By";Law No 1838
"Beine: A Bv-Law_ To_ Authori2,e Participation in th!;' Ontario
~1unicipal Emplovees Retirement System."
WHEREAS pursuant to section 15 of The Ontario
l'Iunicipal Employees Re'tirement System Act, 1961-62 a munici-
pality may by by-law or resolution elect to participate in
the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System and pay to
the fund the total of the employer and employee contributions,
and has all of the pO"Ters necessary and incidental thereto:
NOW 'fHEREFORE BE IT ENACTED as a by-léIw of the
County of Elgin as follows:
1. The Corporation of the County of Elgin hE:)reby
elects to participate in the Ontario Municipal Employees
Retirement System as of the 1st day of October, 1963, and
authorizes the treasurer to submit this election in writing to
the Secretary-Treasurer of the Ontario ~Ånicipal Employees
Retirement Board.
2. Every person who becomes an employee of the
Corporation on, or after the 1st day of October, 1963, shall,
as a condition of his employment, become a member of the System
on the completion of six months of service on a continuous full-
time basis.
3. The Treasurer of the Corporation is hereby
authorized to deduct and to remit the employer and the employee
contributions as required, 'to execute all necessary documents
and to do such things as are necessary to carry out the intent
of this By-Law.
READ a first time this 19th day of June, 1963.
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READ a second time this 19th day of June, 1963.
READ a ,third time, and finally passed this 19th day of
IV June, 1963.
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Clerk Warden