1854 ¡ , 'if ,¡ By-taw No 1854 T e>..-ÀJ2QQin t a__C:.9J!.n ty-.J~oa g.~_ComT1lJ t t..ee. II As required by the Highway Act, the Elgin County Council enacts THAT the following five members of this Council constitute a Commi·lotee for the purpose of directing ·lohe work to be done on ·lohe County Road Sys·loem: Charles D. Phillips for Term of One Year Robert Hartin for Te~m of Two Years Gordon Woolncr for Term of Three Years N. G. Tufford for Term of Four Years Donald C. Leitch for Term of Five Years THAT By-Law No. 1824, be, and is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 23rd ,day of January, 1964. READ a second time ·this 23rd day of ,Tanuary, 1964. READ a third time, and finally passed, this 23rd day of January, 1964. ~~ ~ ~ 'h14~ ----- k Warden