1852 By-Law No 1852 "A... By-Law 'fo Set The l'ot;al_ AIFeT.eq,,,.t~"ya1µai,ioD1LJ'.ºL..AEI?..Ostiº1l- ment of CounÐ'....J{at"'..._:L1:Lt!li)..s...9..1!!2t...'L o~.. EJ.gin.. in 19..9...4.·" The Council of the Corporat.ion of the Coun·ty of enacts THA'f ·the following be the va1uationE¡ for County Ra·te., purposes in the County of Elgin for 1964: Aylmer $7,652,100.00 13.956009% Belmont 720,300.00 1. 313694% Dutton 916,841.00 1.672148% Port Burwell 829,500,00 1.512854% Port Stanley 3,p67,661.00 5.594844% Rodney 1,104,875.00 2.015087% Springfield 367,379óOO .670031% Vienna 371,250.00 .677091% Wes·t Lorne 1,196,100.00 2.181464% A1dborough 5,056,562.00 9.222230% Bayham 5,374,838.00 9.802706% South ])orchesi~er 1,976,520.00 3.604805% Dunwich 4,020,096.00 7.331909% ]Vlalahide 7,326,310.00 13.361829% SOl.d~hwold 6,315,762.00 11.518777% Yarmou-th lL.i.3..L..0 50.00 15.5645]2% $54,830,144.00 100.000000% READ a first time this 23rd day of January, 1964. READ a second time this 23rd day of January, 1964. READ a ·third time, and finally passed, this 23rd day of January, 1964. 74. _ ~ 'ßt tlv..ð~':'" CIeri Warden