1864 I \ " Be~L:tlB:..-!'l nv-L[I}:~~ Ad i11St -the Salar,:Y__ClLJ::_van ~L:L,.._!:ª_-rter..;so1J..' ,superintendent of Elgin Man01::-,_smd_t.o Amencl.JIv-h1iL!'_'.!.' I 1129" \ WHEREAS this Council deems it advisable to adjust the salary of the ,superintendent of E'lginManor, NOW THEREFORE the Cou11¡ÿil of the Corporation of the Couni;y of Elgin enacts as follows: 10 That Clause (2)~of By-Law No. 1729 he deleted, and the following substituted therefore: THAT the said IVé\n ;}, Pé\tt.erson shall l)e pHid a sé\l;¡ry of $5,800.00 per annum. 2. 'r¡IAT By-Lal-J Nö, 1830 be, and ·the same is hereby repealed. 3. 'THAT this By-Law shall take effect on !-'lay 1st, 1964. READ a firs·t time this 18th d;¡y of N;¡rch, 1964, READ a second time this 18th day of March, 1964. READ ;¡ third ·time, and finally passed this 18th ¡:lay of ¡'¡;¡rch, 1964. I ð <::., < ~~:0_ywt~ Clerk ì..~rarden :\' \ ^-~ Aged. ,. , ------...---., N. Drew, Director, Homes for the c very truly, Yours This increase is because, prior to the opening of the new Home, the Superintendent and his family received food and lodging. The difference in salary is to enable them to live outside the Home, \~ere he would have to provide these necessities from his income. With reference to your letter of Harch 18th, 1964, we are pleased to advise you that the Honourable Louis P. Cecile, Q.C., Hinister of Public Welfare, has given his approval of an increase in salary of the Superintendent of the above-noted Home from $2,800.00 to $5,800.00 per annum. Dear Hr. Johnson Home for the Aged. Re Hr. H. L. Johnson, Secretary-Treasurer, Elgin County Home for the County Clerk's Office, ST. THOHAS, Ontario. Aged, Harch 25th, I , \ \964. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE PARLIAMENT aUILDINGS, TORONTO