1889 i~ .~y// ..íI . '~/'ý.j, .~... f:!.~ / k er , 1y passed this 16th day of June, 1965. .0 . Warden ~ READ a third time, and fina READ a second READ ·t;ime this a first time this 16th 16th day of June, day of June, 1965 1965. . his or her accumulated sick. leave credi·t;. after all his or her sick leave absences have been deducted from will show the ne·t; sick leave credit of every employee which remains employee in their Department shall be recorded so tha·t; the register in which all sick leave credits and sick leave absences for every Governor, and ·t;he Clerk-'£reasurer shall maintain and keep a register' the Superintendent of Elgin Manor, the County Assessor, the Jail T HE .HEAD OF EACH DEl:>ARTMI-';N¡r, namely, the County Engineer, following under paragraph B " of Section 2 and substituting therefore the THAT By-Law No. 1765 be amended by deleting all words enacts as follows : NO"\/¡f nmREFORE, the Corporation of ·t;he County of Elgin direction of these two officials, AND WfÆREAS many County i3mployees do not come under the recorded, leave credits and sick leave absences for every employee shall be and Road Superintendent to maintain a register in which all sick of Sick Leave Credi·t; WHEREAS By-Law No. Gratuities for Employees, 1765, A By-Law To " requires the Clerk Establish a Plan 'Bein -Law To Amend .P..x-Law No. 1765 . " PI.'I' .' ,¡¡,,<;~ i~"i': By-Law COUNTY No OF 1889 ELGIN