1891 e, v· THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY QE ELGIN -- BY-LAW ~~ 1891 A BY-LAW TO AMEND the By-law Adopting a Plan of County Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in the County of ELGIN under the Highway Improvement Acto The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as By-law Number 1891 as follows: 1. THE SCHEDULE ItAt! of By-law Number 897 being the original By-law establishing a County Road System in the County of Elgin as ammended by By-law Number 1801 being the last Consolidating By-law re-establishing the sa.id system and further ammended by subsequent ammending By-laws is hereby ammended by adding thereto the Roads designated and described as follows: :~ 'I¡t.: '¡' ~~""d ····\--::)'7~1 [1 .' I', I~ I' tl v . BÝ-LAw NO. ].$91 DESÒRIPTI0N - COUNTY ROAD BEING that portion of road or the deviations NO.9 thereof in the Township of Dunwich constituting an extension of County Road Number 9; COMMENCING on the road between Concessions II and III at the north-eastern limit of the road between Lots 12 and 13 designated COUNTY ROAD NUMBER $; THENCE northN easterly along the said road between Concession II and III to the established Road in Lot UBI! of Concession III used in lieu of the aforesaid road between Concessions II and III; THENCE continuing southNeasterly and easterly along the said established road through Lots UBI! and It C" of Cone ession III to the southNwestern limit of the road comprising the boundary between the Townships of Dunwich and Southwold designated COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 14; A DISTANCE of approximately 5.$ miles. COUNTY ROAD BEING that portion of road or the deviations thereof NO. 20 in the Township of Southwold; COMMENCING on the road between Lots 4 and 5 at the northNwestern limit of the road between Concessions II and III designated COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 1$; . THENCE northNwesterly along , the said road between Lots 4 and 5 to the established road in Lot 5 of Concession 1; THENCE continuing westerly along the said established road through Lots 5 and 6 of Concession 1 and Lot 6 of Concession Broken Front to the northern limit of the road comprising the boundary between the Township of Southwold in the County of Elgin and the Township of Delaware in the County of Middlesex; A TOTAL DISTANCE of appro4imately 1.9 miles. I ¡~1 )j 1.1,'1' ~ \;, ,¡ '- , ",~ COUNTY ROAD BEING that portion of road or the deviations thereof NO. 22 in the Township· of, Yarmouth constituting an extension of County Road Number 22; COMMENCING on the road I~' 11,1 ¡II \" ,I r·::" ';;,i, BÝ-I.J1.W NO. J.ß9J. DESCRIPTION 3 COUNTY ROAD between Lots 7 and 8 at the southern limit of the NO. 22 road between Concessions III and IV designated cont'd. COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 27; THENCE southerly along the said road between Lots 7 and 8 to the road between Concessions II and III; THENCE westerly along the said road between Concessions II and III to the established road in Lot 7 of Concession II; Tl-IECE southerly along the said established road in Lot 7 of Concession II to the northern limit of the road between Concessions I and II designated COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 24; A DISTANCE of approximately 2.1 miles. COUNTY ROAD BEING that portion of road or the deviations thereof No. 28 in the Township of Yarmouth known in :¡art as Elm Street and in part as Centennial Road; COMMENCING on the road between Lots 55 and 56 of Concession VIII also being the Concession south of the Talbot Road at the southern limit of the Talbot Road being the King's Highway Number 3; THENCE southerly along the said road between Lots 55 and 56 to the road between Concessions VII and VIII; THENCE westerly along the said road between Concessions VII and VIII, to the west limit of Lot 54, Concession VIII, Township of Yarmouth being an eastern limit of the City of St. Thomas; A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 109 miles. COUNTY ROAD BEING that portion of road or the deviations thereof NO. 29 in the Township of Yarmouth being the Edgeware Road; COMMENC.ING on the Edgeware Road at the eastern limit of the road compri¡¡ing th~ boundary between the I ;~ I \ I.~'a" ' I , . "Ï, Townships of Yarmouth and Southwold designated County ,I Road Number 25; THENCE easterly along the said Edgeware Road to' th~ established road in Lot 3 of Range 1, North of Edgeware Road used in lieu of the said Edgeware Road; THENCE continuing north-easterly, ·. "1 ". .,,-"'.