1855 BY-LA\.J NO. 1855 'I'HE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN Being a By-law to provide for the detachi¥g of the Village of Vienna from the Tillsonburg High Schools District. and adding the Village of Vienna to the East Elgin High School District. WHEREAS the Corporation of the Village of Vienna has by resolution requested that the Corporation ?f the County of Elgin, enact a By-law under the provisions of the Secondary Schools and Boards of Education Act, R.S.O. 1960. Chapter 362, and particularly Section 15 (1) therebf. Therêafter the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. Subject to the approval of the Mini.ster of Educati.on, the Village of Vi.enna shall be detached from the Ti.llsonburg High Schools District and shall be added to the East Elgin High School District. 2. This By-law shan take effect on the 1st day of January, A.D.. 196Lh READ a first time this 23rd day of January A.D.. 1964. READ a second time this 23rd day of January A.D. . 1964. READ a third time and passed this 23rdday of January A.D.. 1964. d2"'vuJ ~ t-twÍ;¡....:... ,varden ëï I~ i I: " I : ; ¡i. 1'1' I, I:i 'I ~ ,.;: .~ ONTARIO CËPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 44 Eglinton Avenue West, TORONTO 12, February 3, 1964. Dear Mr. Thomson: Your letter of January 24, addressed to the Honourable William G. Davis, Minister of Education, has been referred to this office for a rep~. We acknowlèqge receipt of the enclosed copies of County of Elgin By-Law No. laSS, "A By-Law t.o provide for detaching the Village of Vienna from the Tillsonburg High School ])istrict and adding the Village of Vienna to the East Elgin High School District." Similar by-laws IIDlst be signed and subJDitted by the counties of Oxford and Norfolk before consideration can be given by the Minister to the County of Elgin By-Law. The Tillsonburg. District High School Board has also sent a resolution to the Department in which it loqges a formal protest relating to the attempt of the Village of Vienna to transfer its secondary school students to the East Elgin District High School. Sincere~ yours, .,..,,'---"""., X. ......_" t'-/ ,__, ... i¡ < .,_..,..~..., ,'..-) . .- .' . .----- _..... .... -_._~ - --._~ .-..... . .,/, . I~~""-") . ~"... S. D. Rendall, SUperintendent of Secondary Education. /,;/ -;7' .r Mr. J. D. Thomson, /...;,-1;"i1~,av'''''~',.(''6/ (;.,.,.,7 County Clerk's Office, , , ST. THOMAS, Ontario. """'i<'.,'e<:...¡( ."12.('.,,'.,(A'......_, I"..'i"",",,! ("'"p.,"" Norfolk County Council considered your draft by- law regarding the separation of the Village of Vienna from. the Tillsonburg High School District and I report that they were very much opposed to this action as they feel a pre- cedent would be set and no advantage could be gained from action on the grounds of cost. DCP/w Yo.~rs tr . :_ . ·t;----;)tt· .t;:--- /1- - ~l/ ...X' -...c;¿;.. -: - -'-. "",_. \..- this Dear Jack Hr. J. D. Thomson, Clerk-Treasurer, County of Elgin, St. Thomas, Onto . D.C. PORTER CLERK AND TREASURER SIMCOE. ONT.. CANADA OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND TREASURER COUNTY OF NORFOLK P.D, BOX 357 January 29th, ~--........... 