1871 ! I i) COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 1871 'j?ei...!!E:_¿L.ßy-Law to AQjust the BiÜary of.....:!ihe Ph'vs:I.cj&'l.J'lr lUgi'l..l4a!!.ill:." The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts: 1. THAT Dr. G. A. Graham M. p., Physician for Elgin Manor, be paid Two Dollars ($2.00) per month for each resident occupied bed at ¡Ugin Manor. 2. THAT this By-Law be retro-active to August 1st, 1964. 3. 'I'HA'f By-J"aw No. 1728 and By-Law No. 1741 be, an.d are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time this 15th day of September, 1964. READ a second time this 15th day of September, 1964. READ a third time, and finally passed this 15th day of September, 1964. /f.~ æ"-'~:jtf1211 t¡r;:.4':!'....:'" C.. rk ' '¡varden