~"'.~'-'=- BY":L.!iW NÒ. 2M2 DESCRÌPTION 4 ~'/'i~" COUNTY ROAD """'"rly end "ou<h-"""'=ly "yong <h" "",d ""tabli.b"d ....; NO. 29 road across Lots 3 and 4 of Range It North of cont'd. Edgeware Road to the Edgeware Road; THENCE continuing easterly along the sa.id Edgeware Road to the eastern limit of the road between Lots 4 and 5 of Range I, North of Edgeware Road, known as the Dalewood Road and hereinafter designated County Road Number 31; 'A DISTANCE of approximately 1.6 miles. COUNTY ROAD BEING that portion of road or the deviations thereof NO. 31 in the Township of Yarmouth known as the Dalewood Road; COMMENCING on the road between Lots 4 and 5 , at the southern limit of the Edgeware Road hereinH , ! II before designated County Road Number 29; THENCE , II northerly along the said road between Lots 4 and 5 !¡ :1 to the established road in Lot 5 of Range II North Ii' , ¡r of Edgeware Road used in lieu of the road between Lots 4 and 5; THENCE continuing northerly along the said established road in Lot 5 of Range II, North of Edgeware Road I to the northern limit of the established road in said Lot 5 used in lieu of the road between Ra~ II, North of Edgeware Road, and Concession X, hereinafter designated County Road Number 52; A DISTANCE of approximately 0.8 miles. COUNTY ROAD BEING that portion of road or the deviations thereof NO. 33 in the Townships of Yarmouth and Southwold; COMMENCING in the Township of Yarmouth on the established road in Lot 1 of Concession VIII at the boundary of the City of St. Thomas, being the centre of Kettle Creek; . THENCE southerly and westerly following the windings , , I! and turnings of, the .said. established road in Lot 1 l'l ."\":1< "'! i " i of Concession VIII to th~i road comprising the boundary ¡' between the Townships of Yarmouth and Southwold; , ill THENCE continuing·thß Townships of Yarmouth and " , 'II Southwold southerly along the said boundary road to .:~:~;:.";::;::;;;;;,;;;;;~;;,:;;;.::,;,~;,;:;,~ ,\ ¡! BY"':LÂWNO. ~89~ DÈsciÜPTION 5 COUNTY ROAD the southern limit of the Dhesapeakeand Ohio NO. 33; Railway Company rightMof-way; A TOTAL DISTANCE cont'd. of approximately 0.8 miles. COUNTY ROAD BEING that portion of road or the deviations thereof NO.. 43 in the Townships of Malahide and Bayham¡ COMMENCING in the Townships of. Malahide and Bayham on the road comprising the boundary between the said Townships at the northern limit of the road between Concessions III and IV in the Township of Malahide designaged COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 45 ¡ THENC:m; northerly along the said boundary road to the established road in Lot 1 of Concession V, Township of Bayham; THENCE in the Township of Bayham north-easterlYI easterly and northerly along the said established road through I and Lots 1 and 2 of Concession V and Lot 2 of Concession South Gore; and Lots 110 and 111, Concession South Side of Talbot Road to the southern limit of the Talbot Road designated COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 38; A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 4.2 miles. COUNTY ROAD BEING that portion of road or the deviations thereof NO. 45 in the Townships of Southwold and Yarmouth and Bàyham constituting an extension of COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 45; COI~NCING in the Township of Southwold on the road between Lots 33 and 34 of Concession South Side of Talbot Road, East Branch, at the south~eastern limit of Talbot Road East Branch; THENCE south~easterly along the said road between Lots 33 and 34 to the south~eastern limit of the road between Concession South Side Talbot Road, East Branch, and the third 1" ,,\,,' ,.,\.," Range west of'Riv'è'ìi Road known as the Bush Road; ',' AND COMMENCING AGAIN in the Township of Yarmouth on the road between., Concessions V and VI at the boundary between the Townships of Yarmouty and Southwold; THENCE easterly along the said road between Concessions BY-LAW NO. l.s9i DESCRIPTION 6 - COUNTY ROAD V and VI to the western limit of the road between NO. 45 Lots 3 and 4 being the King's Highway Number 4; AND ii' II cont'd. COMMENCING AGAIN op the road between Concessions V I and VI at the eastern limit of the road between Lots 3 and 4 being the King's Highway Number 4; THENCE easterly along the said road between Concessions V and VI to the western limit of the road between Lots 7 and $ of Concession V designated COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 22' AND CO~WŒNCING AGAIN in the Township of Bayham , on the road between