1862 '-__111":'~== County Clerk the 18th day of p"assed.by t)1:ep.ouncil ,.\- ..'..,." March 19~ of By-Law No 1861 of the said Corporation on I Elgin do hereby certify that the Clerk of the Corporation of the foregoing is a true copy County of J. D . Thoms.on ,~ (/ ... hi L1¡;J~ Warden SEAL ) Passed at (4) penditure tures or monies St The approval of the Ontario is authorized or work commenced raised in a subsequent year . Thomas this 18th Municipal Board which will day of March shall be obtained before any ex- be financed by the is sue of de ben- A.D 19 64. the said year (3) The. clerk shall transmit Municipal Roads Branch d\lplicate copies of Department of Highways this by-law to the district office of not later than March 31st of the The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (2 county ) TOT ALS SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD $ $ 200,000 $ 335 , 000 $ 535 , 000 $ 49 I 300 $ , 49 300 NEW MACHINERY $ 25,000 $ nil $ 25,000 BRIDGES AND CULVERTS $ $ 14 , 500 254 -- 31 ! I 200 500 $ $ 414,700 46,000 ROADS $ 160 CONSTRUCTION , 500 $ MAINTENANCE (1) The sum constr uction and year 19 64_as follows of $ 535,000 maintenance of the is hereby estimated,as roads and bridges under its TOTAL the expenditure upon jurisdiction during the the THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said County enacts as follows WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act require~ that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by county by-law and that th'é. by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval \ HIGHWAY A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE NOV, '" IMPROVEMENT ACT ÑÓRMÄL IN THE COUNTY OF 19 64 EXPENDITURES ON ROADS UNDER THE 1.861. ELGIN BY -LAW NO ESTI MATED COST 1. CONSTRUCTION COUNTY SUBURBAN (A) ROADS (COUNTY AND SUBURBAN) ROAD NO. LOCATiON ,,!ATURt:: OF WORK MILES 25 S.A. Wellington Road Land Purchase, Seeding, etc. 3,000 Æs per attached shee¡; lf62,500 . URBAN IMPROVEMENT (COUNTY CONTRIBUTIONS UNDER SECTIONS '28 AND 2BA H.I.A.) SUB-TOTAL. 462.500 3.000 (B) BRIDGES AND CULVERTS (COUNTY AND SUBURBAN) - TYPE AND LOCATION . Aylmer 60,000 Elm Street Bridge, Concrete & Multi~Plate Culvert Const. on Roads 20, 17 M.C.L., and 16 ~ 14,500 Pipe CuI. Const. Rds. 16, 6, 42, 53 in conjunction w~th 50,000 o· BRIDGES NOT ON COUNTY ROADS (SECTION 23 H.I.A.) - TYPE AND L.OCATION SUB-TOTAL 124,500 (e) NEW MACHINERY AND MACHINE SHEDS (ITEMIZE) ;¿"UUU (D) SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (SEE FOOTNOTE) 2. MAINTENANCE TOTALS FOR CONSTRUCTION 61..2' . 000 3·000 (A) ROADS - EXTRAORDINARY RESURFACING (PAVEMENT) MILES I RESURFACING (GRAVEL OR STONE) 15 "JC: nnn MILES J,e;' nnn I ~, 00 SURFACE TREATMENT MILES 45 ROADS - ORDINARY PAVEMENT PATCHING, CRACK FILLING, SWEEPING 15.000 3·000 STONE OR GRAVEL PATCHING, .DRAGGING, BLADING 13,000 800 DusT LAYING - CALCIUM, SALT, OIL,PRtME 19,000 ..;¡--... DITCHES, TIL.E DRAINS, CATCH BASINS, CURBS, GUlTERS. DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS 8,500 --:--- WEED SPRAYING, CUTTING. BRUsHING. FENCE BONUS, Seeding & Ref£rest- 15.000 1,400 ra lon. 20,500 2,400 GUIDERAIL, SIGNS, ZONE MARKING& Railroad Protection WINTER CON'TROL, SNOW FENCE, PLOWING. SANDING, SALTING 35;000 5,000 42,5UU ---- URBAN IMPROVEMENT (COUNTY CONTRIBUTIONS UNDER SECTIONS 28 AND 28A H.I.A.) (S) . 5UB-TOTAL 238,500 15,700 BRIDGES AND CULVERTS MAJOR REPAIRS (DESCRIBE) Tate's Br. Floor I Culvert adgitions & ,1.5;500 MINOR REPAIRS Repla.cemen,ts - Road 1 .L:>,uuu ..L,UUU SUB-TOTAL (C) SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD $8E'7 FOOTNOTE) 44,UUU ),jUU -TOTALS FOR MAINTENANCE 313,000 22,000 GRAND -i,9TALS 950,000 925,000 25,000 \, ."1, March 18. 1964 j ,A..!~ DATE COUNTY ROAD SUPERINTENDENT ."~.. IF INSUFFICIENT ROOM ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS, GIVING THE DATA IN THE FORM INDICATED NOTE _ SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD MAY BE DISTRIBUTED BETWEEN CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE IN THE PROPORTION THAT TOTAL OF ITEMS 1(A) AND I (8) BEAR TO TOTAL. OF ITEMS 2.(A) AND 2(B). -.--...- ..........., -~,.~~~-- COUNTY OF ELGIN RE" BY-LAW NO. 1$61. 1$62 NGIV;, .962 1964 ROAD PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR COUNTY OF ELGIN ... RE NORMAL BY-LAW NO. 1861 SUPPLEMENTARY BY-LAW NO. 1862 1. CONSTRUCTION: Land Purchase $ 22,000. Installation of Hailroad Protection I Road 15, Dutton and Hoad 2, West Lorne. 