r By-Law No. 1880
" w To Se æ1 A~Œregate Valuations for ortion-
t of Co Rate in the Countv of E1~in in 1965."
The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enactS:
THAT the following be the valuations for County Rate Purpos.es
in the County of Elgin for 1965:
Aylmer $7,871,929.00 13.930113%
Belmont 742,225.00 1. 313437%
Dutton 971,760.00 1.719620%
Port Burwell 847,397.00 1. 499548%
Port Stanley 3,186,050.00 5.638013%
Rodney 1,166,177.00 2.063659%
Springfield 366",609.00 .648749%
Vienna 362,7'79.00 .641971%
West Lorne 1,212,488.00 2.145611%
A1dborongh 5,171,218.00 9.150953%
Bayham 5,839,649.00 10.333804%
Dorchester South 1,983,168.00 3.509401%
Dunwich 4,085",691.00 7.230<i)12%
Malahide 7,615,918.00 13.477078%
Southwold 6,391,771.00 11.310835%
Yarmouth 8.695.329.00 15.387196%
$56,510,158.00 100.000000%
READ a first time this 2~$n day of January, 1965.
READ a second time this 21st day of January, 1965.
READ a third time, and finally passed, this' 21st day of
January, 1965.
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