Concessions IV and V at the eastern limit of the road between Lots 15 and16, designated King's Highway Number 19; THENCE easterly along the said road between Concessions IV and V to the eastern limit of the road compris~ng the boundary between the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin and the Township of Houghton in the County of Norfolk; A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 7.0 mileso COUNTY ROAD BEING that portion of road or the deviations thereof NO. 52 in the Townships of Southwold, Yarmouth, South Dorchester and Malahide constituting an extension of COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 52; CO~IMENCING in the Township of Southwold on the road between Concession East Side , Talbot Road, North Branch, and Concession "Dn kn0wn as the Bostwick Road at the northern limit of the road between Lots 41 and "An of Concession East Side Talbot Road, North Branch, being a King's Highway; THENCE northerly along the said Bostwick Road to the road between Concessions "C" and nDff; THENCE easte.rly along the said road between Concessions ncn and "D" to the western limit of the road comprising the boundary,.betwe·en thEjTownships of Southwold and i'l ."I<¡t'"; " Yarmouth designated County Road Number 25; AND COMMENCING AGAIN in the Township of Yarmouth on the road between Concession X and Range II north of the Edgeware Road at the eastern limit of the aforesaid Boundary road between the Townships of Yarmouth and II I~ ) J J3Y';'LAW NO'. iS9J DÈsèiuPTIÒN 7 - COUNTY ROAD Southwold; THENCE easterly along the said road NO. 52 between Concession X and Range II, North East Range, cont'd. to the road between Lots 4 and 5; THENCE southerly along the said road between Lots 4 and 5 to the established road in Lot 5 of Range II, North East Range, used in lieu of the road between Lots 4 and 5; THENCE continuing southerly along the said established road in Lot 5 of Range II, North East Range, to the established road in said Lot 5 used in lieu of the road between Concession X and Range II, North East Range; THENCE easterly and north-easterly along the said established road through Lots 5 and part of 6 to the road between Concession X and Range II, North East Range; THENCE CONTINUING easterly along the said road between Concession X and Range II, North East Range, to the western limit of the established road in Lot 18 being the King's Highway Number 74; AND COMMENCING AGAIN on the road between Concession X and Range II, North East Range, at the eastern limit of the aforesaid established road in Lot 18 being the King's Highway Number 74; THENCE easterly along the said road between Concession ~ and Range II, North East Range, to the road between Lots 20 and 21; THENCE northerly along the said road between Lots 20 and 21 to the road comprising the boundary between the Townships of South Dorchester and Yarmouth; THENCE CONTINUING in the Township6of Yarmouth and South Dorchester easterly along the said þoundary road to the road comprising the boundary between the Townships of Yarmouth and Malahide; THENCE in th~,to~shipsof Malahide and South Dorchester " easterly along the road/comprising the boundary between the said Townships to the western limit of the road between Lots 10 and 11 in the Township of Malahide being King's Highway Number 73; A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 13.0 miles. '~"?"''''~, BY-LAW NO. 1$2;1 DESCRIPTIÒ:¡i¡ :"'\:7J);jn;"" - $ - ! COUNTY ROAD BEING that portion of road or the deviations thereof NO. 53 in the Town of Aylmer constituting an extension of COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 53; COMMENCING Beech Street at the western limit of John Street; THENCE westerly along the said Beech Street to the western limit of Elm Street, designated County Road Number 53; A DISTANCE of approximately 0.4 miles. COUNTY ROAD BEING that portion of road or the deviations thereof NO. 55 in the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin and the Township of Houghton in the County of Norfolk; COMMENCING in the Township of Bayham and Houghton on the road comprising the boundary between the said Townships àt the northern limit of the established road in Lot 28 of Concession I, in the Township of Bayham known as the Lake Road and designated County Road Number 42; THENCE northerly along the said boundary road to the northern limit of the established road in Lot 12 of Concession West of the North Road in the Tonship of Houghton; A TOTAL DISTANCE of ap~oximately 5.4 miles. " I' ¡ . I Ii IT' ~' " ,1,\1 " BÝ':LÁW No.i$91 - 9 - 2. THE ROADS I a.s designated and described in Paragraph 1, are hereby a.dded to and included in the County Road System of the County of Elgin. 