1836 Clerk !¡! , " Warden ~ , and finally passed this19th day of June, 1963. READ a third time, READ a second time this 19th day of June, READ a first time this 19th day of June, 1963. 1963. 1963. THAT this By-Law to take effect the first day of September, Aged . be charged to the Elgin County Home for the 3. THAT Fifteen Hundred Dollars of the said salary year, payable monthly. 2. THAT his salary be Four Thousand Dollars per County Home for the Aged. of Elgin, and Secretary-Treasurer of the Elgin 1. appointed Assistant Clerk-Treasurer of the County THAT Harley L. Johnson be, and is hereby of Elgin enacts THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County Clerk-Treasurer for the County of Elgin To WHEREAS it is deemed advisable Oir,lt .An Assij;,-tant C.l.e.rk-Trea"ur",r for th~LCoun.J<Y. of Ele:in : to appoint an Assistant II By-Law No. a;""., ,,--,~- .~ 1836 ,~~,,,,,,,,,-=-;~~.<,,,~,==,; ::7='.~"""~~,.