1866 ~ II By-Law No 1866 I ':eo Gr~Qt....,J.\.11_.J\IlnUÐ 1_ Retix~men t.Jll.Q~~ªLl9 e . II \'IlmREAS Section 240, Chapter 249, n S 0 i'-. 1960, provides for the granting of a Re"tirement Allowance to an employee with at least twenty years continl10Us service with a municipality. <' The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts: TI-IAT ,John ) . Thomson be granted an Annual Retirement Allowance of Thirteen Hundred and Eighty Dollars ($1,380.00), payable at the rate of $n5,00 per month, beginning Sep·tember 1st;, 1964. THIS By-Law ·to take effect September lst, 1964 READ a firs·t time this 17th day of June, 1964 !.{,EAD éJ, second time this 17th day of .June, 1964 READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of June, 1964. -f:!L æ " -t" [~l<n,..{. JÎJ r:LIC;.t ..~...-. --- - .- Clerk ¡varden