3. THE SAID ammended Schedule "!A" of By..Law Number 897 is hereby further ammended by removing therefrom the Roads designated and described as follows: ., 'It·; ., w I I :1 li'j ¡ ~, 'I 1',1 ,I: I I!I I I, 'il , I,' ~ ~ iE.t9i DESCRÌPTÌÓJÌI - lO - DESIGNATION BEING that portion of road and the deviations thereof "J\1.'t in the Townships of Aldborough and Dunwich formerly designated as COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 5; COMMENCING in the Townships of Aldborough and Dunwich on the road compr;ising the boundary between the said Townships at the northern limit of the road between Concessions VIII and IX in the Township of Aldborough designated COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 2; THENCE northerly along the said boundary road to the southern limit of t he road between Concessions II and III in the Township of Dunwich designated COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 9; A TOTAL DISTANOE of approximately 3.25 miles. DESIGNATION BEING that portion of road and the deviations thereof "Bit in the Township of Dunwich formerly designated COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 12; COMMENCING on the road between Concession IV and the Gore at the eastern limit of the road between Lots 12 and 13 known as the New Currie Road, designated COUNTY ROAD ,NUMBER 8; THEN,CE easterly along the said road between Ooncession IV and the Gore to the western limit of the road comprising the boundary between the Townships ~f Dunwich andSouthwold designated COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 14; A DISTANCE of approximately 5.70 miles. DESIGNATION BEING that portion of road and the deviations thereof illiCit in the Township of Dunwich formerly designated COUNTY ROAD NUIVffim 15; COMMENCING on the established road through Lot 10 of Concession X known as the Lake Road , at the south"western limit of the estab]Bhed road in Lot 10 of q9nc~ssion,Xdesignated COUNTY ROAD NUMBER .' ,. ,,1'1.11",: . ,!.. " 15; THENCE northerly.,and westerly following the '.i windings and turnings of the said Lake Road as widened and deviated through Lots 10, 9 and 8 in Concession X to the road between Concessions IX and X· THENOE westerly along the road between Concessions , II I 11 II II 'I I II I I 1 1 ,.",. ;n~::?,!;1/' ii"':": BY-LAW WO. iS9_1 DESÒRIPTION - 11 - DESIGWATIOW XX and IX and its deviations to the eastern limit "C" cont'do o£ the road between Lots 6 and 7 known as the Coyne Side Road; A DISTANCE of approximately 107 miles. DESIGNATION BEING that portion of road tnd the deviations thereof liD" in the Township of Southwold in the County of Elgin and the Townships of Delaware and Westminster in the County of Middlesex formerly designated COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 17; COMMENCING in the Townships of Southwold and Delaware on the road comprising the boundary between the said Township at the eastern limit of the road between Concessions land II in the Township of Delaware; THENCE easterly along the said boundary road between the Townships of Southwold and Delaware and the Townships of Southwold and Westerminster to the western limit of the King's Highway Number 4~ A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 4.4. miles. DESIGNATION BEING that portion of road and the deviations thereof "E'" in the Township of Southwold formerly designated COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 18; COJV]lV]ENCING on the road between Concessions II and III at the eastern limit of the road comprising the boundary between the Townships of Dunwich and Southwold designated COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 14; THENCE easterly along the said road between Concessions II and III to the western limit of the road between Lots 6 and 7 designated COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 20; A DISTANCE of approximately 4.35 miles. DESIGNATION BEING that portion of road and the deviations thereof "F" in the Townships'ð1' South Dorchester and Yarmouth 1 formerly designated COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 50; COMMENCING in the Township.of South Dorchester on the road between Concessions' XI and XII at the western limit of the road between Lots 12 and 13 being the KingYs Highway Number 73; THENCE westerly along the said ~~; if I ~ ,i BY-LAW NO. 1821 DESCRIP'I'ION - .12 DESIGNATION road between