BY...LAW NO. 1896
A By...Law To Authorize A Project In Observance And
Commemoration of the Centennial.
WHEREAS the Confederation Centennial Act 1962...63
provides that Municipal Councils may make exp~nditures for
or grants toward the observance of the commemoration of
the Centennial:
AND WHEREAS it is desirable to observe and
commemorate the Centennial by sandblasting and restoring
the exterior of the County of Elgin Court House:
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Municipal
Corporation of the County of Elgin ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:
l. That in observance and commemoration of the Centennial
the Corporation shall sandblast and restore the exterior
of the Elgin County Court House at an estimated cost of
Fifteen Thousand dollars. ($15,000.00).
2. That the Warden and the Clerk be and they are hereby
authorized and directed to make application persuant to the
provisions of the regulations made under the Confederation
Centennial Act 1962...63 for a grant in aid of the project.
Read a first, second and third time and
finally passed this 21st day of
$eptember, 1965
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