1875 II :I!I' I, ill Ii II 'II 11 III /1\1 II i ]'. jh I ~. COUNTY OF BLGIN By-Law No. 1875 /" 'Be:ln -Law to Appoint a Physician for Ele:in Manor:. " The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: (1) 'rHAT Dr. C. A. Graham M. D. , be, and is hereby appointed physician for Elgin Manor. (2) THAT the salary of the physician for Elgin Manor be $170.00 per month, effective November Ist, 1964. (3) THAT all previous by-laws having to do with the appointment and salary of a physician for Elgin Manor be, and the same are hereby rescinded. READ a fÜ'st time ·this 18th day of November, 1964. READ a second ·time this 18th day of November, 1964. READ' a third ·time, and finally passed this 18th day of November, 1964. , ! êii O?~ )J/ c.¡CGi~ . ....J. Cl Warden , " ,,'\ ". BY-LAU Nm@2R 1876 -of- THE CORPORATION OF 'rIŒ _COUNTY OF ELGJN A By-Law to authorize the Aldborough 'rownship Area School Board (hereinaft;er called "the Grantee" and which term shall include its successors and assigns) to construct, use and operate works required for the distribution of water wi:ch:Ln -che County of Elgin (hereinafter called "the Municipality"). WHEREAS the Grantee has requested The Corporation of the Coun-cy of Elgin to grant it a franchise or right of passing through the Municipality for the purpose of cons-cructing, using and operating a line or lines and works for the distribtrcion of water within the Jv!unicipality. AND WHEREAS, sUbject to -che terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the Council of the Corpora'cion of -che County of Elgin has agreed to grant the said franchise. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of The Corporacion of the County oIf Elgin AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED as follows:- 1. Full right, power, permission and consent are hereby granted, conferred and assured unto the Aldborough Township Area School Board, itS' successors and assigns to enter upon, use and occupy the highways of or under the jurisdiction of.the Municipality to survey, construct, lay, maintain, . ~ al-cer, repair, renelv, ].nspecvl remove, replace, reconS'cruct, use and operate in, through, upon, under, along and across the same or any of -chern a pipe line or pipe lines with any and all connections I appal's:tus, appliances and fxttachmen'ts, includ.ing at-caehments for ca-thoc1ic proteetion, necessary or inéidencal there-co and -co a system for the purpose of distributing waCer wiUlin the Municipality "