1869 i " f;~ ';;;:'~'i", COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 1869 ßein€,' il.....fly:-I'éL'Lto Gr?nt Pension Refunds ançì..J:.Q.c::ke·¡; !>'[on~'Lt.Q...]:Les;!,Jl?nb§. I' Q.f __the Elq-,.:î.n CouJltY.: ¡-IQ.1J1~J.:.Q£.-..t.he _Aged. " WHEREAS the residents of the Elgin County Home for the Aged require pockeb money to purchase various sundries not provided for them; NOIv THEH.EFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT each resident of Elgin 1¡IÐP or receivÜ1g Old Age Assistance or Old Age Security Pension be given a refund of $11.00 per month. 2. THAT other residents of Elgin Manor be given pocket money in the amoun·b of $11.00 per month. 3. 'fHA'r Clause 1 and 2 of this By-La'~ shall no·b apply ·100 ·bhose residents of Elgin Man or who are self supporting. 4. THAT all previous By-Laws of 'bhe Coun·by of Elgin which are inconsistelTt herewith, be and th,e same are hereby repealed. , READ a first time this 15th day of September, 1964. READ a second time this 15th day of September, 1964. READ a ·bhirdtime, ,.and finally passed this 15th day of September, 1964. //?L-J /{:> t> I 1/ /v(A4¿,' '}!Cl44i;~ .Cle - 'Varden " I " , II