7,000 Surveys, Traffic Counts, etc. 3,000 Road 52 - From Road 40 easterly approximately one mile in Springfield, South Dorchester and Malahide Township - Double Surface Treatment, Fencing, Cleanup I etc. 5,000 Road 20 - From Shedden to Road 18, approximately 3 miles, Southwold Township - Paving,Cleanup, etc. 38,000 Road 42 - From Road 40 to Port Burwell I Approx- imately 8 miles in Malahide and Bay- ham Townships and Port Burwell - Paving I Grading, Granular Base, :IDencing, etc. 122,000 Road 53 ... Elm Street I Aylmer - Grading, Granular Base, etc. 25,000 Road 6 ... Road 3 westerly aþproxim~tely 2~ miles, Aldborough Township ... Grading I Granular Base, etc. 60,000 Road 16 ... Talbot Creek westerly to Road 15, approximately 6 miles, Dunwich 'rownship Grading Granular Base, etc. ].80,500 "r TO TAL: $462,500 ~ J. P. Howard, Municipal Engineer Yours µ very truly One copy of the by-law as approved In the event that any portion of the cost of the proposed work or purchase is to be raised in a subsequent year or financed by the issue of debentures, the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board must be obtained before the work or purchase is authorized or any commitment made with respect thereto. is returned herewith. This approval is given subject to the approval of each individual work of road and bridge construction, each contract for maintenance and the purchase of ,each unit of equipment. The District Engineer must be advised and his consent obtained before such works or purchases are advertised or tenders called or any commitment made by the county with respect to them Please be advised that expenditures in excess of either the construction or maintenance limits will not be eligible for sub- sidy unless covered by a supplementary by-law approved by the Minister. Supplementary by-laws must be in the hands of the District Engineer not later than July 31, 1964. $ 535,000.00 Total $ 335,000.00 for Maintenance and $ 200,000.00 The Honourable C. S. MacNaughton, Minister of High- ways has authorized the approval of the above cited by-law to a limit of for Construction Dear Sir Re: 1964 ~o,<:1d Expenditure By-law Number 1861 Amount $535,00.00 Mr. J.D. Thomson, Clerk-Treasurer, County of Court House, ST. THOMAS, Ontario Elgin, Downsview', Ontarioo May 12th, 1964.1, , \ \ I, ONTARIO DEPARTMENT"OF HIGHWAYS Co of the .... .MUNICi~AJ.. ¡i~ íJ'ót ·l~U Elgin - By-L 19~ 1861 do hereby certify that '. ,., !pas~'~!~ by thè Council of the said Corporation on I J.D. Thomson the foregoing Clerk of the Corporation of the is a true copy ..ø Clerk Ó~ÁA4A~t Warden County of L ' I'M t-1fÃ.;{..{;.~-'- SEAL Passed at (4) The penditure is tllre s or rnonie s St. approval of authorized or raisedina Thomas this the Ontario Municipal Board shall be work commenced which will be financed by the subsequent year 18th day of March A.D obtained before any ex- is sue of de ben- 19 64 (3) The clerk shall transmit the Municipal Roads Branch said year '. duplicate copies of this Department of Highways by-law to the district not later than March office of 31st of the (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervis'ion of the duly appointed county road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. TOTALS $ SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD $ 200 , 000 $ $ nil 49,300 :;g35,000 $ $ $ 25 49 535 , , 000 I if NEW MACHINERY $ $ 300 BRIDGES AND CULVERTS $ $ 25,000 160 14 , 00 500 $ $ 200 31,500 $ $ 000 100 46,000 ROADS CONSTRUCTION 2 MAINTENANCE (1) The sum construction and year 1<13.4 .as follows WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires roads be provided for annually by county by-law and that the Minister of Highways for approval TOTAL that the total expenditure on by-law be submitted to the " n'EREFORE <he Co=eil of <he Coopo","= of <he ,om co=,y':~ o. foHow, of $ 535,000 is hereby estimated as the expenditl're upon the maintenance c4 the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the HIGHWAY A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE F.ORMr, Mn,-(I NOV,'58 IMPROVEMENT ACT .KrÖÏ¡MÄ£ IN THE COUNTY OF 19_ 64 EXPENDITURES ON ROADS UNDER THE BY-LAW NO ELGIN the day of 19_ of By-Law No passed by the 'Council do."p-l'r·ß.J;¡,y. certiÍ'y'that the foregoing , "~. of the said Corporation on is a Clerk of the Corporation of the County of true copy I Clerk , (j2.