1874 .'f; II Ii .! " ì'farden ~v~ 7n{:JM~ ,--- , and finally passed this l8·th November, day 1964. READ a third time, of READ a second time this 18th , READ a first time this 18th day of Novembêr, day of November, 1964 1964. and the same is hereby confirmed according to Registered Plan 205 )f the said Village of Straffordville, be, stop up, c 1 ose and sell a street or alley in the Village of Straffordville THAT By-Law No 1497 of the Tmvnship of Bayham, being a by-law to Elgin enac·ts as follows . . NOW THEREFORE the Council of ·the Corporation of the County of by-law. Corpora·tion of the County of Elgin for a By-Law confirming the said township i !I AND WHEREAS application has been made to the Council of the Council of the Township months, nor later than one year, after the passing of the By-Law of the passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council held not sooner thàn three By-Law of the Council of the County in which the tOM1ship is situa·tè, the said Townshi p By-Law shall not have any force until confirmed by a AND WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the 'Municipal Act, the sa i d By-Law, ·true copies hereof are hereunto annexed I,' I , ! 205 of the said Vi.llage of Straffordville, more particula~ly described in stree·t or alley in the Village of Straffordville according to Registered Plan of July, 1964, WHEREAS A. D ·the Council of ·the TOM1ship ,did pass By-Law No. 1497 to stop of Bayham on the up, close and sell a 6th day Straffordyj,.1le Bv-Law to StillL"QQ...._ Clj).1ill._-ªpd Sel.J.__'L9tre~_ or A_lleY_....Ln.... the..'yi:!,J,iI.£.e-º...t: ¿" Straj'f9rdvi:!J.e__Ac-º-º-:rcl:j,..Ilg..j;..9....1~ê.g:t~j;ere~Ll'J.an 20i.._of-..:!<.lw S¡;Iid Villa e:e of II 'A..Jk=.L..;;UL To Con fj. rill Bv- Lmx__N 0 t.._..L4.21......9.i...J;..!:liL:·f.9wn§h:iJL-º.f_BUQ_ª-I!I.....ßein..g...._ª- J. . J By-Law No. 1874 , (.J. # , '1 , Your, v:¿¡ of Bayham Township. Thanking you I I remain same may be done. Elgin County Council to confirm this closing as soon as I would appreciate the necessary action by the in the Village of Straffordville. By-Law No. 1497, providing for the closing of an alley Dear Sir I herewith enclose a certified copy of our Mr. J. D. Thomson, Clerk of Elgin County Court House, St. Thomas, Onto , July 22, 1964. / Phone 866~5521 Area Code 519 STRAFFORDV1LLE, ONTARIO I' Township of Bayham ]. D. VALLEE. Clerk and Treasurer of Bayham Township, hereby certify the correct copy of Township of Bayham Iht Æ'Z of Bayham TOI~shi \ . I, J. D. Vallee, Clerk above to be a true and By-Law No. l497z (Signed ...... C. D. Phillips ~Q·/G.. Signed J. D. Vallee .. ¡tilt!) Iii tl:d..rd time 1964-. and lat. t1nally þa$S$<1 thb 6th. day ot July READ a ~eøøudttmê \1'118 day of .rune day of Jun. 196t¡,., IEAÐ a f1rl\ t1m. th1. ~. 1.'haft thb by..lail'iì'$bdl come btotoroe and etf~(lt "ft.e:, beUt. 1Jc(f¡1tìrn ,d 'Ì)1 tà by..la:w (If the CO\3.n1;¡y Qt El¡il.th let. 1961.. )" 'l'hattblll Rill.". and. O:t..el"k Greher.i)y autbf!Þrbed. to $~eCntlan~ d~U'lte. (!Qn'lt~yanc.ot toe ..14 l!!1:.dø wllet:l ßíL1ild, under tbe Oorporat..S.al øt the ¡romum.ipøf BaYN\Uh a. 1'ha'l;. the above ø'\):t4ilet I)):' .11"," ôatoppe¡;t up anó o1oeed may be .14 e:l.ther .in who:L~ or i.n pB.rt$t t¡¡t one Of' more of thl1í wilja<nmt lind. ø'W'i1et'lh ( ) '.:!'hÐ$t~.Ut'" ~r 1111$1' Si. tuatø! lytng .!i\bd be1ng bEltwlifén ¡"Qu.rtb. . ¡md FUt.b $"'%"$.t$, eaet or t~o" 19 1i1ghway, bounded. on tlhe $$l!It by ¥111t\¡e 1(1)S 1'7 ",ad 19 and éU tbè west by Villqe løts 16 arId. :I.t~. $. 1.WMt tthf.! t'ØllØwi1ìE£ st!'~$tì or aUêy :W the Villqe (i)tStrattørdvUlt Ot/l l:Ji'loppeõ u.p, clolJliìð.and $01<11$0 ~hf/l a<iJaq$l1t owt1~n"s, all d.escri1.pt1øn. 'Deine; in acoordw:lêe "11tb Regtetered ¡¡:Lan No. 20:; ot 1;,&. $dd V1llaf!tø et' St.r¡¡¡tto:vd.vUltn 'Jm¡iEFO~¡¡ Bay. .\!4$ ~¡¡¡ l$'11;UAOT1J:D by tht t'ØllØWIII¡", i\.i!) ~vfU¡¡¡U¡;AS it j,(~ ¡j(¡¡emted nf¡ft\! .$$~'· (U1¡;t e:)tpedi~nt tU'1l11t tIde ¡alley bill ø'ti~pped up and. (110$&11 Md $old; Mun:tetpal Oound1 ofl:¡.bé '1'own$h:t1~ øtrlilì\'lt 'Of or AN ) W¡¡¡¡¡¡.ÎiiA5 ad:h.\cÈll1t øwnll.JX'~ha."J'EiI requa$t~4 t.h$ (ÍQ1.!tÌcu.. to tak.$ 'the IacttOrt her@1nl1\h~r dl!lli3n~t$dt Wa$RììU\.$· Sèotllon 4,9. w.b..f¡Q( ;ti.øn 1 (t) lil.\1t1hi). pJ"Ç!v1d", tbat tbl!l ~onnctl ~f a mun:to1pal1ty m~y ~$$ a Þy-law for the þ~po$e of .tQPp1n~"\Iip andsElllt.n¡ any h1¡bwa.y 01" pitlrb of a htghway; l3e1n&: a by-law to $top up, êløst!! I\1Ind sell a.. $ta·.øt Qr aUê1 In 1<1'1, 1<1:U'f¡ftCt (¡Jf Sr.rlíltf.:í:'()¡·dv1Uø Mco:t"d:tn{$ 1;0 re¡l;bi\e¥'Ðd Plan 205 ot tlle said V~11.ge ot $traftordv111e. 4 r 'l'øwn$bip 9f By-Law No. 1497 :&Ja1Min