96h. L, K. COLES, COUNTY CLERK AND TRI!ASUREFI BOX 142 COURT HOUSE WOODSTOCK. ONTARIO February 3, 1964. J. D. Thomson, Esq Clerk-Treasurer, County of Elgin, Court House, St. Thomas, Ontario Dear Mr. Thomson: Your letter of January 24th, 1964 requesting that a By-law be passed by The County of Oxford to detach the Village of Vienna from the Tillsonburg District High School Area and to add the same to the East Elgin High School District was presented to Oxford County Council last week at its January Session. The Oxford County Council received a letter of protest and heard a personal presentation against the proposed transfer, from the Board of the Till- sonburg District High School Board. Oxford County Council felt that the protest was logical and just, and therefore, are taking no ac- tion on passing a By-law tOe_approve the proposed transfer Yours very truly, ~~ / .' L. K. Coles LKC/kml County Clerk-Treasurer iil "I· i;' , la, I , IJ '. 'M'}?,. Xi? ;t:.. eolf$~~ O¡:tllf.l.1;y (¡li~Xib;-T'7ø€'$\~r. {Jt\11nl¡:y \:if Ü;:;:f¡;:r~. ;&),;K 142" '~¡'podl~I;( c1!ì . \ÎI'\I",¡.+Jo. GRM/bm ~¡. H. H.!i!ndf.ll~ $up<n,'!.n!.ßlidm¡t o:t· f;,;¡condß:t'y F.d,nca't..;l(jn. 11' nl1:1'l) !)~¡c4;imlJ::y" ~ Þ, løM.fJ¥' f:r>\'l!!\ the 1111$()"Þ'4rg !t'i.gh ì'\¡¡!\1Jol ilißt1.'ict, I~QHN<;:¡,'!I:t~)¡? t¢ . tha~ ij¡e lt:i.onud.:i.n 10ur l<~tt,f,1r. :ts nnl;;iJ.ø¡¡i¡ tf~ð liepn.¡:,t..!i1øYlt. A cO¡C'W 91' I,hh l"t;tar 1,5 bø:Î.ng ¡:m:,,,".rz\ed to t.h,~ ~,,;¡'git) C:Q¡¡nt;¡¡ Cmmel:!..· (c) O:;¡;!:ø:¡J'll (;otinl;-1l (:."\!'!f!c:i:lJ. :1.5 ooti lG/5iool (,c ,1.ust. $¡. J:ly-lawlio c!¡¡m¡1;,~th<'l ~,ch\1t,l D1\,t,r:1.øLs. f'aal u,~t, .ha P¡'Op."I¡f.¡.d h'i'tr!¡¡¡f'er 1i1h<¡. t,},,,¡;'lIifo:!ffJIp ¡;¡'~'e fit}'\¡. þ'!.$$;!.I'.\g J!TC¡¡t?,¡!t bQ;.If¡;dal?:Î.I'JIi1 (Jf' thø H:t¡¡;h (h) t,ha '1'U:!.. oni;>~1:rg !!i{\;h fe,(i\!lool tì1¡¡t..~1et, ~IW¡l.rd II'r.'Qt~ ê ¡(!It.. tw trtd,l1ning mtll!elXiU$ rê/11:.10111iJ. '1¡ t¡y $úob <I. tral'l$:I'ø:!' s'1!culd !í,;¡t t..e If~ld~) !lnt~~ I.'<Uhß~ql1,~t~, :!'~}J~I'I;IDt¡¡1;iwtl (!t t!¡,~ ~;:11J,3Qnb;x!'¡g j'¡~ Ill.GO al;<rIl1i"r(1.dbc~'oT6 tJll'i1 0:x1'('1'(1 (;oW'i.t~r üO~Jn(',!i.1. 1.0 ex~:t.n t,hl!! ",ittt<>¡.M.Olí :l.n dj(\'t,rd,l, (8) t111.'1 Oxfprt! (Ipunt, Council '(1Cl;llIt:l.¥ recm;lI~l II. f'~U~,¡¡t. f;r<m¡ thlit .Cl:iunt1 øt· ßlg~ t-Q pl\I:.\Ð 11 ~jf"'la.w tQ .1!It'ltacll t.!!Ø . vU,).r,!;gi:\Or VlmlM tr\J~1 thl'il Ti),løonblu'g 1J:l.I!trict n:1ßh 8ebool~I'oo. ~Idadd t1>'" 'U:t~Q t>.í' V~.~ to tIt!!) Bf.¡~\t },j;"gill m.m! t'Chøo::l. ¡)i6t.l·~.ct,. Wij.U,¡¡¡m 0. It. !¡:¡UI;' :!.ljtt~!." ot Féb:rIUl:t'y :U Ii1l1d!."¡'¡I.II!~to IJav:i.$" hlil/;! Ù!i!i:1)r! l·of\~~·i.J(¡ 'ho :thili o.í'l'l(¡{} fò~ is noted t.h~t thø Honourable a; :!'l\Ip1¥. Ð"år ~Ir. Coles: "" '1','"\ '.~;,,-,!_:.:.,:,: .. .~~::!-... ¿:i,!; 44 i~li\'li!\to!\ Avenue Ne$t" To~nt,!.I )2. t':ntario, F~b:t'naq n. 1964. ,"""",,_,·-h"~'''''·'''·''''"''·'''''-'·_-'·'~·-'-'_·'·_·-~'·_~''"·'''''."""~ . oiii'õi'.], Fù..