1872 Ii II I I I I I THE CORPmNJ.TON OF THE CU Ul~TY OF ELG:r:N By-Law No. 1871- ,I A By-Law to Amend the By-Law Adop-t;ing a Plan o,f Coun'cy Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in the County of ELG:IN Under t;he Highway Improvement Act. The Council of the Corporat:;ion of the County of Elgin enacts as By-J"aw Number 1872 as follows: IYo/ 1. 'rHAT the Schedule of By-Law No. 897 being the original By-Law establishing the Coun·t:;y Road System is hereby amended by adding thereto the Roads designa·t:;ed and described as follows: DESIGNA'r1.':D COUN'rY ROAD NUI'IBER 20 DESCRIP'rION BEING that portion of road or the deviations there of in the Township of Smx(;hwold; COlv1.TYŒNCING on the road in 10'(; 16 North of Talbot Road North Branch construc·(;ed by the County of Elgin at the north-eastern limit of ·(;he road between lo·(;s 15 and 16 North of the Talbot Road North Branch, 800 feet mor or less, south- easterly from the north west angle of lot 16 North of the North Branch of the Talbot Road North; THENCE northerly, north-easterly and northerly along the said road cons- tructed by the County of Elgin throug.hthe north-west por·(;ion of 10·(; 16 North of the Talbo'(; Road North Branch and lot 7 of Concession V to the so uth-western limit of the road. between lots 6 and 7 of Conces- sion V, 1,300 feet more or less north- wester'ly from the south-east angle of lot 7 of Conc ession V. ,A DIS'rANCE of approximately 0.6 miles ,., DESIGNATED COUN'CY ROAD NUJV!BmZ 2 ~ DESCRIPTION BEING that por·tion of road or the deviations thereof in the Township of Dunwich; '\ CO~il~BNCING on the road between Concession A and Concession V north of A at the nor·thern limi·t of the established road in lot 11 of Concession A knoh'n as ·the Old Currie Road, being County Road Number 15; 'rHENCE north-easterly along the said road between Concession A and Con- , cession V north of A to ·the sou·th- western limit of the road between lots 12 and 13 of Concession A, being County Road Number S. A DISTANCB of approximai;ely 0.5 miles 1._. '~.r ., '''-" 2. THAT the Bchcclule of By-Lal''¡ 0 897 being the original By-Law est;ablishing the Coun·cy Road Sys·t¡em is hereby amended by r~emoving therefrom the roads des:Lgna·ced and described as follows: c~ ï\ II . DESTGNATTON A " ¡\/" -" ,........".. DES'CH.TPTION BEING that portion of road and the deviations thereof in the TO"JI1s1~ip of Yarmouth formerly desig¡¡at;ed COUNTY ROAD NUJVŒmz 36; COMNENCTNG on the road bebveen lots 21 and 22 in Concession T, at ·the southern limit of the road between Concessions I and II; 'THENCE southerly along the said road be·tween lots 21 and 22 to the establi- shed road in lo·t 22 of Concession I known as the Lake Road; THENCE easterly following the windings and turnings of the said I,ake Road 'Through lo·ts 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28 of Concession I to the south~western limi·t of the diversion constructed by the COUl"l"ty of Elgin through lot 28 of Concession I and designated County Road Number' 24, 450 feet more or less, easterly from the wes·tern limit of lot 28 of Concession I" A DTS'T ANCE of approximately 2.7 miles . (;,\:~t;t.: , .~. B DE,sTGNNUON D E,sCIUPT ION BE:n!G that portion of road and the deviations thereof in the Township of Yarmouth formerly designated ,\ COUNTY ROAD NU~lBER 24; COlvjHENCTNG on the eS'(~ablished road in lot 24 of Concession I at the northern limit of the established road along the north shore of Lake Erie knO\VTl as the Lake Road; '£HENCE nor·therly ""long the said established road in lot 24 of Conce§sion I to the south- western limit of ·the road in lot 24 of Concession I constructed by the County of Blgin and shmm on a pl,m deposi.ted in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the County of Elgin as D-769. A DISTANCE of approximately .2 miles. , e. I . 'I; .'^' 1 DE~STGNATTON C "J ~ DESCRTPTION BEING" that por·tion of road and the devia-tions thereof in the ~ro\'Tílship of Southwold formeloly desi-¥nated, Coun·ty Road Number 20; COMl-1ENCING on the road between .lots 15 ~nd 16 north of the Talbot 1<.oa d Nor'th Branch, 350 feet more or less, south-easterly from the north-east angle of lot 15 North of the 'falbot Road North Branch; THENCE n<wth-westerly along the said road between lots 15 and 16 North of the Talbot Ro.ad North Branch ·to the road between the lots north of the Talbot Road North Branch and Concession V' , 'rHBNCE north-easterly along the said road bet\~een tho lo>cs Nor·th of the 'falbot Road North Branch and Concession V to the north-western limit of ·the diversion constructed thl'ough lot 16 North of the Talbot Road North Branch and lot 7 of Conc ession V, 320 feet more or less, nor·th-eas·terly from the nor·th west angle of lot 16 North of thc Talbot Road North Branch; con·t1d. . \: t ,,;.'. ",. '< '". AND C()]v.i}ŒNCTNG AGATN on the said road between the lots North of the Talbot Road North Branch and Concession V at r,"'" the sou·th-eastern limit of the diver- sion construc·ted through lo·t 16 north of the Talbot Road Nor·th Branch and lot 7 of Corie ession, 500 feet more or less, north-easterly from the north- west angle of lot 16 North of the Talbot Road North Branch; THENCE north-easterly along ·the said road between. the lots North of the Talbot Road }!or·th Branch and Concessi on V to the road between lots 6 and 7 of Concessi on V; THENCE north-westerly along the said road between lots 6 and 7 of Concession V to the eastern limit of the diversion cons·tructed by the Coun·ty of Elgin through lot 7 of Concession V, 300 feet more or less, nor'th-westerly from ·the sou-th-east angle of lot 7 of Concession V. A 'fOTAL DTS'CANCB of approximately 0.5 miles. <., " '~¡'\I;t:t': '~. "" "".w.~. ,.:-i"':>;':',:" :Z\,¡~~~ ':"'" 1 The roads as and described in paragraph 1, are hereby added to the County ,Road :System of the County of Elgin. 4 The roads as designa·ted and described in .paragraph 2, are hereby removed from the County Road <System of the County of Elgin. 5 'rhis ßy-la'~ shall come into force upon the approval thereof by the Lieütenant-Gover\1.or in Council. FJJ.I'ALLY PASSED at the Ci:ty of St. Thomas, in the County of Elgin, this 15th day of September, 1964 vuf )r¡4r;v/4~__ Warden .../ , "''<, " ii ., !~ I. i ;1 !i I' ONTARIO OC-352/65 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL OFFICE Copy of an Order-in-Council approved by His Hono1.\r the Lieutenant Governor, dated the 28th day of January, A,D, 1965. Upon the recommendation of the Honourable the Minister of H:Lghways, the Committee of Council advise that pursuant to Subsection 6 of Section 45 of The Highway Improvement Act, R,S,O, 1960, Chapter 171, approval be given to the following by-laws which were passed to amend the County Road System of the Counties named. No. 1801 of the County of Carleton J No. 1872 of the County of Elgin No. 14-1964 of the County of Frontenac No. 1702 of the County of Ha1dimand No, 61-1964 of the County of Huron No. 2019 of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham No, 3175 of the County of York Cert:i.fied, \.. ÞÞ^1 (~ \- Cy Y ~ , Clerk, Executive Council ~~ .'.'"