excise '1'axreguJ.at!o!:ls, and is impo$sibh tQ be trl:\ns.¡. ferrèd to Mlf lQad. for a d1stanøe of less than 2 miles. ($) Røad42 Th:ls reQ(Ì, is a connection frøffl Road '9 for thè trucking ø:fCi:)al t~om P~rt Burwell to, South Western Øntario. ApPf'Q; (¡;tmat,è ' , r daUytonnage'is gOO. and the impos:tt:l.<.1rl of a load, lim:l.ttór three...tenths øt a mile is UJU'eal1stic,. I (:f) Road ~9 'i'h1s roådwàiStebu:I.J.t by the County øf lï;1.gifl, ìls:tng D$'\reløpmentJtøad funde, with ,1>1:1$ stipulation that it beøonstructed to prøv:l.de to ¡' an all weathar full load road før coal trucking. , !Ii " I ~ º-~rr:l.edori Yehlcbs. ~,~,',,'" " I"" "'" ! ""__,,,,__; "',,,, rrl\" , "COU.NTY"OF11tGIN"BY';'J ...... ... -'-,"1 . ."" " . :l1t o.t Lo~d$ to be !lø,li! the We:!. .~~.~--