By-Law No 1853
To A ppo in t.--ª...ßoa !~cL.2_L.AE di t..iI.!.. th e_Ç.QUfID__O f _.J:'t)g~.n
for the y'eilf'~lli." \
The Elgin Connty Conncil enaèts:
THAT the cTudge o.f ·the County Court, and the
rrreasnre.r, and I\'1r. William R,Caverly, be,
and are herehy appoin·ted members of the Board
of Audi·t -to perform the duties required of
. .
them by the Revised Statutes of Ontario,
THAT the memhersof the said Board of Audit
be paid the sum of Nine Dollars per day,
for their services, and twenty cents per
mile going to each Audit.
READ a first time this 23rd day of January, 1964.
READ a second time this 23rd day of .January, 1964.
READ a third time, and finally passed this 23rd day of
January, 1964.
ÆJ. d2 A..... ~.
Clerk Warden