1834 ~ ' -, fit>~:,'_","'" ,-~.._- -~_..._~ -- ---~ ,-, t;; " :\ .If Clerk ~ 'Y'-- Warden " and finally passed this June, 19th day 1963 . READ a third time, of READ a second time this 19th READ a first time this 19th day of June, day of June, 1963. 1963 . commencing the first day of January, 1963. Administration of Justice expenses during five years payment by the City of an annual sum as their share of authorized to sign Agreement THAT the Warden and the Clerk be, with the City of St and are hereby . Thomas for of Elgin enacts THEREFORE . . the Council of the Corporation of the County Pa the Cit of St Tho~. " AgI'_eem!;mt r", Administration of Justice Expenses To Authorize the Warden and Cl~rk to Si An rf''''''''''''"~'''';''~'"'''''''''':'·",,· ""r,,,,~,""<'T'" By~Law-No '·""''''''f':1,''''R''.)f'~iÚ".,S'",,-{''''.':~'''_''''',j'''',;W"d,"'1.(,:),,;, ;'1 '-~ "1 . 1834