1868 1 COllN'r¥ ELGIN By-Law No. 1868 I.Be~'LiJ.y':'::.!,ß wt&..J:\J2PO Ül t _é.!.. Depl ,-t.Y...S...1.er.!~ T r...<?-ª_gl r'fX...f.S!T......tJLE¿ COl.lD:9r__2.LJ31gir1,1.' VJHL;;H.:EAS by By-Law No. 1867 of the County of Elgin has repealed all pr'evious By-Laws having ·to do with the Appointmen·t of 8. Clerk-Treasurer'. AND 'i'JIŒREAS a number of the By-Laws repealed, contain clauses affeeting ·the Deput;y Clerk-Treasurer. NCW.I cfH"JŒFOREthe Council of the Corpor ation of ·the Coun·ty of Elgin enac·ts as follows: 1. THAT HI's. Nary Fishleigh be, and is her'eby appoilTted Deptlty Clerk-Treasuret' of the County of Elgin. , 2. THAT the salary of the Depu-ty Clerk-Treasurer be $3,600.00 per annum. 3. THAT any, and all previous By-Laws of ·the County of Elgin inconsis·tent with this By-Law be, and the same at'e hereby t'epealed. 4. l'HATthis By-Law shall take effect on the . l ls·t day of September, 1964. READ a first time this 17th day of Jane, 1964, READ a second time this 17th day of June, 1964. R3AD a third time, and finally passed this 17th day of June, 1964. /J2v~J/ul " -11---'= C-. h1 c.i.~Ji.,.t--. í,qarden Clerk I !? (,1 ') ! I if&, I? ?