1863 By-Law No 1863 13 eLug_ª_ 13 V - .1illY__t.9 Rª-E\l!L.L]lY:":.l,il~Y-~J.(~_.___1.85Q._(d'__tl1~_Ç.!lµJ1 t Y-'i,:~,-L E 1£ jI'-'.- , \vHEREAS Nr. Lloyd S. Gllrr has tendered his resignation as Inspector under the Construction Safety Ac·t, AND \vHEREAS the Council of the· County of Elgin hélS accelYted the said resignatij>,n, NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corpor ation of the County of Elgin ena~ts as follows: 1. TIlAT By-La'" No., 1858, II'ro Appoint an Inspector under the Safety Construction Act" hc, and the same is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 18th day of March, 1964. N...EAD a second time this 18th day of March, 1964. READ a third time, and finally passed this 18th day of ¡Y!arch, 1964. ffi ~ Æ~~_')JL tfry.f-: Clerk T,'ITarden ,·c.··.·..·.,".·.,.'·,·,--'..,.·-..-..--.-......,·,........-.."........" n____~_~___~"·.-·_""·~· :ll i~~