By-LB'Þ! No. 33
'To Confirm, 'f<he Equa,li, zat;j.on ofj;J:¡.e Ass!lli§'!!!§"'lLIto!1<[
of the County of Elgin for the yearJ..2.Q.3.."
The Elgin Count,y Council enacts:
THAT the following be the equalization of the Assessment Rolls
of the County of Elgin for the year, 1963:
Aylmer $7,574,200. 13,952898%
Belmont 720,300. 1.326909%
Dutton 894,196. '1.647253%
Port Burwell 829,500. 1.528073%
Port Stanley 3,053,781. 5.625557%
Rodney 1,101,720. 2.029546%
Springfield 361,204. .665396%
Vienna 371.,250. .683902%
West Lopne 1,195,365. 2.202055%
Aldbopough 5,046,692. 9.296821%
Bayham 5,369,726. 9.891902%
South Dorchestep 1,976,305. 3.640673%
Dunwich 4,000,696. 7.369927%
Malahide 7,049,700. 12.986685%
Sou'thwold 6,249,852. 11.513236%
Yarmouth 8.489.575. .l5....Q19l67%
$54,284,062. 100.000000%
2. THAT this Council is willing to have the final equalization of
Assessment Rolls in case of appeal" ,made by the County Judge.
READ a first time this 20'Gþ " day of March, 1963.
READ a second time this 20th, day of Harch, 1963.
READ a third 'time, and finally passed, this 20th clay of
March, 1963.
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Clepk Warden