By-taw No. 1867
llQ.!lli"..a B.y:LélJL"CtJ {\ppoirdo--ª.. Clerk='l'reasure,,_for _.the CQun.tL.s)f
Eltri!:!,. "
ì;,\YHEJ1EAS ~'Ir. .J" D. 'rhomson is rp"tiring as Clerk-
Treasurer of the County of Elgin on August 31st, 1964.
AND'iilÅ’REAS l.ll1del' Chap'ter 249, Section 215 (1) Ð.nd
216 (1) R. (', o. 1960 , it is necessary for Council, to appoint
,,) .. someone to fill the positions.
NO\"1 ':CIIEREFORE the GOl.lncil of the Corpora"tion of the
County of Elgin enac·ts as follows:
1. THAT Harley L. Johnson be, and is hereby appoint-
ed Clerk-Treasurer of the County of Elgin; and Treasurer of the
County of Elgin Home for the Aged.
2. 'l'HAT his salary as Clerk~Treasurer of the County
of Elgin be tÞ5,OOO.OO, per annum.
3. TlffiT his salary as Treasllrer of the Elgin County
¡·Iome for the Ageel be $1,500.00 per annum..
4. THA'r all previous By-Law$, having to do with the
appoinbnen·t of a Clerk-Treasurer for the County of Elgin, and a
Secretary-Treasurer of the Elgin County Home for the Aged, be,
an cI the same are hereby repealed.
5. THPlT this By-Law shall take effect on the
1st day of September, 1964.
REA.D a first time this 17th day of June, 1964.
READ a second time this 17th day of .June, 1964.
READ a third time, and finally passed this 17th
day of June, 1964.
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. C¡"'(:r74.C. .
Clerk Warden