1892 L.' , i,"~,<",,_ ....._._.___._..'... _n_' ....... .. ..._.__....:,:'" .. .. .... "". "~_,. 'c. '=."."'~""".~'-""_"_"_""~'-c.",_ _ . ".-., .'.,,- .. _ t~",,"i""''''''':'''''' ',.- ... " ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. ·._~,.,,,,."""''''''"'~_'''*,~''''~:':_'·."d~'''''¡:··':':·'':··_ ._~~.~-,--- ·-···;-·_"·'·'-"~·""'<;:""'''7·''·'''''·''''-.''- ·_~,,~""'c~".~""=1',_,_._._...,,·...,. - _cc.......~_ - ,~"." i it II '. GOUNTY OF BLGIN By-Law No. 1892 ~ -Law To Ad.iust the Sal'!.£Lof.. Ivan J. Patterson, Superintendent of Elgin Manor, and TO Amend By-Law No. 1729." WHBREAS this Council deems it advisable to adjust the salary of ·the Superin·tend.ent of Elgin Manbr, NOI'T 'CHEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: (1) 'rI-IAT Clause (2) of By-Law No. 1729, as amend.ed by By-Law No. 1864 be deleted I and the' following substituted therefore: T}~T the said Ivan J. Patterson shall be paid a salary of $6,100.00 per annum. (2) 'rHAT By-Law No. 1864 be, and the same is hereby repealed. (3) THAT this change in salary shall be retroactive to Apri lIst, 1965. READ a first time this 16th day of June, 1965. ¡ŒAD a second time this 16th day of June, 1965. READ a third time, and finally passed this 16th day of June, 1965. , Warden ê.£/:Q