1886 £QQ!I!.xL.9-,Lg1GI~ BY ~ LA..lV:...E.9-,--.1.!3 8 6 RESP EÇ.:;r INCL. THF,_,"~EIGH't_9F__LOAQS TO BE .CAmED_ON ~§.t!ICLE2 WHEREAS subsection 8 of Section 54 of The Highway Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 172) provides that: The municipal corporation or' other authority having jurisdiction over any highway, may declare that the provisions of I subsections 4 and 5 do not apply to any or all of the highways under its jurisdiction; AND WHEREAS restriction of loads is not deemed necessary for the protection of certain highways in the Municipality of the County of Elgin; Nm~ THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. 'fhe provisions of subsections 4. and 5 of Section 54 of the Highway Traffic Act do NOT apply to the highways named hereunder: çOU!!:ÞX_.RoBd From Tq (a) No. 2 County Road No. ~ The west limit of tot .) 8 opposite Conc. VIII and IX, Twp. of Ald~ borough , Approximately i mile (b) No. 3 Kingt s H\"Y' No. 3 King's HwY No. 401 at New Glasgow Approximately 6 miles (c) No. 8 County Road No. 15 King's Hwy No. 401 ' Approximately 1 mile (d) No. 15 Kingts Hwy. No. 3 North limit of the Village of Dutton Approximately 3.50 miles (e) No. 25 King's H\"Y'. No. 3 Middlesex County tine .. ¡ Ii I ~i \,I,i;t<: Approximately 4.7 miles , ' ,.~ '.., (f) No. 32 King's Hwy No. 73 Main gate of the Ontario Police College ".," 2.0 miles (g) No. 39 County Road No. 42 Lake Erie Approximately 0.90 miles COUNTY OF ELGIN ~ BY~LAW NO 1886 2 í , , i Coun~oad From To (h) No. 42 County Road No. 39 Kingts Hwy No. 19 Approximately 0.39 miles (1) No.' 53 Kingts Hwy No. 3 Beech Street in Town of Aylmer Approximately 0.5 miles 2. THAT By~Law No 1856 of the County of Elgin be, and the same is hereby repealed. 3. This By-Law shall not become effective until approved by the Department of Transport. ENACTED AND PASSED this 17th day of March, 1965. ~J~J¡-- Warden " COUNTY OF'ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 1B.u--- RESPECTING TItE WEIGHT OF, LOADS TO an CARRIED ON VEHICLES WHEREAS subsection 8 of Section 54 of The nighway Traffi¢ Act (R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 172) provides the:!;f The municipal corporation .oí~ otherauthoroity having jllrisdiction over any highway, may dec1are that the provisions of subseotions 4 and 5 do not app1y to any or all of the highways under its jurisdiotionJ AND WHEREAS restriøtion of 10ads is not deemed necessary for the protection of certain highways in the Munioipality of the County of E1gin; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of tho MIlnicipa1ity of the County of Elgin enacts as followSf 1. The provisions of subse~tions 4 and 5 of Section 54 of the Highway '1'råffH::' Aot do NOT app1y t.o the high\~ays named hereunder; mtv Road From '1'0 - - (a) No.2 County Road No.3. The west HnlÌ.t of Lot 8 opPosite Cone. VIII and IX, TwP. of A~d_ borollgh Approximately ì mi1e (b) NO.3 Kingts Hwy. No. 3 King~s H"¡yNo. 401 at New G1asgow Apprþximately 6 miles (0) No.. 8 County Road No. 15 King's Rwy NO. 401 App~oximately 1 mile (d) No. 15 King's Hwy. No.. 3 Nort;h limit <If the Village of Dutton Approximately 3.50 miles (e) No. 25 King's..Hwt. .No.,}" Mi4dlesex County Line ¡ \, I, ,I \I;¡it'.~ Approximately 4.7 miles -. (f) No. 32 Iüng's Hwy No. 73 Main gate of the .. Ontario Po1ice College 2.0 miles (g) No. 39 County Road No. 42 take Erie Approximately 0.90 miles I 11:1 ,) 1,¡liil II III ¡ii, II I , I ~ Ii III 1,1 I 'I II I:: illl III: COUN'I'Y' OF ELGIN BY-LA\\' NO. 1886 2 - Count' Road Froll! !.2. ~ - (h) No, 42 County Road Mô, 39 King's H\~ No, 19 Approximately 0.39 miles (i) N(). 53 King's Hwy No, 3 Beeoh Street in Town of Ayl111er Approximately 0,5 miles 2. \ ..,.'. . THAT. By-Law No./1856 of the County of Elg1n be, and the same is hersb)' repealed, 3. This By-Law shall not beoome effective until approved by the Department of 'l'ransport, ii:NAC'J.'EI) AND PM,SED this 17th day of· ~@ãrch, ~l~S . ·:if'if¿ ~. ¿fl. e-~;(-P :;t;¿j) v lark Warden I, Harley L. Johnson, Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-Law No. 1886 passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 17th day of March, 1965. ~I C~ I(~I )¡\I.,1;t': ~, '1- , " Approved this 5th day of April,,' 1965 pursuant to the provisions of The Highway Traffic Act. Irwin MINI~ Per: Registrar