1859 Iii +~-;;;- ?Jt ~~__ 1varden READ a t Lird time, and finally passed this 18th day of Harch, 1964. FtEAD a second ti me this 18th day day of of Harch, "[arch, 1964. READ a first time this 18th , .<. 964 . Aylmer Belmont Dutton Port Burwell Port Stanley Rodn ey Springfield Vienna West LorDe Aldborough Bayham South Dorchester Dunwich Malahide Souchwold Yarmouth $767 $107,129.40 10,084.20 12,835.78 11,613.00 42,947.25 15,468.25 5,143.30 5,197.50 16,745.40 70,791.87 75,247.73 27,671.27 56,281.35 102,568.34 88,420.67 11 6.6 , 622.00 forth for ·che year, 1 964 proper·cy in the several mun i cipali·c i es in the County of Elgin as above set 'l'IIAT a rate of 14 mills on tHe dollar be levied on all rateabl e of Elgin enacts rHl~REFOH.E the Council Aylmer Belmont Dut"con Por·t Burwell Port St,anley Rodney Springfield Vienna West Lorne Aldborough Bayham Sou·th Dorchester Dunwich Halahide Sou·ch\~old Yarmouth of the !'Iun icipal Corporat $54 i $7,652,100,00 720,300.00 916,841. 00 829,500.00 3,067,661.00 1,104,875.00 367,379,00 371,250.00 1,196,100.00 5,056,562.00 5,374,838.00 1,976,520,00 4,020,096.00 7,326,310,00 6,315,762.00 8,534.2..1Q_.OO 144.00 , 830, on of the County Hunic:L.pal",~:tY. 'rotal E[mali~d Val~u~ detei'm:Lned in By-Law No 1 852, passed ~Jan.uary 23rd, 1964 . of the County duri n P' ,? the year, 1964, on the b3.sis of the 'assessment as required to b e raised in -the several muni cipalities for the lawful purpose Hundred D,nd Sixty-Seven Th o Isand, C' ~)].,x Itundred and 'rwenty-Two Dollars is WHEREAS an est~imHte ha E; b een ma Ie showing that the sum o:f Seven To Raise Amounts for COl.ulÍ<y-...L~ates Duri~,e Yeai'. 12M "