·· '.,. """ E1.gin Count.y counci.~J ·.~c, J. R. Thomson G. R,' !4unnings A~ .I.BEATTIE.B.A; ..1. D. McPHERSON. B.A. fJí[[zonb-U7fj :Dízb.wt d-/ígh ¿chooLz ESTABLISHED 1888 TILLSON BURG, ONTARIO Courtland, R.R. 1, Ontario January 21,th 1961,.. ¡Elgin County Council, Clerk - Mr. J.D. Thomson, Court House, sto Thomatì" Ontario. Gentlemen: He: Village of. Vienna The Tillsonburg District High School Board have duly moved, second'ed and ca.rried the following resolution stating that they wish to lodge this formal protest in wiÜting to you, in rela.tion to the Village of Vienna 1 s attempt to transfer i.ts Secondary School students to the East Elgin District High School Board, on the following grounds. (a) A duplication of bus service in an area which is presently beins adequately servfuèed by the TiHsonburg District High Schoòl Board. (b) There is no advantage to the students to change faciliti.es si.nce the educational systems in both areas are comparable. (c) That the Village of Vienna asked to be taken into the Tillsonburg District during the early stages of the formation of the Tillsonburg High School DÜ;trict. (d) The Tillsonburg District High School Board has built and provided adequate school faciJj.ties to educate the Village of Vienna students along with those of other !1unicipalities in i.ts District and has raised debentures accordingly. The Village of Vienna 1 s y¡ithdrmml will unduly burden and prejudice the remaining ì!unic- ipalities in assuming the Village of Vienna's payments on the said debenture. (e) If the Village of Vienna is aJ.lowed to transfer, it will set a dangerous precedent for other Hunicipalities to do the same, \ which would create a chaotic situation.. (f) The fact that the cost will be 10'[81' to transfer, presently, does not necessarily mean this condition will be permanelilt. (g) The Village of Vienna has enjoyed lower costs of education over the past seven years in the Tillsonburg District. (h) It ,,.ould appear that the l1,illage of Vienna 1 s presumption of lower education costs is premature in that there has been no official budget passed b3' the Tillsonburg District High School Board for 1964 i I~ r I , PR,NCIPAI.. - W,.P. KIRKWOOD, .e.A. VICE_PRINCIPALS: SECRI!TARY-TREASURER - .J. S. RONSON ANNA-NCALe I"UGH SCHOOL' A."". BEATTIE:. B.A. COURTLAND. ONTARIO GL.ENCALE HIGH SCHOOL - J. o. McPH¡O;RSON, B.A. fJ¿[t1.0nb-U'tg :Dl1.t'tlat dllgh ¿ahoo[1. ESTABLlSHJ>D .usoe TILLSONBURG. ONTARIO In vim,,· of the above protest the Tillsonburg Board have asked that a copy be sent., also, to the following - The County Council of Oxford The County Couneil of Norfolk and The Department of Education. Your consideration of this protest'1tJÍll be appreciated, if and when you have reason to consider the question of transferring the Village of Vienna from the Tillsonburg District to the Elgin District. This protest has been lodged because of recent information from conversf),tions and nG'Hspaper reports Yours truly, ./ JSn/lr Til~onbUrg District Higµ School Board, Secrotary.;..Treasurer- J.Sydney Honson ~c .,.;