1865 [I ~" Effif.j Ii; ! î ¡~ q:" !G ii; COUNTY UFBLGIN By-Law No.. 1865 Bein f?' a IlY..-=.;L;;1 ':Lt o__An n f2:.Ll~!:fu'L_t 0 _tJ!.Q...._~~.!l-t r ¿:~J 'EI gi 1l._JlJ-ß.Jl ,?£h oç>l n i Ilt riçt. aIFL{:\.æt"8 d_J}.Y.::::.h".l)é._rls~.--.l.ð,JJ2. " WHEREAS the Township of YarmoutH has requested the County of Elgin to enlarge the Central Elgin High School Distr:ic·t to include ·the area of School Sec·tion No. 7, Yarmouth. AND WHE.REAS Chapter 362, ~)ection 13, subsection 1, R. " O. 1960, makes provision for -the sa.me. ,C). ¿ NOW THi";REF()¡~E the Corporation of the County of Elg;i n enacts as follows: 1. THAT School Section No. 7 of the To~mship of Yarmouth, more particularly described as follows: Concession 5 - The south halves of Lots 15-19 inclusive. Concession 4 - Lots 15-21 inclusive, and the south half of Lot 22. Concession 3 - Lots 15-21 inclllsive, and the north half of the north west quarter of Lot 22, be, and the same is hereby annexed to the Central Elgin High School Dis·triet. 2 . TEAT By·-Law No. 1478 of the County of Elgin be, and is hereby amended accordingly. 3. .THAT this ßy-Law shall come into force ~. on JaRuary 1, 1965, subject to the ~ and effect/NkococxxKxocxsXROCOCOCXx&«xKococ Approval of the ~. Honourable Minister of Education. READ a first time this 17th day of June, 1964. < READ a second time this 17th day of June, 1964. READ a third tir\¡~1 '~죡}'l fil}aéLly passed this 17th ':, day of June, 1964. , -,~~ ')Jl <U~ <'Tarden .~ <1. ~ -. Clerk I orf'lct::: Of- THE DEPUTY MINISTER ONTARlb - DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 44 Eglinton Avenue West, TORONTO 12, ,Tuly 3, 1964. Dear Mr. Thomson: This will acknowledge the receipt of two certified copies of Elgin County By-law No. 1865. It is noted (a) that the purpose of the By-law is to ·add, 4.n accordance ,Üth the provi- sions of subsection (1) of Section 13 of The Secondary Schools and Boards of Education Act, the portion of the Township of Yarmouth which comprises the Sþarta Continuation School District, to the Central Elgin High School District; (b) that By-lalf No; 1468, defining the area included in the Central Elgin High School District is hereby amended; (c) that the By-law was given first I second and third readings on June 17, 1964, and (d) that the By-law shall come into force and take effect on January 1, 1965. The ~tnisterls approval is hereqy given to the passing of this By-law. The two copies are being retained for our files. Yours sincerely I /;J . /?J);Cüu 1- W. R. Stewart I Deputy Minister. Mr. J. D. Thomson, County Clerk, County of Elgin, ST. THOMAS, Ontario. I( . "'.....---J:4i'~~ r,---, ~ - .....- I f Clerk Warden .., (;": _.~-,-,,"~,.- r/:; ", '.