By-Law No. 1890
'J2ei,!l.K.-ª~I,aw To Establish a .§y.§J;.em of Creslits and Payments For
Regular Attendance of the Jailor and Jail Em..Eloyees."
WHEREAS Section 358, Subsection 4 of the Municipal Act
provides that liThe County or City shall establish a system of credits
and payments for regular attendance of the Jailor and Jail employees,
and the Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regula·tions prescribing
·the system ·to be established."
NOW 'fHEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the County
of Elgin enacts as follo\~s:
THAT a system of credits and payments for regular attendance
as prescribed in Regulation 450 und~r the Municipal Act, be, and is
hereby established for the Jailor and Jail employees of the Elgin
Coun-ty Jail.
READ a first time this 16th day of June, 1965.
READ a second time this 16th day of June, 1965.
RBAD a third time, and finally passed this 16th day of
June, 1965.
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