1840 .~¡ ~'i ~' r 'A Bv-Law To Confirm Bv-Law No. 1810 of the Townshi of Yarmouth Bein -ª Bv-I.aw to Close Part of the Oril:rinal Road Allowance Between Lots 7 and 8, Concession IV. in the Township of Yarmouth. II WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Yarmouth on the 3rd day of .:rune, 1963, A. D. , did pass By-Law No. 1810 to close part of the original road allowance between Lots 7 and 8, Concession IV, in the Township of Yarmouth, more particularly described in the said By-Law, true copies hereof are hereunto annexed. AND WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act, the said Township By-Law shall ~~t have any force until confirmed by a By-Law of the Council of the Courtty in which the township is situate, 'j passed at an ordinary meeting of ;the Council held not sooner than three months, nor later than one year, ðfter the passing of the By-Law of the Council of the Township. AND WHEREAS application has been made to the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elginfo:r;' a By":Law confirming the said township by-law. i~' NOW THEREFORE the Council! of the Corporation of the County of , Elgin enacts as follows: THAT By-Law No. 1810 of the Township of Yarmouth, being a by- law to close part of the original!' road allowance between Lots 7 and 8, Concession IV, in the Township Yarmouth, be, and the same is hereby confirmed. READ a first time this 17th day of September, 1963. READ a second time this 17th day of September, 1963. READ a third time, and finally passed this 17th day of September, 1963. , , ~L !I! ./" ,J, " .. Clerk Warden .{ tOWNSHIP OF YARMOO'1'1i U~!ì~W ,Q. ¿,F/.O '1'0 clo.e pa~ of the original ro~d allowance between Lots '1 and 8, Concession IV, in the ToWftshipof Yarœoath. TKII COUNCIL 0' '1'$ CORPORAnON OF tflll 'l'O'WNsm:'OFYARMOUTß ~IiIÁC~~ A$ '(lu.~!: 1. fHAT pa~ of the original rO$d allowance between Lot. '1 and S, Cone.flu.ion IV in the Township of Yarmouth. mor. pal'tio1alat'ly delSóribed u follows. h hereby stoPP4lld up: t OOMMSNCING at a pOint in the east limit of said Lot 7. 11 reM North of the South-elilíillt angle of the said Lot 1; 'i'mmCB Northerly ~lon' the l:Iast Ulldt of said Lot 1. 192~~2 teet to a point; 'HßNÇS Easterly parallel to the North limit of the .llowance tor road bet_en Concesidon 3 and 4 in the .aid TòWship 66 het. more or 10s$ to a point in the Welit Hmi t of tot 8; :¡ THBNCI Southerly along t.he Westerly limit of said Lot 8. 192.22 feet to a point 17 fMt No,rth ot the Southoo"'ést angle of said Lot BJ " 'titBIICS W/I)lIIIte..ly 66 f'øt lIIor. or 1e.s t.o the plac !> of beginning. :to tHE lands so stopped up shall be off.red fo.. sale a$ f'q11.oWÎlII .I Tñé west hìillfthereof @ $62.50 .-_..~_. .~ The liaR lUlU thèl'eof @ $62.50 , , within. 15 da,.tJ'Olil the date on 1<ibich th~1!J by-law is finaUypasAéd. and the owne..s øf' the låndilf¡~butt.:lnfg on theeAid etr.e.t shåll eèctt h.vet-he ript to pal'nl1ase the $Oil and tr4ilehold of the said ., $tr..t on wÌtichtds land abut$, up to the middle U.n4il thereof'.. It any such ownell" doelll not exeroiae hie right to purchase w1t.hin the said 15 d,ys. the Council uy sell the part. which he had the ! right to P'U'C"IIU'llit to any other person at the price í'ixed as above set., to....h. . ... 3 ... 3. A lII.et:l.nl of t;bé Council ofth. T()\I/Òøhip of Yal'lDouth 'to hear al\Y pM'IiIÔI\ whe> applhs to be h"l'd and who chill. t.ha't hiG Ul\d willb.. ."judicially afleeted by t.his by-law sball b<¡, neld Ui 'the TO\dulbip Office ,386 Tàlbot. street., at. ThOlllU , Ont.ario , Oft !'1o nd.y, the -rhl '-rci dâY' of .;1 0 ~1 €-. 1963 at. the bou.. 01 e 'i hI" o'clook :1... the "' f í"" y<' noOn. i\.Þ-D A,ø.ST ANDSBCONÐ TIME thh :7 c¡ 0 då, of /17 r ì / A.l>.1963. 3' ",1! kBAD A ,THIkD TIME AND FINALLY PASSaD this day ~f J ~ r¡e A.lh1963. ) /)',/1 ,~j, .. £n, ~, 'I.d IM-IlY/""¡ (;;Y¡Y)~W , CLW REEVE ¿ ¡ I Leonard M. 01de I C!{ ¡ V ¡ certify this to be a true and correct copy of By-Law No. 11\10. , ¿l,b:::I.ßd.J!;_ffi.£M¿:0 " ¡¡I Clerk. ., I\. D Encl. Yours very truly þ~ J. P. H01ofard, Municipal Engineer Operations Branch. A copy of the by-la1of'às In the event that any portion of the cost of the proposed work or purchase is to be raised in a subsequent year or financed by the issue of debentures, the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board must be obtained before the 1ofork or purchase is authorized or ayy commitment made with respect thereto .' approved is returned here1ofÌth. N B That the individual 1oforks of road construction are carried out to plans and profiles that have been approved by an engineer of the Municipal Roads Division. 4 · That the District Municipal Engineer shall be informed and his consent -obtained before tenders are called for the proposed 1ofork or purchase and before any commitment is made by the Municipality . 3 · That the individual 1oforks of road and bridge con- struction and the purchase of each unit of equip- ment and the award of contracts for same shall be subject to the approval of an engineer of the Municipal Roads Division. 2. That the expenditure(s) shall be made only for the purposes set out in the by-law and supporting pro- gramme and shall not be diverted, either in whole or in part, to any other purpose 1ofithout the prior consent in 10friting of the Municipal Engineer. 1 SUBJECT TO · 40,000. THE FOLLOWING CONDI'rrONS $ The Honourable C. S. High1ofays, has approved of the sidy purposes to a limit of for Construction MacNaughton, Minister of proposed expenditure, for sub- Please be advised that the above cited by-la1of has received consideration as a charge against the allotment for Special Capital Projects in the Department's estimates for the current fiscal year. Dear Sir Mr. J. D. Thomson Clerk, County of Elgin Cow' t Hous e St. Thomas, Ont Re Supplementary Road Expenditure By-law No. 1$41 Amount - 40.000. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Toronto 5 October 1, Ont ari 0 1963. . ~'''..'''' ,. . . ft~"'::".¡, ~--4:-..",_..~~,~ '", " ;(t;;"s>c·,;,·/,·"",,,,,,·--:,,;::-;,:,:<'i'''.'/\''' ""J<;,,: , i Co.