BY-LAW NO. 1856
Respecting the Weight of Loads to be Carried on Vehicles
WHEREAS subsection 8 of section 54 of The Highway
Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 172) provides that:-
The municipal corporation or other authority having
jurisdiction over any highway I may declare that the pro-
visions of subsections 4 and 5 do not apply to any or all
of the highways under its jurisdiction;
AND WHEREAS restriction of leads is not deemed necessary
for the protection of certain highways in the Municipality
of County of Elgin;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the
Municipality of the County of Elgin enacts as follows:-
1. The provisions of subsections 4 and 5 of section
54 of the Highway Traffic Act do NOT apply to the highways
named hereunder:- ,
County Road From To
(a) No.3 King's Hwy. No.3 King's Hwy. No. 401
at New Glasgow Approximately 6 miles
(b) No. 8 ,i~~)
County Road 15 King's Hwy. No.~Ol
Approximately 1 'mile
(c) No. 15 King's Hwy. No. 3 North limit of the
Village of Dutton,
·C,'· ( Approx. 3.50 miles
(d) No. 25 King':.q Hwy. No.3 Middlesex County Line,
Approx. 4.7 miles
(e) No. 32 King's Hwy. No. 73 Main gate of the Ontario
Police College
2.0 miles
Page 2
County Road Fnom To
(f) No. 39 Coun·ty Road No. 42 Lake Erie, approx
0.90 miles.
(g) NOQ 42 Cmunty Road No. 39 King I s Hwy. rro. 19
approx. 0.39 miles.
2. THAT By-La\"! No. 1832 of the County of Elgin be, and
·the same is hereby repealed.
3. This By-Law shall not become effective until approved
by the Depar·t;ment of Transport.
ENACTED AND PASSED this 23rd day of January, 1964.
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Clerk ~...ìarden