Concession XI and XII and its deviations "Fit cont'd. to the road comprising the boundary between the Townships of South Dorchester and Yarmouth; THENCE in the Township of Yarmouth continuing westerly along the road through Lot 19 in Concession X to the eastern limit of the Kin~s Highway Number 74; A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 4.90 miles. DESIGNATION BEING that portion of road and the deviations thereof IIG" in the Township of South Dorchester formerly desig- nated COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 51; . COMMENCING on the road between Concessions IX and X at the western limit of the road between Lots 12 and 13 being the King's Highway Number 73; THENCE westerly along the said road between Concessions IX and X to the eastern limit of the road compri~ing the boundary between the Townships of South Dorchester and Yarmouth being the King's Highway Number 74; A DISTANCE of approximately 4.80 miles._ DESIGNATION BEING that portion of road and the deviations thereof IIH" in the Townships of South Dorchester and Malahide and the Village of Springfield formerly designat'ed County Road Number 52; COMMENCING in the Village of Springfield on Main Street at t he eastern limit of East Street being County Road Number 40; THENCE easterly along the said Main Street to the eastern limit of the Village of Springfield; THENCE CONTINUING in the Townships of South Dorchester and Malahide easterly along the road comprising the boundary between the said municipalities and its deviations to'¡'the'.,;:'estÊÌrb. limit of the road co!)iprising . , the boundary between thé Townships of South Dorchester and the Township of Dereham in the County of Oxford designated as County Road Number 54r A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 2.75 miles. , : i -~3 DESIGNATION BEING that portion of road and the deviations thereof "p' in the Township of South Dorchester in the County of Elgin and the Township of Dereham in the County of Oxford formerly designated COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 54; COMMENCING in the Townships of South Dorchester and Dereham on the road comprising the boundary between the said townships at the southern limit of the road comprising the boundary between the Townships of South Dorchester and Malahide formerly designated COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 52; THENCE northerly along the said boundary road between the Townships of South Dorchester and Dereham to the southern limit of the road between Concessions X and XI in thB Township of Dereham; A TOTAL DISTANCE of appreximately 1.25 miles. 4. THE ROADS as designated and described in Paragraph 3, are hereby removed from the County Road System of the County of Elgin. 5. THIS BY-LAW shall come , into force upon the approval thereof by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council" FINALLY PASSED at the city of St. Thomas, in the County of Elgin, this 16th day of June, 196,. ¿&.. lIe. ;0'.¿ . lJJ1a A ".f./..) y . WARDEN ~/ 1¿-£--/ ,., " ,. þ;ÉRK \. , I, H. L. JOHNSON I Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-Law No. 1891, passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 16th day of June, 196,., I C. oS'; M""NAU.GHTON A. T. C. MCNAB MINISTER DEPUTY MLNLSTER DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Downsview, Ontario. November 24, 1965. H. L. Johnson, Clerk-Treasurer, County of Elgin, Court House, ST. THOMAS, Ontario. Dear Sir: RE: County of Elgin Attached is a copy of Order-in-Council No. OC-4173j65 which was passed on November 18th, 1965, to approve By-Law No.. ~891 of your County. Yours very truly, J. P. Howard, Municipal Engineer. ~.~~~ ...~.-- . "'-J" ....../. . . ..- .'/ ./,::;._.-'. . . par_/<;;'.?·ç~. f~ . ~ C. R. Wilmot, Municipal Studies Engineer. WA,Ojdk Attach. , I I, :1 I, L II r ~ , .,~, 1tiB1 '\ - , ... ::,,' '.;..,::' '~. ",." ,. "" '''~~ '.U5 .ø ONTARIO EXECUTIVE COUNCil OFFICE OC-4173/65 COpy of an Order-in-Council approved by His Honour the Lieutenant Governor, dated the 18th day of November, A.D. 1965~ Upon the recommendation of the Honourable the Min~ster of Highways, .the Committee of Council advise that, pursuant to Subsection 6 of Section 45 of The Highway Improvement Act, R..8.0. 1960, Chapter 171, approval be given to the following by-laws which were passed to amend the County Road System of the Counties named. No. 1351 of the County of Brant ~ No. 1891 of the County of Elgin Nos. 2399 and 2400 of the County of Ontario Certified, (~ Clerk, Executive Council. " ,i;\": "