~ ~ qc<~ Warden SEAL ) Passed at (4) The penditure is tures or monies St. approval of authorized or raised in a Thomas this the Ontario Municipal Board work commenced which will subsequent year 18th day of March shall be obtained before any ex- be financed by the is s ue of ~e ben- A.D 1964 (3) The clerk the Municipal Roads of the said year shall transmit duplicate copies of Branch, Department of Highways this by-law to the district..office of Ontario, not later than March 31 st The said monies shp.ll be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act (2 county TOT ALS $ 415 , 000 $ $ 415 , 000) SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD $ $ $ NEW MACHINERY BRIDGES AND CULVERTS $ $ $ nil $ 110.000 $ $ 110,000 ROADS $ 305 , 000 $ $ 305 , 000 CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE TOTAL (1) The sum construction and year 19 64 as follows of $ 415 I OOQ, maintenance of the is hereby estimated as roads and bridges under its the expenditure upon jurisdiction during the the THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said County enacts as follows WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by county by-law and that the by-law be submitfed to the Minister of Highways for approval HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19_6i¡. EXPENDITURES ON ROADS UNDER THE I Toronto 5, Ontario. ONTARIO May 26, 1964. - DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Mr. J. D. Thomson, Clerk-'rreasurer, County of Elgin, ~. Court House, - '----~ ~~ ST. THOMAS I Ontario. Dear Sir: Re: Supplementary Road Expenditure By-law No. 1862 Amount - $ 415,000. Please be advised that the above cited by-law has received consideration as a charge against the allotment for Special Capital Projects in the Department's estimates for the current fiscal year. The Honourable C. S. MacNaughton, Minister of Highways, has approved of the proposed expenditure I for sub- sidy purposes to a limit of .~~ 415,000. for Construction, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. That the expenditureis) shall be made only for the purposes set out in the by-law and supporting pro- gramme and shall not be diverted, either in whole or in part, to any other purpose without the prior consent in writing of the Municipal Engineer. 2. That the individual works of road and bridge con-.. struction and the purchase of each unit of equip- ment and the award of contracts for same shall be subject to the approval of an engineer of the Municipal Roads Division. 3. That the District Municipal Engineer shall be \ informed and his consent obtained before tenders are called for the proposed work or purchase and before any commitment is made by the Municipality. 4. That the individual works of road construction are carried out to plans and profiles that have been approved by an engineer of the Municipal Roads Di visi on. N. B. In the event that any portion of the cost of the proposed work or purchase is to be raised in a subsequent year or ,financed by the issue of debentures I the approVal öf the Ontario ~1unicipal Board must be obtained before the work or purchase is authorized or any commitment made with respect thereto. " A copy of the bY-J.,iil'1,¡¡¡¡¡i·apprövèd is returned herewith. .' i~ Yours very truly, , þ~ J. P. Howard, Municipal Engineer :D Operations Branch Encl hi CíM-?~ Warden ¡,j Clerk of the Corporation of the County of - do herel:>y certify that the foregoing is a true copy ", '''. . .' - _p'ãs,?eth¡by thé Cbuncil of the said Corporation on _ o"ì'(y " Marti'h 19.....6..4-. r~ .) '"Pc, . "$>\ ~ \' ~ h ê<?: ~~O -0<1' ~. '\ ~~it'·~ ~rOR D.H.O. J I; L" "" >0.'; .. . Elgin of By-Law No. 1862 the 18th APPROVED I~ MUNICIPAL ENGINEER. I .J. ), l'homson SEAL Passed at (4) The penditure is . tures or monies St approval of authorized or raised Thomas the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any ex- work commenced which will be financed by the issue of deben- in a subsequent year this 18th day of March A.D 19 64 the said year (3) The clerk Municipal Roads shall transmit duplicate copie s of ,this Branch, Department of Highways. not by-law to the district office of later than March 31st of the .,- (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed county road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway I Improvement Act 000 "''' TOT ALS $ 415 , $ $ 415 , 000 "' SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD $ " $ $ ~'E'^,'>MACHINERV $ $ nil $ BRIDGES AND CULVERTS $ 110.000 ./ $ $ MAINTENANCE I $ $ 110,000 ROADS $ 305 CONSTRUCTION v , 000 305 I TOTAL 000 / / (1) The sum constr uction and year 19 64 . as follows WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that the t~al expenditure on roads be provided for annually by county by-law and that the by-law bel submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval. ( THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said CQunty \cts as follows: _is hereby estimated as the expenditure upon the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the of $ 415 I 000 maintenance öf the SUPPLF,JI1ENTARY BY-LAW NO. 1.862 A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19 64 EXPENDITURES ON ROADS UNDER THE HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN